Long Island NY Van Dwelling

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May 27, 2015
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My names Mark I am from California i am 25 years old in two weeks and am a Skydiving Instructor working in Long island for the summer. I have been Van Dwelling and traveling the states for the last half year, went to Mexico " sin Van " ( without Van ) and now have to be back in the states to make some money for the summer. I got a job in Long Island and now i am picking up where i left off. I've found out here its a bit hard to find a safe legit location. Have been infront of Walmart but not sure if that is a good long term ( summer term ) situation. If there are other Van Dwellers or former Van Dwellers or anyone who knows a safe, Free would be best, place to stay please send me a message. I will be working in Calverton for the summer i would love to be located in or close to Port Jefferson Station since there are a lot of Gyms and things to do over there. But i am not too picky my van can drive so anywhere, safe is more important to me.

thanks so much,

Blue skies
Have you thought about asking the airport if you could park there and plug in to a wall outlet to run a fan (for cooling)?  You could pitch it to them that you would be providing extra unpaid security for them at night.

That would be the Ideal situation, but the city has regulations on people camping or living at the airport. Normally that would be the answer in most places but New York has a little bit more strict rules at least in the county I am in. Thanks for the thought though it is much appreciated.
If the rules are rather strict there you might find it necessary to put an ad up looking to pay someone a hundred bucks a month or something in that range for a parking spot in their driveway. It would be safer than trying to do the same couple of W/Ms night after night.

I know free is better but real cheap can be easier on the mind sometimes.
How about talking to your boss as to his suggestions?  
Maybe you can roll her into a Hangar...
Posting something on craigslist is looking like it is going to be the best choice as of now for looking for a spot. Its the regulations of the airport that they don't want people living on it or the city im not sure. But the hanger isn't an option either. Free is better but cheap isn't something to sneeze about either if its safe. Thanks for the advice
That is why I suggested your boss. perhaps he knows someone or someplace... being local and seeing things from the air he must have some ideas.
Hi Mark,

I sympathize with you, we spend 4 summers at Blue Sky Ranch. The New Yorkers who pay a little fortune on rent and B&S dwellings don't understand the lifestyle. We had a bus. We were able to stay at the DZ for a couple of summers but then we found someone that was nice enough to let us stay on their driveway for a small amount. I must admit that it was nice to drive away from the DZ at the end of a long day.

It's still early in the season, I would approach the old timers for suggestions. What did previous instructors do? What about the pilots? Something will come up, it always does. We followed the seasons, north in the summer and south for the winter and something always came up. Jumpers always look out for one an other.

I'm curious to see what will happen. Keep us informed.

The owner didn't have any advice on where to go or what to do. Asked a few other jumpers here what to do, some of them said pay for the camp grounds, but that ends up being about as much as renting a room from someone. Also they suggested doing kinda the same thing i am doing right now which is walmart until i can get a good spot. meet new people everyday sure ill find an upgrade at some point. As of now there is a security guard in the walmart parking lot so its not like its an unsafe spot. I just get weird looks when i am cooking chicken out there on my stove top ( being i am new here have not the money to explore until i get paid to find parks and what not). When everything falls into place ill let ya guys know, If not then wal-mart really isn't terrible.
First and foremost the one thing that was most important to me being stealthy was I only slept at my sleep spots, nothing else!! There are lots of other places to cook chicken, only one walmart to sleep at.

If you sleep 8 hours, you should only be in the walmart parking lot for 8 hours and ten minutes.

I gave it some more thoughts and I remembered that every DZ we worked at had what I'll call a "household". I'm not sure how big is the operation in Long Island but all of the staff (other instructors, packers, cameramen, manifester, pilots, mechanics) there are in the same situation you are. They are looking for a cheap temporary housing solution. Usually some of them get together and rent a place. Most likely for a few $$ they would let you stay in the driveway and probably let you use their bathroom and kitchen. An other person to talk to would be the manifester. Usually this person is local and could point you in the right direction. Not all neighbors are farmer McNasty.

Your post brought me back to an other time.

Blue Skies,

Yeah funny you said that I was just talking to manifest today got a number for a situation like that. With the walmart advice that is spot on, not cooking there any more. Dzo had an idea said I can hook up here for work and there is a close Walmart within 5 miles. This is all free might try this until I burn my bridges at the closer Walmart. Thanks again for all the advice I think now it's all settled after I buy an extension chord