Living Free and Independant

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Oct 7, 2019
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I texted someone last week about hooking up, and when they heard I was living in my van they automatically ASSUMED I was not keeping myself clean. People need to re-evaluate how living in our vehicles is like and stop condemning us for making that choice to live as we want or need.

On the 29th of Sept I began to live in my Town&Country caravan which has Stow-n-Go seats, thus creating lots of space inside. I've got couch cushions, 2 egg crate layers, and a nice 2" foam pad on top of it all with a sleeping bag and throw blankets to boot.

There are several bumps along the way as far as what should be kept and/or tossed; until I decide what to do with it all and what specific direction I'll be headed towards, things will be tricky. I'm not cramped in the back, but getting in along the "bed" or back out tends to get a wee bit tricky for my spine, but I manage. The main thing is, I refuse to live by other people's expectations or rules on how to live My Life. Being disabled and receiving SSI allows me to do what I want... no matter where I am. I wasn't doing much in my 2-bedroom apartment and it was overwhelming to have so much space and so much STUFF, so I decided it was time to get out. :s :dodgy: :rolleyes:   Before giving up my apartment, most was placed in a storage unit. Some items were placed in my van, but it needs reorganization just a tad bit, but the van is all mine and I can do whatever I want with, or in, it... despite what others might think. One person actually congratulated me on my decision to become independent and not chained to one spot, and actually expressed their envy on doing so, considering the times we are living in.

Living in a vehicle instead of a house or apartment has its advantages, but it also poses some disadvantages.
- Being free from having to pay out for rent gives me more funds to use elsewhere when needed.
- My rear side & latch door windows provide me with a certain degree of privacy and have a curtain hung up behind the front seats.
- My mobile hotspot device allows me internet access wherever I go which is all I need. I don't need a TV to watch YouTube, Hulu, Netflix or any of the myriad of channels/services available.
- The only issue is power consumption. There are several items I have access to plug into for powering up when the items: hotspot device, laptop, phone, and another internet device gets low on power. 
- Visiting libraries helps me to recharge certain devices when it's cloudy outside and thus unable to use my 100 Watt solar panel.

Basically... I'm set, and any which way one looks at this situation, I win.

What do y'all think???
Welcome to the CRVL forums CaseyKC1! Sounds great to me but you're preaching to the choir asking all of us what we think about living in a vehicle! ;-D

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
So they went ahead and let you know up front they suck as a person. Man youre lucky! Sometimes people dont find that out until way too late.
Great to hear it is working well and you are tweaking it to suit yourself. This gives hope to those of us that are still wannabes and have yet to go full time. Thanks!
When you first begin the journey you will not yet have developed a thick skin about what people think about your new lifestyle.
One of the best defenses when you get such comments is to say something silly such as ...would you believe, it actually has a portable jacuzzi and steam shower! You don't have to tell them you have a solar bag shower and a tarp on a hulahoop.
For power I got a Rockpals 300w and keep it plugged into the van's 12v almost all the time with a 14' extension cord. Works great. I got the solar panel that goes with it for later when I'm parked in Arizona.

Windy tonight here... van is rocking... raindrops falling. Anyhow... welcome.
We removed some Stow-n-Go seats at the van-build last year freeing up lots of under-bed storage space...……

A 30 minute job including the mandatory coffee break...…...
travelaround said:
For power I got a Rockpals 300w and keep it plugged into the van's 12v almost all the time with a 14' extension cord.

I recently learned the hard way that the longer your extension cord, the greater the draw on your battery.

You risk serious depletion with these cords.

Just a word of caution.
Thanks for telling me about the extension cord problem. So far, no negative impact on my life as I keep this charging all day up to a point. I need to be vigilant about it to be sure my CPAP machine is powered at night. The battery is supposed to run that 4 nights... never got low on the Rockpals battery though. Van has at least 3 12v outlets. Just found the third in the back. Could be another I'm not aware of... who knows? When van is turned off, 12v keeps going for a while. Not so with van USB and 110. They go off when van does.
I have been disowned by my own daughter because I dont want to pay 700-800.00 a month for rent on my little amount of SSDI ,so I live in a van and treated like a piece of scum,I'm sorry shes so vain and my van didnt meet up to her expectations (it really could use a paint job) but aside from what others think including my own family members,some of which are living "high off the hog"in fancy houses and driving nice cars.Well I finally decided that I dont care what they think of me because I'm as content as heck (until I break down) living free and able to keep my animals rather than giving them up for an apartment because that's what was expected of me...So what I think is the hell with the negative people and to not allow them to affect my peace and serenity that I have found in the nomadic lifestyle ?
You are not alone in having others ridicule and judge you because you don't comply and do what they think you should. My family is doing the same thing.
It is inherent in society. It is deeply ingrained and all the societal institutions focus on making us ALL a certain WAY. It is the only way they can control us. Indeed these notions of conformity are actually killing our youth. On one hand they are told to be individuals and the other told that they are too different. This leads to horrible doubt and depressions for them resulting in an enormous rise in suicide and other issues.

