Learning as I go

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New member
Jun 22, 2020
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Hello everyone, joined the forum a while back and have been studying. Working on building out my Chrysler T&C minivan as a distraction while caring for my terminally ill husband (GBM). Were on the west coast and most of my family lives back east so trying to give myself something to look forward to by being able to see them someday. Never been much of a camper but we’ve got a 70 pound Pit mutt that is a great driving companion so this seems a good way to go. Done a fair bit of traveling the world on a motorcycle so the carrying capacity of the T&C seems absolutely luxurious in comparison.
Already got my window shades done and finishing up front and rear curtains. Have figured out the setup for a bed. Think I’ve got a way to install screens on the middle windows but waiting on some parts. Don’t want to put screens outside the sliding doors. I’m into a very low budget setup as the van has to be able to be converted back to passenger vehicle easily.
Anyway, appreciate learning from your all.
Welcome Burgi to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
Wow, Burgi, you have a lot on your plate. Good luck with all of it.

I'd like to hear about your explorations on motorcycles sometime.

And welcome, we are all learning as we go, especially these days!
Welcome and you are learning as you go but you know what ya need and you are cool if what you have is more luxurious than that motorcycle camp setup :)......and it ain't learn as ya go....it is true total life adventure as you go!! You and your pooch will have a great time heading East! Enjoy that journey when it happens but sending prayers for your hubby!!! Nothing about all that can be easy ever but wishing you the best as you look forward!
Thanks for the "Welcomes."

tx2sturgis- are you i, or near, one of the Sturgis'? Got plenty of moto adventures to reminisce on. Snow over a dirt California mountain pass, an unexpected solo ride across Switzerland with nothing more than a note taped to my tank telling me which cities to turn at (I admit to being a bit directionally challenge and only know English) and, a personal favorite, scooters in Bangkok traffic. Got a garage full of motorbikes and wish I could take one along but that seems to a space limitation on the T&C. :)

Roamer- I most certainly agree on the total life adventure. Would be to easy to sit and stare at the walls but I feel it is important to keep pushing myself even when it really isn't comfortable. My husband isn't well enough to help me with the van but he knows my plan and is happy that I am still looking forward to new adventures. I changed his life by getting him out in the world, we appreciate all we've done!

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