I've Written a New Book on Vandwelling

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I bought this book as one of my first Kindle book purchases back in December 2012. I read it then, and have just recently re-read it. Excellent information. Sure, you can probably find bits and pieces of it on the website, blog and forum, but the nice thing about the book is that it's all in one place, and easy to follow. All information on one topic is in one section, unlike on the blog or forum or even the website, though you may get more in-depth info there, plus the ability to interact with other members. But for a potential newbie to vandwelling, it's a great book. Nice thing about it being on Kindle is that you can take it with you anywhere.&nbsp;<br><br>It's not overly short, or overly long. No filler content, just good, useful information. A great starting point for a newbie like me looking to get more information, and into the mindset of vandwelling. And I'm sure there's a few good tib bits for the more experienced vandwellers too. Another good thing about this book is that it's really geared towards vandwelling, not full time RV living, of which there are already enough books and websites on. I know they're similar, but not the same. In fact, I'd have to say that just about all of the information in the book is unique to vandwelling with little to no overlap with living in an RV or motorhome.<br><br>Best of all... THE PRICE! (currently $2.99 I believe - it's a no-brainer - buy it!). I don't know if the price will go up in time, but it should! I've spend the same amount of money for much lower quality Kindle books (on different subjects) that were very short, with lots of filler and/or in large font with lots of spaces. That said, I've also paid much more ($10 to $15) for Kindle books of about the same length (or more) and the same caliber of good quality content. Bob's price is a steal! (so even if you get just one good idea from it, it was worth buying). <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
Great book and I got it for just 99 cents because Amazon had given me a $2.00 credit (without my asking) when I had trouble downloading a purchased video.&nbsp; It has just the kind of information I was looking for.&nbsp; Unfortunately, I had already just spent $27 for Jason Odom's book "Vanabode" that I didn't care that much for.
YAY!!!!&nbsp; Mr Bob.&nbsp; I got your book and that is how I found the forum and blogs etc.etc.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I started reading and now I am going back to read it again.&nbsp; Lots of good information.&nbsp; My brain is on information overload so I have to write every thing down.&nbsp;&nbsp; I have a spiral notebook and have set up my budgets from your blog.&nbsp; <br><br>Tonight.&nbsp; Since I couldn't sleep, I searched again and found a sleeping bag rated to -50 degrees.&nbsp;&nbsp; Whaaahoo.&nbsp; Online Army surplus. Just got my confirmation email that it will be in the mail. &nbsp; Wheew.&nbsp; One more thing to check off my list.&nbsp; <br><br>GOOOD&nbsp; NEWS....&nbsp; I received an email from Marianne in Pahrump and she said when I get there to register my car and do my license I can hire her to baby sit Luci.&nbsp; Bless her heart.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br><br>God Bless you Mr Bob, for all your advice and support.&nbsp;&nbsp; Luci will be a road runner with me.....
Great eBook Bob! I read the book from my iPhone kindle reader during a few trips to get coffee (on different days). It's a great resource for those looking to start the RVing lifestyle.<br><br>I just left you a 5 star review on Amazon! I know reviews are what helps Amazon rankings. Hopefully my review helps your book a little.<br><br>Thanks!
I just read this.<br><br>I am definitely one of the second group of people, it will not be difficult for me to afford rent or even a mortgage but something about living in a van is appealing to me...
Hi Bob,<br>&nbsp;<br>I have read your book and I think that is is great.&nbsp; You seem to cover everything and make it out to be simple to make the change.&nbsp; This is my first time to post on this site and I am ready to make this change, well, I have NOT convinced my wife that this is a good thing.&nbsp; I was hoping to find some other post with people having the same problem that I am having.&nbsp; <br><br>I have purchased me an older Road-trek.&nbsp; My wife has a job that she likes and thinks that they will not be happy if they find out she does not have a bricks and sticks (aka home).&nbsp; Plus, here in GA it will be harder to park overnight in a van.&nbsp; A little harder, not impossible.&nbsp; <br><br>What is bad is that I have been in the Real Estate Business since 1984.&nbsp; I have all the license, Broker, CG Appraiser, Auctioneer and now my Insurance Adjuster License.&nbsp;&nbsp; I have made good money over the years, but since September 2007, things have been very bad as far as Income.&nbsp; (A Little here and a little there)&nbsp; I would be the first to say that the so called American Dream, is now a Nightmare!&nbsp; <br><br>You Van-dwellers have got the Truth by the Tail and I want to be where you are right now.&nbsp; To Live with very little is the way to have it all.&nbsp;&nbsp; Jesus told us that and I did not listen, then.&nbsp; Well Now I hear him Loud and Clear!&nbsp; When he said that he gave a kiss, he meant to all of us. Keep It Simple Stupid, that translated in today's words, be a Van-dweller and have everything you want.&nbsp;<br><br><br>Thanks for the web sites and the book!&nbsp; &nbsp;<br><br>
Bless you Bob for your eBook for Kindle Fire, I have read and reread it, made many bookmarks. It has so much info in it for so little money!!&nbsp; I agree, a Kindle is great thing to have for van life...I have recommended your eBook to a couple of my friends who are curious of what I have been doing and planning. It's hard to keep mum...when it has so much convincing knowledge and experience that you've shared in this affordable book. <br>I look forward to meeting you someday. We are almost neighbors...<br>Phyllis Anne
Hi Bob; <br />Well I went to bed with you in my arms last night and just what I expected happened...after reading for far too long I fell asleep and you ended up in the sock drawer! *laugh* I pull it out to catch when I go taking my computer to bed to read or watch.<br />Very good on you for writing the book! So far, I did not fall asleep from boredom it got way past my normal sleep time. Can I post a link to your book on the blog I'm just starting?<br />Hugs,<br />hippiechk