The disease is obvious and YOU have found your cure... enjoy your freedom that you were created for. Dont let the sickos continue to infect you.
You've all got it right.
People of all ages try to make comparisons between people, quality, and value. IF we don't do as they do in society, we are lesser a person than they. We are the same, yet different, but nonetheless as valuable as others who allow themselves to be boxed into molds that THE handlers want us to be like for easier control. Not I, said I, no more to be like them.
Jumping Josephine said:
I have been disowned by my own daughter because I dont want to pay 700-800.00 a month for rent on my little amount of SSDI ,so I live in a van and treated like a piece of scum,I'm sorry shes so vain and my van didnt meet up to her expectations (it really could use a paint job) but aside from what others think including my own family members,some of which are living "high off the hog"in fancy houses and driving nice cars.Well I finally decided that I dont care what they think of me because I'm as content as heck (until I break down) living free and able to keep my animals rather than giving them up for an apartment because that's what was expected of me...So what I think is the hell with the negative people and to not allow them to affect my peace and serenity that I have found in the nomadic lifestyle ?
For some reason my comment to your post didnt stick here. But it is on the next page. 
As your are living a nomadic lifestyle now...go find your tribe. They have been waiting for you.
You can find them at the  most peaceful and beautiful place in the country! Point your rig in that direction and start heading home.
Jumping Josephine said:
I have been disowned by my own daughter because I dont want to pay 700-800.00 a month for rent on my little amount of SSDI ,so I live in a van and treated like a piece of scum,I'm sorry shes so vain and my van didnt meet up to her expectations (it really could use a paint job) but aside from what others think including my own family members,some of which are living "high off the hog"in fancy houses and driving nice cars.Well I finally decided that I dont care what they think of me because I'm as content as heck (until I break down) living free and able to keep my animals rather than giving them up for an apartment because that's what was expected of me...So what I think is the hell with the negative people and to not allow them to affect my peace and serenity that I have found in the nomadic lifestyle ?

I'm sorry to hear this.  But when she sees you happy and content, perhaps over time you will win her over.  My kids are split, but no one has disowned me yet :)   And I've never pleased my mother, I'm far too offbeat, so it doesn't really matter.  Eventually I'll have to care for her, but at least I won't have to live in her house, just her yard.  Maybe because I'm holding off on selling the S&B, they feel like I'll 'get it out of my hair' and return to the grind that equals success to them.  My friends are also split, so I get some encouragement.

In the end, it is our life.  If we are not hurting anyone, what business is it of theirs? If we had more happy and content people in the world, who knows what might eventually happen!

Be well and travel safely, and most of all, enjoy your life.
"I have been disowned by my own daughter "

Cheer up....I have been disowned also and still live in the S&B! I suppose when I go full time in the RAV4, I will get commited to whatever facility they can find, LOL. Thank the Lord for wheels and the distance of other states!
There will never be a shortage of people telling you how to live your life.I could never handle living in a van or car,but that has nothing to do with what other people do.I do really enjoy 6 months or so living in my 20 ft camper every year.It's always great to leave in the spring and it's always great to get home in the fall.Good luck to all.And happy Halloween.BOO!
I've read a lot about those who have been dissed for vehicle living.  Never has anyone said a negative thing to me in regards to that.  In fact, most people expressed their envy!  I think a lot of the negativity may be in how you present yourself and your situation.

If people think you are unemployed and "homeless", not so good.  I told them I was "traveling to see this great country" in a van I built myself. You are not unemployed, you are retired.  You are not on disability, you are overcoming your challenges.  And don't complain! Brag! Brag about your freedom.  Tell good happy travel stories.  Funny stories.  Your vehicle isn't old, it's "vintage".  It didn't take a year to find a vehicle you could afford, it took a year to find just the right one because you are so picky.

Story:  I parked next to my mother's garage when I was visiting her.  She insisted I come in and sleep in her perfectly nice guest room.  I insisted in sleeping in my perfectly comfy van.  After about three days, one morning there was a knock on the door.  When I opened it, there was my mom!  (She was in her late 80's then.)  I invited her in (had to help her up) and gave her the comfy captain's chair (passenger seat turned facing the rear).  I fixed her a cup of coffee on my coleman camp stove and we sat in my van home and visited.  I told her about places I had been, people I had met. She finally said, "Now I see.  This is really nice and cozy."  I smiled and said, "Yes, it is.  Let me tell you about the lady musher and her dog team I met in Canada."

After that, she introduced me as her daughter the retired nurse who travels all over by herself with her dogs and lives in a van.  "Tell them about your trip to *pick a place*."  And when a fellow vanner needed a place to park for the winter, she volunteered her driveway because she was going to be away for the winter.  Win win win.
rvwandering said:
Welcome to the CRVL forums CaseyKC1! Sounds great to me but you're preaching to the choir asking all of us what we think about living in a vehicle! ;-D

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started. 

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.

It's not the living in the van question; that's a given here. My question here is... what is y'all's experience relating to people's comments about cleanliness? Do they hear that much?
It's hard for people living in houses to understand how it can be possible to live in such a small space without all of the conveniences of a house. You'll hear all kinds of comments. But if you can join all of the van dwellers living on public land and traveling in the caravans you'll find people who understand and accept you as you are. Hope to see you out there!
The catholic church preached that nathing was hedonic for about 1000 years after rome fell. Bathing was what the romans did and it was ungodly.

Then the plague happened. They came up with a slogan "cleanliness is godliness."

Fast forward and we learned about germs and then soap males money. Everybody wants to be stripped of every ounce of everything. Now we are realizing over-use of antibiotic soaps are creating super strains of bacteria.

Its amazing we havent yet figured out the right balance of bathing in tue 21st century.

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