masks required

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Mar 26, 2020
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Gov Inslee of Washington State just announced that beginning July 3rd facemasks are required in public.

Just so you are prepared.  Stores won't be admitting folks without. I don't know how the enforcement part of that is going to play out.

Are masks required where you are at? I was assuming more boondocking camping spots would be opening up but that doesn't seem to be the case...

After getting the van ready to go and it will all be shutdown again... ??

So what do van dwellers do when you can't be on public lands and own none yourself???

I am sure this has been discussed before. I haven't seen all the threads about it.. Mostly wanted to put the heads up about mask requirement up here now.
Wear a mask for everyone's sake.This sh... stuff ain't going away anytime soon.
To follow up, I did a quick search, and it seems there is an outbreak around Yakima, and Inslee doesn't want it to spread. The other side of the mountain, but still too close to Seattle, 120-miles by freeway. Plus the large population area of Pasco, Kennewick and Richland is just down the road.

The stats show that otherwise, WA has been doing well. Testing is up and numbers of new cases are down, which is what you want to see. Whereas AZ and TX show new cases rising.

As long as the general stats in the US overall indicate that 80% of cases are in people <60, but 80% of deaths are in people >60, I'm planning to stay cautious.
Several cities in Arizona are starting to require them now the governor is permitting local officials to do so. Utah governor has briefing tomorrow and the state health officer is recommending a total lock down I understand if total new daily cases are not below 200 by July 3, but masks are recommended already and required in stores.
Harris county in Texas is the largest county in Texas and has a population of over 4.7 million people.  I live here.

AS OF TUE 06/23
Harris County
Confirmed cases: 23047

Deceased: 332

View on WunderMap
Coronavirus Preparedness
Source: Texas Department of Health

Numbers seem pretty low for the size of the population and being a seaport and international airport.
The Hispanic migrant community is taking the brunt of the cases. They have closed down many of the fruit processing plants where most of them work at. Yakima County is the main produce region for the state.
We are going to be in the peak of harvest soon. Could get real difficult I imagine ag jobs will be plentiful out these ways. Expect more shortages and higher prices for produce.

Good apple pickers doing the Fuji crop can turn close to 500 bux a day! Might be worth making a trip up for some quick cash for some folks.
I've been in the Columbia Gorge area (Oregon-Washington border) for 3 weeks now.

Most stores in this area, both Oregon and Washington, already require masks to enter. (I avoid the ones that don't!)

I just traveled north to Seattle to see my sister and BIL. I'm on the way back to the Gorge area, and staying at a USFS campground right this minute. If the campgrounds on this forest (Baker-Snoqualmie) are open, I would assume that dispersed camping is also.

You MUST check with the managers of the public lands where you wish to stay. In this case, there is no one-size-fits-all. But I really have had no trouble finding legal places to stay, and if everyone keeps wearing their masks, I anticipate that plenty of public lands will remain open.
Much of the NFS and BLM land in Washington state is now open to camping. In fact most of the counties in WA state are now in phase 2 and 3 and camping is permitted in those phases in some but not all of the State Forest land and also in some of the state parks. You need to go to the various controlling agencies websites to find out what is open and what is closed.
desert_sailing said:
Gov Inslee of Washington State just announced that beginning July 3rd facemasks are required in public.
You have the date wrong, the order requiring face mask begins this Friday.

This is quoted from the office of the Governor of WA state website.
Gov. Jay Inslee and Secretary of Health John Wiesman today announced a statewide mandatory face covering order that will take effect Friday, June 26.
The effectiveness of masks... well, I asked a nurse at the clinic if there were any cases of Covid19 in our town (asking if it was safe for me to go into the clinic) and she said there hasn't even been a case of the flu here in weeks. Apparently our isolation and mask efforts have stopped more than the Covid19. Our store wants people to wear gloves too.
Travelaround....and everyone is the full statement regarding the revised order for everyone to wear a mask in WA state. If you want to know the specifics just read the following from the Governor of WA state official website. And also quoted from a video that was shown on the local news stations. It would be wrong of me to interpret this information for you as non compliance does come with a fine. I don't want to interpret it for anyone and have it backlash on me saying I told you something different.

The following information about the fine was stated by Governor Inslee in a news conference as copied here from the KUOW News website.
"Mask or other face coverings will be required when in public, including outdoors when six feet of separation can't be maintained. The new public health order, to be issued by the Secretary of Health, takes effect on Friday.

"This means when you're in a public place," Inslee said during a news conference. He added that wearing a mask is a way of showing care for others. "I think this is something we can get used to."

A violation of the order is a misdemeanor. Violations are subject to a fine of up to $1,000 and as many as 90 days behind bars

The following information was directly copied from the Governor's official WA state website.
Inslee announces statewide mask mandate
Beginning June 26, every Washingtonian in an indoor public space, or in an outside public space when unable to physically distance from others, will be legally required to wear a face covering
WA Governor’s Office
WA Governor’s Office
Jun 23 · 4 min read

Gov. Jay Inslee and Secretary of Health John Wiesman today announced a statewide mandatory face covering order that will take effect Friday, June 26.

