Losing home & need to immediately relocate to truck camper

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CMKlein said:
Thank you- could I get adequate power without roof-mounted panels?

I'm concerned about getting up there 
due to mobility challenges & also damage to the roof.

I am not keen about putting panels up top.. I think that is often the most convenient way for many folks considering the size  issues. I have at this time a 100 watt panel..its actually 4 smaller ones linked together. They could probably be  mounted to the roof but I wont be doing that even if i get another set.

What I like is that I can park in the shade and then move my "mobile" panels into and follow the sun. I can't imagine having to be parked in full sun to get the performance needed from mounted panels. I can adjust the angle of my panels as well... I think that is also an issue some folks have with roof mounted panels.

Sure a roof mounted solar set up is convenient for "storage" of your panels and you can charge up while you drive.. but you are going to be probably parked more often than you will be driving.. and I don't want to be sitting in the direct sun all day long.

Those with large energy consumption probably have not much of a choice but to mount to the roof. I don't need much.. I charge my phone.. have led lights..  a small 12 fridge..charge my ipad.. and maybe a small amount of tv and a fan at times.

I am no expert at any of this.. though I feel I have been put through the wringer a few times..  simple is definitely better..only annoyance to me and deployable panels is putting them out each time and bringing them back in... damn first world problems..if you are in a more remote/secure area you can leave them out and not worry about them being looted..
my first set of real panels were portables and a real pain in the ass. setting up taking down, readjust to point at the sun every few hours. I built an aluminum box to protect them because they never would have made it where I drive without the box. this made them even more awkward and heavy.

now they are mounted on the roof. big difference, no more messing with the panels.

there is not a lot of shade in the desert where I am at most of the time so parking in the shade really isn't a thing. right now I am in the forest in the trees and mostly in the shade, but I get plenty of sun on my panels. my batteries are usually at 100% by 12:30.

I have 200 watts on the roof and 200 watts as portables. I put out the portables when in the shade or I need the extra recharge power from rainy days.