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Sep 24, 2012
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Hello all. Been lurking here for a bit...even posted once or twice I think. Forgive my faux pas for not introducing myself first. It's been an interesting year for me to say the least. I recently lost my beloved labrador of twelve years, my wife of thirty years, and my house of sixteen years all within a span of nine months. I'm gonna miss that dog. So...I'm leaving here (the Northwest) never to return. I'm looking for just the right rig and have decided on a 1/2 truck/camper pulling a cargo trailer filled with my tools and whatnot would fit the bill. Don't have a destination nor a plan of any kind really. I'm 52 years old and in good physical shape so I figure I've got a good chance of landing on my feet somewhere. I enjoy helping others (I'm an ISFJ personality per Myers-Briggs) so I think that's a fine place to start.
Welcome virtuousman!!!

Very sorry to hear about all of your losses, especially so quickly.

I'm in the PNW at the moment, tho I'm getting out of here, it's getting chilly!!

I wish you lots of luck and success in your new adventures!

With Love,
Dogs r surely a treasure. Welcome to the group!
Neat thing about living mobile is you needn't have a destination planned: hit an intersection, flip a coin, and let chance choose your course.

I hope in your journeys you find enlightenment and relief from your losses. Good luck and welcome to the forum.

Welcome aboard, VM!

Also, I'd like to reflect what Rae said as well! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
Welcome, sorry for your losses. It can creep up on you sometimes even if you think all is well. Making a new life and helping others is a good way to go. Maybe the right dog will come up again that needs you.<br /><strong><span style="color: #ff00ff;">Dragonfly</span></strong>
Thank you all for the kind words. As they say adversity builds character. I'm one hell of a character.
Interesting screen name. Da Vinci depicts the virtuous man as the balance in the universe. Aristotle describes the virtuous man as having moral virtues, involving such things as courage, temperance, practical judgment, liberality, magnificence, pride, good temper, justice, and so on. Conversely, the intellectual virtues involve the activities and capacities of the soul (think mind) that are concerned with ends (rather than means), knowledge (rather than opinion), principles (rather than specifics), and the abstract (rather than the concrete). I hope you are all those things, as you have had more than your share of adversity. Good having you with us. Bob
Welcome Bob I truly feel your pain lost my darling David the house we spent years restoring ourselves to his kids (I promised him there would never be a fight over him or his belongings so I walked away the bigger person cause I loved him), had a small rip in my aorta follow by a mild heart attack so couldn't go back to work, apparently the one rip led to weak spots elsewhere. The only thing I put my foot down about was our babies the dogs. Our fantasy was to get an RV and just travel (apparently chemo is hard to do when traveling), so here I am me and the girls enjoying the little camper he would have loved it, I choose to believe he is watching over us. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Milly<br />Below are the girls Muffin is scratching and precious is the darker one with the stuck up look
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