The order comes after a Saturday announcement of a mandatory mask proclamation for Yakima County starting this week. The order was in response to reports of increasing case counts and a potential overwhelming of the county’s health care system.

Residents of Yakima County must wear face coverings in public and businesses must require customers and clients to wear masks to operate, and may not serve anyone who enters their business without a face covering, with some limited exceptions.

After subsequent reports of cases increasing in additional counties, the governor and Wiesman extended the face covering requirement today to include the entire state of Washington.

“As necessary economic activity increases and more people are out in their communities, it is imperative that we adopt further measures to protect all of us,” Inslee said during a press conference Tuesday. “Until a vaccine or cure is developed, this is going to be one of our best defenses.”

Starting Friday, every Washingtonian must wear a facial covering when in a public space, as mandated by the public health order signed by Wiesman. This includes both indoor and outdoor public spaces.

“The science is clear that when we use face coverings, we limit the spread of droplets being passed on to others when we talk, cough or sneeze. While some of us are wearing face coverings in public, we must increase usage to best control the virus. Washington’s strategy to restart the economy and get people back to work will only be successful if, together, we act safely and follow health recommendations,” Wiesman said.

Wearing a mask is one of the most effective things people can do to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Recent models suggest that the incidence of COVID-19 cases can be reduced if the majority of the population are wearing masks. This correlation has been seen in other countries that have been able to lower the curve through mask usage.

As with previous orders, there will be specific exemptions for those who may be adversely impacted by wearing a facial covering. These exemptions include those with certain medical conditions and children under the age of two, who should not wear a face covering. Children aged two, three and four are encouraged, but not required, to wear a face covering in public with the assistance and supervision of an adult.

In addition, individuals may remove face coverings under certain circumstances, including while eating or drinking at a restaurant; while communicating with a person who is Deaf or hard of hearing; and while outdoors in public areas, provided that a distance of six feet is maintained from people who are not members of their household.

The order is in addition to the other guidelines counties must follow in each phase of reopening. Physical distancing, appropriate and regular sanitation actions and other requirements are still expected from Washingtonians and businesses. Businesses are already required to adopt face coverings or more protective requirements for their employees. In cases where local officials or other agencies have also adopted face covering requirements, the more protective requirement must be followed.

Face coverings will help protect the health of Washingtonians and our communities, including essential workers and those returning to the workforce as counties advance phases. Such a requirement will be much more effective when the majority of the population wears masks.

“Essential workers face higher risk of exposure to COVID-19 in order to serve our communities. Many are already required to wear masks at work for 8 to 12 hours or longer, and we do that to help keep everyone safe. We’re very glad the public is joining in and we appreciate the governor’s proclamation, because face coverings are most effective when we’re all wearing them to protect each other. The safety of workers and our entire community, and the stability of our health care system, is dependent on customers and patients joining in a shared effort to prevent transmission and keep bending the curve. To all our customers and patients: We care for you and your family. When you come into a store, pharmacy or clinic wearing a face covering, we see you caring about us and our families. We know we can protect each other,” said Faye Guenther, president of UFCW21.

As more counties progress through the phased approach to re-opening, it’s even more important to follow the order and phase guidelines in order to help reopen the economy.

“Masking up is not just something that saves lives, it can save economies,” Inslee said. “If we don’t want to turn the dial back on phases in counties, we need every Washingtonian to join us in this effort.”
maki2 said:
You have the date wrong, the order requiring face mask begins this Friday.

This is quoted from the office of the Governor of WA state website.
Gov. Jay Inslee and Secretary of Health John Wiesman today announced a statewide mandatory face covering order that will take effect Friday, June 26.
WOW...  I am living a whole week ahead. I knew it was this Friday because I saw his announcement on the news... I just don't know why I am a week off/..:(( time has been dragging.

Thanks for clearing up the date.
No one seems to have noticed it, but CA did the same thing 5 days ago. (TA doesn't live in CA, she lives in the State of Jefferson, !!!).

"It requires that residents wear face coverings when visiting indoor public spaces including lines to enter such places; when visiting hospitals, pharmacies, physician and dental offices; while waiting for or riding public transit, and in outdoor spaces where staying six feet apart from others is not feasible".
Obviously, they are referring to sitting in the "waiting rooms" at the doctors and dentists. I don't even want to go my doctor's office because ... that's where the sick people are.
Qxxx said:
I don't even want to go my doctor's office because ... that's where the sick people are.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I have for years been disgusted to see medical workers running around town with their scrubs on. How disgusting and that should be forbidden by law. They are either taking germs into a medical setting or are passing those germs out into the public. Its disgusting and needs to be stopped.

I honestly think many in the med field that wear that attire out in the public are doing so as an outward display of "status".. symbolic interactionism is real.
Lots of people who are not medical professionals wear scrubs as everyday clothing because they are comfy to wear. Especially in summer time as they are light weight. They make great lounging around the camp site clothes.

Scrub wearing is so popular that some clothing brands began making scrub styled pants and tops. Its a "thing" a fashion trend, although now waning a bit from the peak which happened a few years back.

Besides that fabric is much like paper, it is not a surface where the Corona Virus is long lived according to the information I have seen regarding surfaces.