Leg room - bulkhead/seat reclining.

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Well-known member
Mar 25, 2012
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Yesterday for work we rented a 14' GMC box truck that used a van base for a move. But after only an hour on the road, I was feeling constrained tightly. I couldn't stretch my legs and had to keep them in flat foot on floor position pretty much the whole time.

And the seat - it was bolt straight up, and it was uncomfortable on my back muscles having to sit up straight the whole time - much rather recline and have gravity do the work.

With box trucks they are trying to maximize the cargo in the back so they place a wall behind the seat the end the cab section. But in a cargo van, is the bulkhead placed in this spot? I would like to use a commercial bulkhead, but not if I can't recline the seat somewhat. I know that if push came to show there, I could just remove the bulkhead and place some heavy dark curtains there instead, but I would rather have a bulkhead with a hinged door in the middle.

So my questions are: are GMC vans notoriously crappy with leg room? Same with Chevy? How about Fords? Dodge? Mini vans are too small IMO. Any thoughts about the leg room issue with full sized vans? I can only say that if all the vans were like this, I would abort the van dwelling idea right now - work another angle for cheap living/adventure.

Any thoughts?

The one's I've been in are cramped up front, but . . . that wall in a box van (a box truck would have a separate cab) can be moved <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">&nbsp; Cut it out and reframe it w/ more room.
Van bulkheads vary by manufacturer. Not the van manufacturer, but the guys who make the bulkheads, shelving, etc. Some mount so they're set back far enough to allow some seat recline. How much recline depends on how far back you have the seat bottom slid -- and how much recline is enough for your back.<br><br>You don't <em>need</em> a bulkhead/cage, but they're wise if you want to keep things in the back from penetrating your skull in case of a sudden stop.<br><br>You can make your own bulkhead, if you're handy, out of lumber and plywood. Or, depending on how and where it mounts, you might be able to remount whatever bulkhead came with the van farther back.<br><br>As for foot room, they say Dodge has the least, Chevy/GMC next and Ford with the most. But it depends on what you're used to driving. I've driven small cars my whole life, so they all seem adequate to me.

I will keep all this in mind. So far Fords have been in the lead of which to get (if I don't get a Nissan).
With the bulkhead, YES. I am 6'4" and still I feel cramped. On my van I put in captain chairs and customized the fit. I cannot wear a hat or see well under the mirror, but I have good leg room.<br><br> UHaul is better for leg room.<br><br>James AKA Lynx

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