Look what fell into the back of my truck....

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2012
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1965...Avion C-10....yep 50 years old


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Looks more like a spaceship than camper. Very very cool. NOW the big question I have because it looks so roomy... how much does it weigh??? Is it lighter than it looks because it is aluminum?

Inside pics?? You know we'll want more. LOL
that's way cool, yes we need inside pics. now you need a classic truck to put under it. highdesertranger
That is seriously cool looking! Yes, please show us pics of the inside.
WriterMs said:
Looks more like a spaceship than camper. Very very cool.  NOW the big question I have because it looks so roomy... how much does it weigh???   Is it lighter than it looks because it is aluminum?

Inside pics??  You know we'll want more. LOL

highdesertranger said:
that's way cool,  yes we need inside pics.  now you need a classic truck to put under it.  highdesertranger

Actually it is very light. I think around 1700lbs..lighter than my 8ft newer wood TC. The all aluminum construction is great and any water damage doesnt hurt the structure .

Yeh a classic truck would make a great visual. however with this rig I know i will get where I want to go  ;)
No pics of the interior before I took it apart for cleaning, I think it can sleep 4 adults...really
GORGEOUS!!! MORE pictures, please!!!
Holy shit.

That thing is straight out of Fallout 3.
I'm thinking steampunk.

Get some brass trim accents, and replace that AC unit with some preposterous futuristic apparatus e.g. photon cannon.
Patrick46 said:
That's KILLER!!!

Are you gonna polish it up??

Its not the same as an Airstream....It would require [font=arial, helvetica, 'sans serif']deanodizing the whole unit. then buffing....It has been done, but its a lot of work...and then has to maintained.[/font]
[font=arial, helvetica, 'sans serif']So No....I kinda like that look, plus it will fit in nicely in the remote areas I like to camp....[/font]
Okay, now you've got to come to the RTR, you'll be the star of the show!

Besides, Judy has been mopping around saying how much she misses Susan since you guys left!  :p
akrvbob said:
Okay, now you've got to come to the RTR, you'll be the star of the show!

Besides, Judy has been mopping around saying how much she misses Susan since you guys left!  :p

Still have RTR in our sights....maybe in the later part....not sure if  this new rig will be ready, needs some TLC , and 60's decor...peace signs, flowers , disco light, psychedelic  type stuff  :D

Tell Judy Susan misses her too...
A very interesting TC.  I sometimes drive by a storage facility that has two of these out back.  Looks like someone is working on them.  One is in good external shape, the other damaged.  He may be using the damaged unit as a parts donor(?). 
Love to see some inside pics.   :cool:
Yep, thing is cool
I have one 1967 C11 , my initial thread is here in the truck forum somewhere
After a year of chasing leaks i decided to do the unimaginable and coat the seams with Gluevit from the outside. Since then i went from about 30 leaks down to 2 :) And yes water will ruin the tub, wings and overhead of the camper , all made of a ply and foam laminate.
My experience with this kind of construction is that IT LEAKS - Had 2 vintage avions and airstreams , same result ......when will i learn ??????
Currently i am not sure that i will continue this adventure- let's see what the winter brings.

But i still could imagine to mate the camper with a off road trailer ( lower the center of gravity) of sorts and pull it with my current TV a 1999 Isuzu Trooper and ditch the big truck.

Glad to see a second one on this forum


Maybe coat the whole thing in that aluminum fibered roof coating to eliminate leaks? Dunno, just a thought.