Is this a good charge controller????

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I have 3 - 390 Watt panels 48.48V @10.14A each in parallel with a 100A controller that handles 150V and 450 ah batteries. Is my controller enough?
Just made a deal with the feller...….if anyone is interested...…(2) panels for $160.....I hope that this helps somebody..... Just let me know and I will give you the info...………..I told him that if he makes a deal I would let people know. if I have 24 volt that through a good controller.....can it hook directly to a 12 volt battery????????? I need a converter???
I thought you got a 300 watt panel? that should be more than 24v. can you post a picture of the label on the back of the panel? a converter has nothing to do with solar, do you mean controller? never ever hook a panel straight to the battery you need a controller between the panel and battery. highdesertranger
yes, I posted above what controller I plan on using....MPPT 50 Amp.....but I was just wondering about a higher than 12 volt panel going through the controller and then into a 12 volt battery bank, if a converter was needed or if the controller handled that.


I don't know how to post a picture on here....I don't see that option

But it says Max Power voltage 37.5
and VOC is 44.9

I did get the 300 watt panel.....and am adding another for a total of (2) panels = 600 watts
When you first connect the charge controller to the battery, the controller then knows what voltage the battery bank is that it is trying to charge. Then you connect the panels to the charge controller. Disconnect panels before disconnecting the charge controller. No converter is needed as the MPPT charge controller takes the higher voltage and turns it into more amps to the battery.

A converter is needed if you want to charge from shore power.
Thank you, I was wondering if the MPPT was "smart" and would know and sense what the battery bank voltage is. What confused me was a video by the kid, Will was his name. He does videos on YouTube about solar.
Back panel of 300 watt solar panel.jpg

this is on the back of my panel


  • Back panel of 300 watt solar panel.jpg
    Back panel of 300 watt solar panel.jpg
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yeah that's a 38v panel get a MPPT controller that can handle the specs that you posted in that pic, most will. if you see a controller you think might work post it here and we will let you know. but first compare those numbers to the MPPT specs so you start to understand how this all works. highdesertranger
He also meant to say a ( real ) MPPT. Not the $20 ones. Ive watched too many debunk, fraud, testings on youtube. The one guy was kinda right by saying a real ( Mppt ) is in the $100 range and up. Also shop from reputable brand(s). Buy once, cry once. Just my hang up.
just a note as I know nothing about that controller and they don't give the charging specs. but in one spot they say it's ok for AGM and in another spot it says not ok for AGM. does any body have the specs? highdesertranger

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