Kidnapped A Dog in Mexico

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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2012
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   Great story, I'm going to bed, tomorrow.
&nbsp; Won't be able to sleep, so. This older couple where I'm camped went to Algodones, Mexico last week so he could get some dental work. They took their two year old chiahua, Pepe. While he was having the work done she walked around town. She set Pepe down while looking at something on a table. When she went to pick him up he was no where to be found. The police and everyone in town looked, no Pepe.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;A day or so after they got back, after calling the police everywhere they could think of with no help a guy called and said he had Pepe and would return him for $1000. That's when I met them. I told them to tell him to meet them in the small park, kitty&nbsp;corner from the purple pharmacy at 7:30 this morning. I watched for awhile and saw only him. I walked by and said what a cute dog, as I scratched his ears. I snatched the dog out of his hands, turned and stared at him.&nbsp;He looked back for only a moment and turned and walked away.&nbsp;I handed the dog over the fence to Chris. I have never in my life seen two happier people. I feel so blessed to have had a hand in this.
Way to go, Michael!&nbsp; Many kudos and lots of good kharma coming your way!!!
Viva el <span class="st"> tecolote, w</span>ay to go, backed the coward down.<br><br>That does however add a potential new wrinkle on getting one's teeth cleaned, lol.
You do realize that now you are responsible for that dog for the rest of it's life? ;-)

You are a Hero! I lift my glass to you. plastic cup, anyway.
Way to go Micael. It that was me I would be on cloud nine. I can just imagine the couples joy.<BR><SPAN style="COLOR: #ff00ff">Dragonfly</SPAN>
thieves are cowards you put it straight thank you. I hope to get a small furry friend when I retire and travel more. be in Q hopefully on tuesday,, sleep tight.
<P>Thanks you guys, you would all have done the same.&nbsp; Wagon, let me know when you get here and I'll help.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Michael</P>
The last time I was up in the YUKON, I camped at a little native town.(free camping ) I noticed alot of the younger dogs were sick looking...A few weeks later l took MY dog to the vet to have his shots updated. I mentioned to the vet the sick dogs I had encountered earlier,she said it most likely it was PARVO these young dogs will die! . dog could easily catch it( airborne )? So people, protect your little friends. Keep your shots up to date...
&nbsp;&nbsp; Thanks still. The pure JOY those two felt when I handed that little guy over the fence was worth everything to me.
&nbsp; heart, yes yes yes. I need all the help I can get in the Karma department.
From a former u.s. marine......Semper Fi! You are one squared away individual!
That means a lot woody, Thanks&nbsp; You and I know there is no such thing as a former marine. Semper Fi
A hero we can look up to!&nbsp; Thanks for your example of courage...we all need that!<br><br>Rae
Bravo BIG M!<br><br>That was a great thing you did.<br><br>If you ever can use a hand you've got my number.
&nbsp;I just thought it was the right thing to do, to help a couple of folks who had no where to turn. I would venture to say that lots of you would do exactly the same thing. If it ever comes up again we'll get a posse together!