I've Written a New Book on Vandwelling

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I'll D/L it as soon as I get home.<br /><br />Congrats
bought your kindle book. &nbsp;At one time there was another similar book called TEN CONSECUTIVE YEARS: LIVING IN CARS. &nbsp;Have to find out if it is still available. &nbsp;by Craig Roberts<br /><br />Bob - please let us know more reference books that can be bought on Kindle for the full time cheap living folks.
Beware the Craig Roberts website, it can be unsuitable to visit whith youngsters around....my youngest was helping me research van living back when there was much less info available. He came across that website when the guy had some pretty vile, hatred filled pornographic material on there. Glad the guy is not my enemy. I won't buy anything from someone so immersed in hatred, anyway.&nbsp;<br /><br />I am delighted to now own Bob's book!
Charlene&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Girlfriend!!!&nbsp;&nbsp; We are having fun and taking this whole "relationship" thing one day at a time.&nbsp; I'm doing a happy dance<img src="/images/boards/smilies/love.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /> <img src="/images/boards/smilies/crazy.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><img src="/images/boards/smilies/crazy.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />&nbsp; Hugs to all!!!!&nbsp;&nbsp; Cheri and Tony
Cheri and Bob...<img src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br />Cheers,<br />Bri
Hey Bob. &nbsp;I have been a lurker on your sites and the forums for while now but just wanted to say I bought the book yesterday and found it very informative.&nbsp;<br />I am in the planning stages now to make the move into a van or RV sometime I hope in the near future. &nbsp;Your sites have been very helpful in this process.<br /><br />Jason
Bob, just bought and read the book.&nbsp; Good job, Pappa Smurf.<img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />&nbsp; Your experience and knowledge will help lots of people in the future.&nbsp; I can see this becoming a full hardback with supporting photos one day.&nbsp; You are indeed the "king of the RTs."
Bob...love that book...Its like peering into my future since it was a look into my past. So...what's next on my agenda?<br />By the way...well written and I'm glad your the kinda guy who can turn crapt&nbsp;(divorce)&nbsp;into roses (an improved life) and teach the rest of us the way to do the same.&nbsp; You're special....Thank you.<br />Rae
Bob,<br /><br />I just bought a copy of the book for&nbsp;the netbook and plan to buy one for the Kindle.&nbsp; I really like it!<br /><br />I assumed it would not be a problem so I wrote a very positive review on my blog to&nbsp;ask readers to check out the new book.&nbsp;<br /><br /><br />**** Updated on 8/30/2012 ****&nbsp;&nbsp; I read the whole thing last night.&nbsp; It's well put together and keeps the reader captivated.&nbsp; For $2.99 it's a great value and a great tool for those starting out or for those who have been doing this a while!&nbsp; It was fun to read some references about other vandwellers - some are people many of us know.&nbsp;<br /><br />Great job Bob!
Thanks for the great read. I learned that RV CO detectors are different than residential detectors. You saved me from getting the wrong thing!
Thanks Bob! Just purchased your book on Kindle. Looking forward to reading it and learning some ins & outs of being a new RV dweller!
Welcome to October!
Bob, if you are still in Alaska, let me know. We live in anchorage.
We plan to snowbird for the next few years as I still work in alaska in the summers, doing renewable energy consulting.
We have a fine 2006 Sprinter and have done lots of camping in it since we bought it new (a Mercedes at a dodge price) I recommend the 2004-2006 Sprinters with the 5-cylinder turbo diesel--gets 22-26 mpg and runs on bio-diesel if you can find it (or make it!)
That is the real advantage to diesel rigs, that if/when petro-fuel gets too spendy, you can always make fuel for a diesel, but you can't make gasoline.
We also suggest looking into a co-op style "intentional community" for if/when you want to have a place to park it, maybe grow a garden, have some chickens, a storage unit, bio-diesel system, etc. I know that may be heretical to those who feel best with wheels under their bed, but its just another option.
Hope to make time to correspond this winter. Maybe we can make the gathering, too.
Be well,
I purchased, and read, your book last night which is how I arrived here.&nbsp; Loved it!&nbsp; I'm going to go post an introduction now! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
Awesome book, Bob. Have it on my iPad and have read it all the way through. I think we were separated at birth, lol! I have been on cheaprvliving.com since 2008 and now I'm actually living it.
I bought Bob's book today from Amazon.&nbsp; Amazon offers a free e-reader for your PC.&nbsp; Worked great and I was reading in seconds.&nbsp;&nbsp; You can find the link for it when you buy Bob's book.
New here, Ill make an introduction post after this. &nbsp;&nbsp;<br><br>but wanted to say, I just got this book for my kindle....damn, I am like 10 pages in and you nailed me to a T. &nbsp; I am not a Vandweller, but this give much food for thought.&nbsp;
Bob, you might want to consider doing all three aspects of solar in one book, with a special section for each. As a former sheet metal worker, I studied a lot on solar in earlier years as well as energy management. Rather interesting, but not done the way we would like to see it, as it was all geared towards commercial/industrial usage, which is my polite way of saying "inefficient".

As a ham radio operator who's tinkered with electronics since early childhood, I've also built some solar charge controllers that would work in our application, but are more suitable for ultra-portable/emergency use. I think the units you and HandyBob mentioned would would be superior for van/rv usage, though. I look forward to getting my hands on your new book.

Oh...one more thing: I thought the only "girlfriend" you had was furry! :)

Later, gang!
I just read your book and loved it. It was filled with wisdom and experience. It was also a revelation to me, not because it is a new concept for me, but because in my 8 years of embracing this lifestyle (1999-2007) the only books and online communities even remotely resembling my life were for rv'ers. My 4WD Ford Ranger was my home, although I often lived in park housing. Life was a joyous adventure (mostly) although I sometimes felt eccentric and alone. I've been 'rooted' for the past 5 1/2 years, but will sell my Ranger and buy a Ford Transit Connect van this summer. I have a new set of lessons to learn since a 2WD van offers a different lifestyle from the 4WD that allowed me to access the most remote areas of the desert Southwest, particularly around Death Valley where I often worked seasonally. Now that I am fully retired I want to be able to see the cities and towns of this country, as well as the public lands, cheaply and stealthily.&nbsp;<br><br>I was grateful to be reminded by this book to begin with the basics and build as I go. I learned so much with my truck, and many of the purchases I made in the beginning were replaced or discarded as I became wiser. I will begin with what I know and then make adjustments as I learn more. When you have a 'living on the road' mentality, you know that there are stores everywhere to buy whatever you decide you need. Every item must earn its keep. &nbsp;You don't need to think of everything before you start unless you are going into back country.<br><br>I've already re-read portions of this book. It is an excellent handbook for a lifestyle of freedom and adventure.

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