I'm a fellow coffee adict, and I've thought about this one quite a bit...<br><br>The biggest challenge is getting hot water for the coffee. If you have a means of doing that, a French Press coffee maker is a low tech and cheap way to make coffee. Even though they recommend a particular grind, I have used one with ordinary drip-grind coffee for years. Put coffee in the pot, pour in hot water (preferably close to boiling). Stir, wait about 5 minutes, push down the strainer, and you have a pot of coffee.<br><A href="
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_press" target=_blank>
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_press</A><br><br>If you can't heat water but like cold coffee and have a way to keep something cold, you can also make cold press coffee. However, this is messy (yes, I've done it) and uses a lot more coffee per cup than ordinary coffee.<br><A href="
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_brew_coffee" target=_blank>