Making the vehicle more cozy/homey?

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Karl's vehicle feels like home to me. Out of all the vehicles I have been in his is the one I could walk into and immediately feel comfortable in.  It might not be what feels like home to you, but his recommendations on making it feel homey to you are great.
That's great Karl. Love the wood. Looks like a little cabin inside.

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Svenn said:
 . . . I crawled into the back, laid down, and just had this general feeling that it wasn't quite as cozy or 'homey' as I thought it would be... 

Two questions that only you can answer:
 -1- How long did it take you in your current dwelling before it felt like home?
 -2- What makes it feel like home?

For me it is time; it takes 3 or 4 nights before a place doesn't feel strange.
It took a long time for my van to feel like "home" because, really, I'm not in it all that much. I'm always out and about all day long, and only return to the van in the evening to cook dinner, read a while, and sleep--then in the morning I am gone again. So for a long time it felt more like a motel room. :)
Not decor however make sure you eat well! A good home cooked meal does a lot for the soul and the mood...
All the memories of the awesome places I’ve visited make treasure my rig. I live outside. I sleep, safely, comfortably, and cozily inside. Dittos also on the healthy food.
^^^^^ I've got an entire wall covered with fridge magnets from places I visited. :)