List = organization

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Apr 6, 2019
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Ok, so im planning a build. And of course everything will be downsized but there are still things that we need to live.
Clothes, shoes,  medicine,  technology, bed, kitchen/sink  etc.
And i want all this to be organized behind a door so it always looks neat. 

So my question is does anyone have a comprehensive basic  list, something everyone needs? I realize people like to customize and do their own things.
But any ideas are helpful!

I have a feeling this is going to take a while of me thinking lol
One of the best ideas that I've heard is to tape off an area in your house about the size of your build. Move the things that you think you'll need into the taped off area then try living in it. You'll discover what you need for everyday living and what you aren't using. Of course, life on the road will be a bit different and for a while, you'll be rearranging, getting rid of things, and deciding that you need other things but doing a trial run in your house should be a big help.
camping lists are all over the internet, I would start there. the thing to remember that you only need a list once when you first start out. after you are on the road you really don't need a list. that's why many of us don't have one. highdesertranger
I will be building cabinets for everything so its streamlined and neat. There wont be room for adding and subtracting later on which is why i want a list
And to be living in anything small the same basics are needed. (Plastic bins or shelving systems dont have a place in this idea)

Also its a live in not camp situation, so camping lists arent complete. (They dont have a need for a spot for all you paperwork)

My future is still in limbo but for the most part i want a plan (like a blueprint) for when im ready to jump
I suggest you use the plastic drawers for your first couple of trips. I do not plan on living in my van. My destination determines whether I take hiking tent and backpack, bicycles, kayaks or a combination of my fun stuff. Water shoes, beach umbrellas for ocean areas. Dress clothes for museums, dining out in large cities etc. If I am going to be boondocking, I'll need different food types and a lot more water along with shower stuff. If I am near cities, I can use the gym. So, your needs will change with where you are going.
Athena said:
So my question is does anyone have a comprehensive basic  list, something everyone needs? 

IMO.... Basic needs..
A place to sleep, an air mattress on the floor will work for me. Blanket to stay warm &/or a sleeping bag.
A propane/butane stove to heat water for coffee, a pot for the water and a fry pan.
A fire extinguisher. 
A head lamp and some cheap led flashlights.
A table that folds up (like a tv tray) and a lawn chair.
A cup, plate, bowl, spoon, fork & pocket knife.
A 6 way screwdriver,  channellock pliers, cheap multi-meter, electrical tape, duc tape and spare fuses for what ever it is you're driving.
This all ought to come in under $100

That's basic IMO... To go a step past basic I might look at battery jump starter that you can charge from your ride when it's running. That can be used to power your phone & laptop or tablet without endangering your vehicle's battery charge. 

There are a lot of opinions on this forum, this was mine!Good luck!!
This is just my opinion but I think it is impossible to know exactly what one will need or want before a few months of living in a vehicle. We are all different. There is a nearly 100% chance that your initial list will include things that you don't end up wanting and will be missing things that you later decide you want. So it may make more sense to fabricate a relatively temporary build so you can go out and discover what you really need and want, then do a more permanent build later. It can be really demoralizing to invest a lot of time, energy and money on a build only to discover a couple months later that it doesn't fit your needs any longer.
I have been living in my RV, just parked in the yard, will be in it until I'm finished the repairs. Then it will be time to start my travels. I have found out that needs change often. I have been trying different things and equipment. Use some thing long enough and decide if it is really needed. I'll have a yard sale for the things I didn't need to live with. Get to a second hand store, things are cheap. Try some thing and if it is good for your needs, buy a new one like it. I have always lived a sparse lifestyle. I have a bit more whittling to do. List always differ, I did see a few things in this thread that I may have over looked. Will put on my temp. list, until it changes.