Luna is crossing the rainbow bridge

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Feb 23, 2016
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We had to say good bye to our black lab Luna today.  We'd been held up on leaving Ohio due to the bus breaking down yesterday...then today Luna took a turn for the worse.  A few weeks ago we got blood work showing she was probably in liver failure.  Today she couldn't stand up.  Our hearts are shattered.  Not many of you knew her but she was an awesome dog. At least she will be forever immortalized online in the video Bob did of the bus.  She was almost 17.  She had an awesome run.  At least we were still home and able to take her to the vet she  knew and loved. She was wagging her tail till the end.  She loved tennis balls, water and peanut butter. I hope she has fields of them wherever she is now. The hole in our pack will never be filled.
I am sorry for your loss. I know it's like losing one of the family.



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I am so sorry for your loss. You did have a great run and she was certainly loved.
So very sorry about the loss of your beloved pup, sounds like she had the best pack imaginable.
I had a lab as a child.  He was my best friend.  50 years later I still miss him.  Gone but not forgotten.   :(
Thank you...we are in a daze. We are trying to get the bus repaired so we can get back on the road...but the not having her on her Luna loveseat is going to be heartbreaking. Our other 2 dogs keep looking for her... We knew this day was coming...we thought we were prepared. we're not. I so appreciate this forum and the support it provides...thank you
Awww Bus Girl I know that hurts a lot ! Labs are awesome !
17 years is a long life for any dog , you were lucky to have Luna for so long.
I lost my dog 26 years ago and it still seems like she went yesterday.
Good to see you still have two to help fill the hole in your heart.
As much as these posts tear at the heart, thank you.

Dogs are the most amazing creatures, and our lives are so much the richer for them. Sounds like you and Luna were equally fortunate to have each other!

A great book every dog person should read is "The Art of Racing in the Rain". Reading about Luna brought this book to mind and a few tears to my eyes.

Hang in there...

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I know how heart wrenching this is, you never forget but it will get easier with time.

Just remember she's at the Rainbow Bridge now and is no longer sick, she's running around playing, pain free and healthy.

Much love your way.
I am so sorry for your loss. It has been 11 years since we lost a dog and I still miss her. Sadly, the puppy that we got all those years ago is now a senior dog. By the time a dog becomes a senior, they are just so ingrained in your life that I don't think they ever really leave you. Actually, when I was walking the puppy for about the first 3 years, she would turn like someone or something was following. I always thought it was the spirit of Duchess just making sure everything was working out with the new one.
Years ago I was trying to get a grasp of what Buddhism was and I read many books on it, one used an analogy that has always stuck with me.

Buddhism views the world like a vast ocean of consciousness, there is only one ocean but every so often a wave forms on the surface and it seems to pull apart and away from the ocean. The wave somehow gets the silly notion that it is an individual, alone and separate in the universe. But after a tiny moment of time it sinks back down into the ocean and sees it's folly--it truly is ONE with ALL in total peace and contentment.

When I had to put my beloved Homer down, I sat on the floor with him as the vet administered the shot. At that moment I was filled with a certainty that his wave was sinking for the last time back into the ocean but he would not be gone, he would have returned home to where we all belong. One of these days, my wave will sink back home and I can shuck off this foolishness of being alone and then he and I can truly be ONE like we never were before.

I believe Luna is supremely happy, and you will be together again.
I'm so so very sorry. There is nothing that I can say except that I am absolutely sure that when I cross the bridge, my furry babies will be waiting for me there. I know that Luna is happy and wagging and waiting for you to join her, all in good time.
I am so sorry for your loss.  Hope this helps ...

    "You were never masters, but friends.  I was your friend.
     I loved you well, and was loved.  Deep love endures
     To the end and far past the end.  If this is my end,
     I am not lonely. I am not afraid. I am still yours."

from "The House Dog's Grave" by Robinson Jeffers

the rest is at
So many have to make this choice and there never seem to be the right words; until now (or ? 1997 when the internet was still mostly 'words'! :):


You're giving me a special gift,

So sorrowfully endowed,

And through these last few cherished days,

Your courage makes me proud.

But really, love is knowing

When your best friend is in pain,

And understanding earthly acts

Will only be in vain.

So looking deep into your eyes,

Beyond, into your soul,

I see in you the magic, that will

Once more make me whole.

The strength that you possess,

Is why I look to you today,

To do this thing that must be done,

For it's the only way.

That strength is why I've followed you,

And chose you as my friend,

And why I've loved you all these years...

My partner 'til the end.

Please, understand just what this gift,

You're giving, means to me,

It gives me back the strength I've lost,

And all my dignity.

You take a stand on my behalf,

For that is what friends do.

And know that what you do is right,

For I believe it too.

So one last time, I breathe your scent,

And through your hand I feel,

The courage that's within you,

To now grant me this appeal.

Cut the leash that holds me here,

Dear friend, and let me run,

Once more a strong and steady dog,

My pain and struggle done.

And don't despair my passing,

For I won't be far away,

Forever here, within your heart,

And memory I'll stay.

I'll be there watching over you,

Your ever faithful friend,

And in your memories I'll run,

...a young dog once again.

In Memory of Asta, Feb. 1997
(c) Karen Clouston
It's been 8 years since I lost my travelling side kick. I still can't talk about him without wanting to cry like it was yesterday.

When I sell this house I am exhuming his skull so he doesn't stay behind.

They say that mourning someone forever is the greatest honor you can pay. Your mourning Luna is a tribute - never hold back - don't wish to "get over it "