Masterplumber's cargo trailer conversion

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Hi everyone. Master plumber, I love this trailer. I'm on that fence of what to do..thanks for sharing this.
Thanks, it's worked out really well for me. I've done a few things to it since I last posted, and have a few more to do. Hopefully I'll get an update together in the next month or so.
Masterplumber, Thanks for putting this out in the world. I just recently purchased a 6 x 12 cargo trailer that will be turned into temporary living quarters and I was having difficulty picturing a layout. You have pretty much built what I am after! Once I get up and running, I will be sure to share with you!
One question about the sink, how often do you use the hand water pump while having the water jug so readily available? I know you wanted to keep the plumbing simple without pumps and electricity, but do you use the hand pump often enough to justify having one? I'm no plumber but I do work in a plumbing supply store and have access to all kinds of reservoirs, pressure tanks and pumps and as much as I would love to build a kick a$$ pressurized water system in my trailer, there's always that little bird in my ear saying, "Keep it simple stupid!"
I actually use both water sources pretty evenly. Other than when I fill up at home where I know I have good water, I always fill the container over the sink with filtered water for drinking. I don't worry quite as much about the water in the container that the hand pump draws from, especially taste, as I use it for washing - both myself and dishes etc. Originally I was going to use a nice looking Berkey water filters above the sink, but I read quite a few tests where they failed to remove all the cuties. I already had the Igloo cooler so I just used it instead.

If you go with the hand pump don't scrimp. I bought a cheaper one first and had to return it as I couldn't get it to draw water even after priming it by sucking water all the way through the outlet. Overall quality was just junk also, even at $40. I think I spent something like $80 for a good one. I too was going to do all kind of crazy things like water heater etc when I was planning, but then a light bulb went on. If I kept it simpler my life would be simpler, both in the building and future use and maintenance. I am in the middle of updating a couple things like building a new kitchen box and addeing a couple 12 volt plug back by the ramp door. I'll update this with photos when I get done, but it probably won't be until early September as I need to move my Mother In Law back to CA this month.
Well it's been quite a while since I updated this thread. It seems like once I got the trailer to a point where it was usable, I'd rather be using it instead of working on it. I have made a new kitchen chuck box that I still need to take some pictures of. I also made cabinet doors last week and installed them yesterday. I was able to build both projects out of scrap wood in the shop, so all it cost was hardware. 

I have towed the trailer about 14,000 miles so far, and probably average about 20 nights a year in it. I'd love to be on the road more - maybe next winter I'll be able to spend a month or 2 traveling. That's my dream for this, to spend winters traveling and summers building, which I still love to do. So far the trailer has held up well, even though I bought it used and it's certainly not a premium brand - Carry On. But it seems solid and I still like my layout. I actually use it as a man cave and sometimes office while at home, so it does see pretty continual use. And yes that is a small electric heater in the picture. It was snowing and 40 some degrees yesterday while I was working on it. We've had some days in the 70s but we haven't completely left old man winter behind here in Colorado at 7500 feet. 

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Sorry for the rather blurry photo. One thing on my list this year is to upgrade my phone to one with a really good camera. I'll never be a great photographer, as I already have to many hobbies to spend time on. And it does take time to get good at it. But hopefully I can get better so I can enjoy my own photos the way I enjoy other's.


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masterplumber said:
Sorry for the rather blurry photo. One thing on my list this year is to upgrade my phone to one with a really good camera. I'll never be a great photographer, as I already have to many hobbies to spend time on. And it does take time to get good at it. But hopefully I can get better so I can enjoy my own photos the way I enjoy other's.

You may not need a better camera phone.  Blurry photo's often come from hand holding.  A tripod for your phone would doubtless improve the quality greatly, and it isn't terribly expensive.  Example:
The phone is approaching the end of its life anyway. Otherwise I'm not one to change it on just a whim. And yeah, I suspect my technique needs some work also.
Nice job, Masterplumber. Keeps me thinking about doing a cargo trailer build other than I wanted to be able to get around a lot easier in some possible tight places without pulling a trailer. Then I think about all the other things that could be done easier with a truck/trailer combination....

BTW...I have one of those small tripods with bluetooth control that OP is talking about. Pretty handy and can fold and stick in a back pocket.
Dennis said:
Nice job, Masterplumber. Keeps me thinking about doing a cargo trailer build other than I wanted to be able to get around a lot easier in some possible tight places without pulling a trailer.  Then I think about all the other things that could be done easier with a truck/trailer combination....

BTW...I have one of those small tripods with bluetooth control that OP is talking about.  Pretty handy and can fold and stick in a back pocket.

I think the ideal set up, at least for me right now, is a cargo trailer conversion towed by a 4x4 pickup with a topper. That way you can leave the trailer and get way back for a few nights sleeping in the topper. I actually have that, except the current truck is a dually so the width kind of limits me sometimes. And the fact that it's new so I'm not quite ready for back country pinstripes. But I do have my motorcycle along so I can usually go most places on it. That said, I can pretty much tow this trailer down any Forest or BLM road. Usually it's only the tight enough for a Jeep or rock crawling spots that will stop me.
When getting a new phone, ask a lot of questions.  We got three identical, and there is not enough memory for them to work without buying a 32 gig chip.  Every time it updates, I have to have my kids remove a lot of programs I do not need.  Why would I need something to make power point presentations?  It just slows it down, and drains the battery.  :p

I like the new remodel.  Getting fancy!
VanKitten said:
What a nice build!     So many great ideas....mind if I "borrow" a couple?

Borrow away! There's really not much original in it, just my take on lots of ideas from different builds I've seen over the years.
I took the picture right after I installed the doors LOL. Usually the tools are in the truck with the rest of the others.
Just another quick update. I had these reading lights at the back of the trailer so a person can read in bed and then turn them off and go to sleep. But I mounted them just a wee bit to high and I had to sit all the way back up to turn them off - I know, first world problems. I also wanted a 12 volt plug at the back to charge cell phones etc without leaving them on the front counter. And a separate shelf to hold the phone and reading glasses so they didn't fall to the bottom of the magazine holder. So I made these little blocks of wood and put the 12 volt plugs where the lights originally were, and lowered the lights 6''. Then added a small basket on each side that I already had laying around. Much better - sometimes it's the little things that make a space function so much better. 

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Good job!

I have found that there are many things that have needed tweaking for real world use since I got on the road.