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IGBT said:
The caveat to this idea of acceptance of others actions is when those actions are so negative that they degrade the lives of others.

A person leaving dangerous contamination at a public camp area when it would not have taken much extra work to dispose of it properly.

Are you going to be kind and understanding if your dog dies because it drank an open container of antifreeze someone left in the bushes?

I truly would hope this goes without saying, but, perhaps not.
IGBT said:
The caveat to this idea of acceptance of others actions is when those actions are so negative that they degrade the lives of others.

A person leaving dangerous contamination at a public camp area when it would not have taken much extra work to dispose of it properly.

Are you going to be kind and understanding if your dog dies because it drank an open container of antifreeze someone left in the bushes?

I don't see what Queen is talking about as "specific" actions, irresponsible ones that leave others picking up the pieces of the irresponsible individual.  

I also think, just guessing, that we are discussing things more specific to the theme of the website since we have a lot of irresponsible actions in every venue but remember this is still a minority of the people.  Note:  always sanitize where you are drawing your fresh water from with some bleach since some people stick their sewer hose over the top to wash it out!  I can't tell you how many times I have seen this!

And, yes, the ones you are talking about ruin it for others and that isn't a judgment, that's a fact.  We aren't talking acceptance of others actions no matter what but of judging someone based solely on the lifestyle choice and how they want to go about putting something together for themselves.
Oh for sure we should be more understanding of others circumstances and how they came to be there.

I am very much a live and let live type person.   If someone wants to try out the van lifestyle with little or no savings, who are we to tell them they can't.

If they end up causing a public area to be closed because they leave excessive trash (maybe they can't afford to dispose of it properly), then that affects the rest of us.

I think one of the posts Queen was discussing in the beginning of this thread was referencing another person who was upset by the above action.   I could be totally wrong.
I generally tell people what I have done in order to solve a particular situation. I am not telling people to do what I have done. I am telling them what I have done so that they might start thinking about what I did and then think about if they could modify and adapt what I did to work for them. The end result likely would not resemble what I did at all. My goal is to get them to start thinking in a different direction to come up with a solution that will work for them. Unfortunately the response to most anything I post is "that won't work for a Vandweller" or "you are in an RV park and I can't stand to be in an RV park".
I guess it's the human condition to judge others often in a negative manner. I am sometimes guilty of this. There used to be a certain amount of that behavior here. Bob took steps to curb it and has made this a better place as a result.
Phantom Blooper said:
There is usually a side you have not heard, a story you know nothing about, and a battle waged that you are not having to fight.

This made me tear up. I've gone quiet on budget matters because who else has to routinely pay for essential medical equipment that medicaid won't cover? Who else is creating the foundations of their setup from the low budget they boast of? And how the heck are financial crises like vehicle work and surprise medical bills NOT a monthly occurrence for you all so you have the chance to substantially up for them?  I realized that I was waging battles others do not have to fight.

A big thank you to Queen for starting this thread as a timely reminder.
Bitty said:
This made me tear up. I've gone quiet on budget matters because who else has to routinely pay for essential medical equipment that medicaid won't cover? Who else is creating the foundations of their setup from the low budget they boast of? And how the heck are financial crises like vehicle work and surprise medical bills NOT a monthly occurrence for you all so you have the chance to substantially up for them?  I realized that I was waging battles others do not have to fight.

A big thank you to Queen for starting this thread as a timely reminder.
It will be 8 months from my last landing, until I am able to hit the road.  Mostly from medical and van repairs. My last insurance canceled on me while I was on the road, and then failed to respond until the open enrollment was over. I have gone 6 months without a carrier. In that time I almost lost a leg.

