Maxxair Fan Vent + Cover vs. Covered Fan Vent Unit

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2017
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Alright, this is nitpicky but I noticed that I could get a fan/vent with built-in rain shield:

It is the Fan/Vent I want with a built in cover for $200. It is 30 pounds.

Or I could get these a combo of the same fan/vent and a separate cover:

For a combined total of $172 and combined weight of 15.5 pounds.

Is there any reason to get the more expensive heavier option?
Also, anybody know the Amp hours these draw? I'm making an estimate of my energy needs. I know it's 12 V but was is the Ah?
I'd go integrated. Sure the same fan?

Lowest under an amp, high maybe 3, more at startup of course.
4 amps on high, 0.2 amps on 10%

Those are different products and the weight listed is way it's 30lbs. I have the Maxxair 0007000K  and it's only listed at 17lbs.
Thanks guys.

Technically they are different fans. I meant using this comparison chart, the 4000k and 5100k are essentially the same besides the built-in rain shield:

Maybe the chart doesn't show different size/power motors.
On the one hand, I believe the separate vent cover sticks up higher than the closed integrated unit, making it possibly more subject to damage from tree limbs and stuff when driving.

On the other hand, if damage WERE to occur, I'm pretty sure it would be easier and cheaper to replace the separate cover than to find repair parts for the integrated unit.  Should be able to buy a new cover at any RV place.
Intake and exhaust is most important feature IMO.
I have a simple distrust for the ability of the rain detector to actually detect rain PRIOR to it starting to rain.

And how much water falling does it take to trigger the sensor!

Sorry but some of the newfangled 'improvements' to time tested products just make me shake my head.

I also don't see the need for a darned remote to open and close it and change the fan speed...come on how far away from you it the ceiling vent...seriously!! :rolleyes:
X2 ^ those features are more for those Taj Mahal RVs with the 8' ceilings.....
Almost There said:
Sorry but some of the newfangled 'improvements' to time tested products just make me shake my head.

I also don't see the need for a darned remote to open and close it and change the fan speed...come on how far away from you it the ceiling vent...seriously!! :rolleyes:

Agreed. By the nature of living in a trailer or RV, I don't think a lot of us are worried about our ceilings being too tall!