Lola and her legacy

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Well-known member
Sep 17, 2012
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Some of you might remember my post in the pet pics thread about a dog I rescued from an abusive home who I named Lola. I spent a lot of time with her, teaching her that not all humans are mean and neglectful. She bounced back relatively quickly, from slinking around, hiding and piddling when approached to running around, playing and pouncing on me, grumbling when I wasn't petting her enough and sleeping on my belly. <br /><br />She came to me pregnant with 4 puppies and delivered them successfully on the morning of Sept 19th; there were 3 girls and a boy. The boy pup got jumped on (on accident) by his mom who was over-excited after playing and had to be euthanized because of a broken neck. The other pups are healthy, happy and super playful.<br /><br />This morning Lola got into contact with some warfarin. I suspect she ate a poisoned critter. She had a series of severe seizures and ultimately died from internal bleeding. It took me all day to calm down enough to write this post, I'm sorry if I seem to be rambling.<br /><br />One pup has gone to her new home with a family here in Moses Lake. They named her Dutchess. She now lives with her new mom and dad, a bulldog and 4 kids.<br /><br />One pup (the runt) is being adopted by my grandmother, who is driving over to get her this weekend from Boise. <br /><br />I will be keeping the other girl, who was the first puppy to be born. I named her Embla (old Norse lore reference), she will be joining me at the RTR.<br /><br />Here's a picture of her at 1 week old, before her eyes were open.<br /><br /><img src=" girl out/SDC10445_zpsd699490a.jpg" alt="" width="578" height="385" /><br /><br />
I am so sorry for your loss, I know how hard it is, two weeks ago my old dog had a reaction to a flea prevention, and it cost me almost all my savings, 2,100.00 bucks, and her liver is still not right. I don't regret it because I just wasn't ready to let her go, and having her sleep in my bed just a few feet away from me as I write this, makes me so happy she is still with me.&nbsp;<br /><br />The pup looks awesome, and oh what fun you will have with her! You saved many lives by adopting her and then raising up the pups, God Bless, as I know there are people who would have returned her. You gave her a home and love, all the way till the end. Again enjoy your little baby... and pictures PLEASE!<br /><br />Windy
I am so sad for what happened to Lola.&nbsp; But I'm so glad that you rescued her and introduced her to security, play, snuggling and love.<br /><br />Take care of yourself... and of Lola's beautiful little puppy.&nbsp; She left you a very special gift behind.
I am so sorry you lost Lola. I lost a pet to a fly bait many years ago and it brings such pain.
Olie...I said my piece on your blog...but will say again..blessing for you and your new buddy and so sorry for your loss...<br />Bri
I am so sorry that Lola has left you (physically) I hope you find joy in the fact that in her time with you she found love, happiness and security. I know the puppy will help to fill the void she's left in your heart.<br /><br /><img src=" pic.jpg" alt="" />
I am so sorry for the loss of Lola, and am thankful for the gift of a loving life you gave her. Looks like she left you the sweetest, cutest gift in return. You'll be in my thoughts.
Embla is a beauty, like her mom! She's very lucky to have you.
Lordy, I'm sorry that you had to lose Lola like that. &nbsp;At least she had her time with you, and was able to experience the good life and deliver her puppies safely. &nbsp;<br /><br />Embla looks like she must already have you wound around her tiny paw! &nbsp;Good on you for being so caring. &nbsp;That is a rare and lovely thing.<br /><br />Blessings from the furry crew.
Post as much as you want!&nbsp; Great picture, and beautiful pup.&nbsp; I tried to post on your blog, but it wouldn't allow me to.&nbsp; I hope you and Embla have many wonderful years together.
Urf! Sorry Tami, IDK what the deal is, I changed it to allow comments :/ Maybe blogger really does have it in for you <img src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
*huggles* I'm sorry about Lola, but at least the last part of her life was full of lots of love and happiness.&nbsp; I hope I'm surrounded by that whenever it's my turn to go.<br /><br />With Love,<br />Tara
I'm so sorry for your loss...couldn't imagine what it'd be like to lose Pita who was also a rescue from an abusive owner with the same types of behaviors.&nbsp; She has become my best bud.&nbsp; I'm glad you have one of her youngins to care for.&nbsp; You get to save a piece of her.&nbsp; Thanks for being there to rescue them both.<br />Rae
fluffabear said:
Urf! Sorry Tami, IDK what the deal is, I changed it to allow comments :/ Maybe blogger really does have it in for you <img src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
<br /><br />No worries, it's probably something I didn't do correctly.&nbsp; I'll just read and enjoy them. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">