Bitty, many of us are there.  You are not alone in that.
Queen said:
so maybe we can all agree that since our personal experience isn't universal, we could all get along and just be supportive while also being informative?
I think we can & should. It frustrates me that it has become popular in our society for everyone to be a critic. And to go out of their way to do it, really? I have seen posts like "that won't work for a Vandweller" or "you are in an RV park and I can't stand to be in an RV park".  I can't wrap my head around why the effort to respond that way seems beneficial to them &/or others. It didn't contribute to the conversation by being a killjoy/spoilsport. It killed the spirit of the conversation & a bit of the individual's nomadic spirit receiving it. If we  continue we'll self destruct. Have we forgotten our manners?
This thread got me thinking a little about the question of whether I judge. I most certainly do judge other people and their choices, good or bad, but more often the not, I keep my opinions to myself. It doesn't matter whether or not I approve of someone else's choices. Will my approval or disapproval change anything? Usually, no. If I feel I have something constructive to say, I'll chime in, however "That's not the way I'd do it." is not constructive. When I do have a criticism and think that my viewpoint can make a difference, I try to be diplomatic about it, in large part because Ive found over the years that most people dig in their heels when confronted with a blunt and/or tactless viewpoint that may be different from theirs. If I want to make a difference, I need to get the person to think about what I've said and how it might be beneficial. My becoming confrontational would be counterproductive except for the rare individual who responds well to directness.

And that concludes my latest rambling thought.
Excellent points on here!!!

I'd also like to add that what may work for one person, doesn't necessarily mean it will work for others...and it doesn't make them wrong either.

...I'm just different from you! (isn't that cool!?) :)
I have come to believe that society is filled with mental health issues, there are a lot of crazy people out there. A lot of crazy people think that everyone is crazy except them, the difference between those crazy people and sane people is that the few remaining sane people know they are a little bit crazy too. That said when someone has crazy ideas or acts crazy, I don't respond, try not to judge, watch from a distance trying not to encourage or discourage. I like to leave crazy people and crazy ideas in their crazy place to mature cause sometimes those crazy ideas left alone to brew, at times, ferment into moments of brilliance, when that happens I like to be around and on good terms in order to benefit from the brilliance.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Locking yourself in a cage for a long period of time and only you have the key to unlock it......

I like to leave crazy people and crazy ideas in their crazy place to mature cause sometimes those crazy ideas left alone to brew, at times, ferment into moments of brilliance, when that happens I like to be around and on good terms in order to benefit from the brilliance.

Some of the most brilliant minds of the universe have been considered insane.....insanity is what you do with it and who you invite into your insane and crazy world.....20 years ago before Bluetooth and OnStar....if you seen someone talking out loud in a store or driving down the road....you would have been given a judgment of Schizophrenia.........now it is an every day occurrence .....the technology developed by "brilliant" minds......so who should now be medicated and institutionalized?
Let's stay on topic. The topic is not passing judgement on each other. It is not insanity.

If you want to talk about sanity-insanity, start a new thread.
akrvbob said:
Let's stay on topic. The topic is not passing judgement on each other. It is not insanity.

If you want to talk about sanity-insanity, start a new thread.

Good job bob, keep that whip a crackin (no need to let the thread degenerate into multiple topics)

BTW love your site (found many things to inspire me and help out my new living situation) INCLUDING THIS THREAD ....

And now you know ...


(I am more relaxed now than I have been in quite some time) ... Thanks to Bob and the site members as I know I am not alone. :)
to directly answer the question,YES,my way is better then yours,thats why it is mine,i'm also better looking,smarter,better in bed and in general i ooze awesomeness,bottle it and sell it to the japanese as a tonic
Sounds like some of the musicians I've worked with.......
Now , what are you charging for the stuff and do you wear it , drink it , cook with it or just sprinkle it on your van ???
akrvbob said:
You sound very "special" Gary68 :)

only on tuesday's the rest of the week i'm old,broken and 20lb's over weight
rvpopeye said:
Sounds like some of the musicians I've worked with.......
Now , what are you charging for the stuff and do you wear it , drink it , cook with it or just sprinkle it on your van ???

i think they mix it with snake blood,pour it over bat wings and eat it,i dont care as long as the paypal goes through

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