list of city sleeping places

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Well-known member
Nov 20, 2011
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in front of apartments

I just thought of lake accesses? anyone try that?

please list more.. I need a strong "goto list rotation" for
the spring.. when I plan to live in. van in a huge city

Large hotels. The gas attendant where I am says I can stay in their parking lot. 24 hour supermarkets. 
are parks pretty much off limits? they look tempting.. small lil park.. but feel creepy if I wake up and people/kids all over
Other big box stores - Kmart, Sam's Club, Home Depot <br>&nbsp;Cracker Barrels have a few RV spaces behind the restaurants<br>Check out Tioga George's blog. He stays in the industrial parts of town.&nbsp; <a target="_blank" href=""></a><br><br>Lake and fishing access is sometimes okay. We've used those spots occasionally.<br><br>Parks are pretty much off limits. Small towns in the mid west often have small parks that allow a few days of free camping but that's rare in huge cities.<br><br>
templedog said:
are parks pretty much off limits? they look tempting.. small lil park.. but feel creepy if I wake up and people/kids all over
<div><br></div><div>I don't know where your city is but where I am (N.Y.) most small parks have signs saying "Park closed at sundown" or some have have 7pm cut offs.&nbsp;</div>
lol. I love u guys! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">

what's your "go to place" if you have one? The place that's the best and zero anxiety.

do gyms or ymca frown on overnights at their place?
Having worked nights in a busy 24 hour grocery store for 20 years, I can tell you they are your very best choice. Lots of employees inside who couldn't care less if you park there and they don't know what each other drives. To them you are just another employees van. To a cop driving by you could be a customer and if you stay overnight you are an employee, he has no way to know. Bob<br>
Having worked nights in a busy 24 hour grocery store for 20 years, I can tell you they are your very best choice. Lots of employees inside who couldn't care less if you park there and they don't know what each other drives. To them you are just another employees van. To a cop driving by you could be a customer and if you stay overnight you are an employee, he has no way to know. Bob<br>
I park mine at my office complex... Blends right in at night because other complexes have similar vans to mine parked overnight... in the morning, people who drive up just assume you arrived early... those leaving in the afternoon think you're working late or overnight.&nbsp;<div>*that is, if they even bother to wonder about the white van at all...</div><div><br><div>In my case, we have a clinic near us which can be open at all times of the night depending on the needs of clients. So it is not a weird thing to see several cars late into the night parking there...</div><div>In addition to that, half of the employees at our company work late nights or overnight anyway so the cover is complete.&nbsp;</div><div>I am tempted to try out other parking areas just to change it up, but parking at my office is such a premium that I fear losing my favorite spots if I leave and arrive late.</div><div><br></div></div>
yeah, because you work there... you sort of have inside information. I was driving around my city today and being&nbsp;conscious&nbsp;of where I might park a stealth Van.. like a&nbsp;hypothetical&nbsp;if I was in one. I came up with a truck stop, mall, and home depot.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>Can you just get lazy and say screw it and spend the night anywhere really? Like for one night? I was thinking if I was tired and saw a Subway lot... why not just park there. &nbsp;I'm sure the workers wouldn't care in the morning and you would be gone anyways the next day.&nbsp;</div>
also.. I'm thinking about&nbsp;cemeteries. Has anyone tried that? Seems like the best sleep a van camper can get would be there.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>Maybe do it once a week. If someone gives you crap, you can give them a sob story.&nbsp;</div>
<p>And I hear they have a layaway plan! <img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="/images/boards/smilies/rolleyes.gif"><img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif"></p>
<B>I'm not on the road yet but I'm dying to find out if a cemetary is a good place to rest in peace like Paul says.</B><BR><FONT color=#00ffff size=3><B>Dragonfly</B></FONT><BR>
Lmao. Where I live, they never have fences or gates or parking areas.....just roads through them.....hmmmmmmmm.....
I think it would look strange to see a cargo van with a sunscreen in the front window.. don't you agree?
stude53 said:
<p>And I hear they have a layaway plan! <img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="/images/boards/smilies/rolleyes.gif"><img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif"></p>
<div><br></div><div>OMG real good one. LOL</div>
Cemetaries are private property, and if found, you'd run a higher risk of being charged with trespassing, IMO.
I've used cemeteries in small to tiny towns, but I'd avoid them in big cities. Something similar, but more likely, look for access roads along the back side of golf courses. Street parking, but usually great coverage, possibly trees and most like dead quiet.