Jeremiah's Log

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Many, many more people. We were paying anyway to dump tanks and get water so we decided we could pay to stay here and dump and get water free. We are also maybe 1/2 mile from the main town of Quartzsite for easy access to flea markets and such. Found a nice breakfast place this morning with free coffee and a meal for about $5

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Sounds nice unfortunately I can't afford to pay the camping where right now I'm waiting on my disability to come in on the first so I'm kind of stuck camping out here were you don't have to pay I know I still got a buy water but a dollar every 3 days for water is more affordable I just have to tolerate the dust and the generators

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Helps to stay north of the road. Generators don't bother me. I run one for ten min every morning because I won't give up my cool old electric percolator. We have to dump tanks and it was costing $12 for that and water a couple times a week. The LTVA is about $20 a week or $180 for the whole season until spring I think.

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Cool maybe after Christmas I can afford to come that way

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Now that you've moved to the new road you might start walking your dogs and meeting people.

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OLKia girl said:
Here is your video of your camp.

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I just got a first look at your videos and I learned a lot!  Thanks for posting them!  

If you can, it would be helpful to turn your phone sideways so that the video fills up our screens.   :)
This goes to what I was saying on my YouTube video about the kindness of others some people from Courtside saw that I was running out of supplies and food and stuff made a special trip over here just to have a steak dinner with me and then went back to courtside talk about the kindness of somebody's heart and for those that did that for me thank you from the bottom of my heart

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my Husband and I hope to be in Quartzsite the first week of Jan. We are excited and a bit nervous. We are both a bit shy but trying to live outside our box!! We think the RTR will be a good place for us to start. We are both in our late 50's, disabled and kind of starting a life unkinown. Something different, I guess. Something def more Hope to meet some of you there!! Brad and Robin Maples.
I posted a new video on my YouTube somebody is supposed to transfer it to Tapatalk for everybody to see is about the conversation I had with the young man this morning for this morning about why they're coming out here this is just what he told me doesn't necessarily make it true

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you couldn't just tell us here rather than use it to drive traffic to your channel?
My brother-in-law was the sheriff for 20 years and he always told me every ticket he gave out or did not give out depended on the attitude of the person he pulled over. He said I pulled over people that I was going to let go but your attitude talk to him into a ticket and he is pulled over people that he had every intention of taking the jail and ended up letting go with a warning because they showed him a little bit of respect

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mayble said:
you couldn't just tell us here rather than use it to drive traffic to your channel?

What I think would be really cool is to have a forum where I can type my answer, like we normally do, or post a video instead.   I can process language better when listening than by reading and to see and hear the person helps me see their personality and also the scenery around them.  I would love to watch all the people here instead of just read the words.

Jeremiah just started making videos and I’m really enjoying getting to know him through that medium.  :D
Not exactly sure with that arguments about but to be honest this type of talk form is not easy to navigate I don't know if you were talking about me trying to bring or force people to my channel or not if you are then I apologize I just don't know how to navigate at talk like most people do if you're not talking about me than I apologize for assuming you are

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I want to apologize to anybody I woke up Friday night the priest we're not out here and forcing any B&L laws they came out here because I called them because I was getting death threats from my family on YouTube with a pistol and all that good stuff so just letting them right now they were not out here messing with you guys there out here to file a report for me

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Every time they are called out there in the desert for anything is just more ammo to move people on. Could you not have gone to them?

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I saw the video and I would have gone also if it was me. It was pretty bad.

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No I already taken my medication it makes it my vision blurry I had no choice but then to come out here unless driving impaired is acceptable for everybody

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Plus I didn't have to say anything anybody out here at all anyways I just did it out of respect for the other campers with all the stuff that was going on so they won't freak out thinking that they are out here trying to throw people out again

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Sorry I think that sounded kind of rude was not my intentions just a little aggravated and up all night dealing with authorities that I don't have to deal with I came out here to get away from all that that's what I was talking about that I had to get away from or is making me suicidal and even two thousand miles away they still follow me here through technology

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Jeremiah can you just not look at what they post on YouTube?

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