LOL thats all I can say!!

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I think that fire truck had a bad driver and ran thru a pickup truck, and stole it's camper! LOL.  It's VERY unique.  It would look WAY better if they painted the camper to fit in with the green fire truck.  Tho personally I think I'd change the green, I'm not a big fan of that shade green (tho by and large green is my 2nd fav color).
Its funny I see yellow not green. LOL. Green/yellow?
for firefighters on long deployments??!! I could definatly see this at a forest fire, seriously...
Guess ---<br /><br />#1 - Photo-chop ?<br /><br />#2 - Some kind of long-ish duration command post ?<br /><br />#3 - Like the department in my town --- the "Foundation Savers" have $3000. conference table's / big screen T-V's in their many club houses / a big chunk of property with buildings just so they can run up and down ladders so their relatives and closes friend's can cheer and give out tax payer paid for trophies / then they come around and extort more money door to door / when they had a "Fire" in the main house - leaving the scaffolding up for years trying to "Shame" the tax payers into funding a new building ---- it could be just one more way to spend the tax monies they need to - so their budget isn't cut the next year -- <img src="/images/boards/smilies/rolleyes.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />I'm gonna go with #1 for now <img src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" />
Gee Rice, that's kinda cynical.... Care to elaborate? :0) Don't hold back, tell us how you really feel....(lol)
Not Photoshopped, I think. Close examination shows no sign cut/paste/blending. There are no red emergency lights indicative of a true emergency vehicle, nor any department name I could find.<br /><br />A friend of mine always wanted to buy a fire truck and put&nbsp;a large hot tub in the back. He's&nbsp; a retired professionel, and it wouldn't be difficult for him.<br /><br />Probably just someone with money and a dream lol.
Les H said:
Gee Rice, that's kinda cynical.... Care to elaborate? :0) Don't hold back, tell us how you really feel....(lol)
<br /><br />My blood pressure is up just thinking about it <img src="/images/boards/smilies/mad.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />I re-posted&nbsp;the photo&nbsp;where there's a bunch of EMT's / fire fighter types --- should have a good answer in a few days --- so far just wise-ass-ed remarks <img src="/images/boards/smilies/rolleyes.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />( but I will say this --- a few years ago when they came around checking their "Sucker List" --- when I said through a closed door - "No thank you --- I paid my tax's this year" ---- as they walked away - the front door security camera mic picked up ----"Now watch what happens when he calls us" <img src="/images/boards/smilies/mad.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" />
I kind of know how you feel Rice.&nbsp; The guys around here get me when they run around in their private vehicles with the lights going to get through lights and drive like maniacs....then turn the light off down the road.&nbsp; They also all hang out at the firehouse, wash all their cars, stay there all night with friends partying (i hope without liquor) and i even seen them drag racing outside my work.&nbsp; Then i see them with their firemen's boots at the light asking for donations.&nbsp; I guess their electric bill and water bill are high for some strange reason.
I know this is way off topic. ...not what I had in mind. But I CAN understand what your saying Rice. One day I was driving a friend s car and a fire&nbsp;chief&nbsp;car came blasting ,blaring around us on Unqua Rd. Everybody of course broke&nbsp;their&nbsp;necks to pull over. I could not believe what I was seeing. He pulled into&nbsp;Marjorie Post park to the the little building thats now there...Tuxedo and all he ran because they were late for a wedding there!&nbsp;
My brother has been talking about doing kind of makes sense....used emergency trucks are low milage extremly well maintained.....and reasonably cheep to buy.<br><br>I've actually been looking for an old ladder truck to install my 1946 Spartan Trailer on.....then I could pull my 40 Ford as a toad......just wondering!