Lost in Quartsite and alone. Looking for Bob Wells people

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Hi Lynn, welcome to the forum!

I know there are a number of us 20 miles up the road in Ehrenberg. Up here we will not have to move until the RTR in January
Welcome Lynn to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger
Hi Im Lynn and a newbie! Im at the Pilot at Ox Bow Rd looking for people to be near was told folks were in Erynberg so am I at the right place? Where are you? Thank you!
You are in the right area Lynn.
Take the Frontage Rd. back towards the I-10 exit. Go straight through the roundabout and continue on that road for 2.7 miles. It will turn to dirt at .7 miles. Bob has a YouTube video with detailed instructions, but my directions will get you in Bob people country.

I'd come and guide you back, but I'm at the hot springs in Holtville, CA at the moment.  Good luck. If you see a big white school bus on your right side as you come in, I know that is a member of the tribe. The bus has "Hannah" written on it. I havn't met that person yet, but they did welcome me to the area, and they would be a fairly easy person to find and get some directions and advice from.
I had the same problem. Hind sight I got their way to early and after 3 weeks of being alone I moved on. Got stuck in SC till December 1 when I'll try to find a group to camp with. Funds are very limited so if I choose wrong it could be a lonely Christmas. Spent thanks giving alone and it sucked

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