Is respecting each other really too much to ask??

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Well-known member
Dec 7, 2015
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After browsing youtube this morning, I watched bobs recent video for Christmas Day. And for some reason, I just couldn't resist reading the comments. Plenty of positive, but I just couldn't understand the negative. One click lead to another and I found myself just feeling disgusted at other youtuber videos and negative comments. I posted this on my blog, but wanted to perhaps get an open discussion going here:

We live in such a divided world. People love to fight over who's right, many go insane because they have to be right all the time. I know what its like to be that person, I use to have to be right about everything. The best piece of advice I got in the last year, was when I was expressing my issue with having to be right all the time. I was told, "They aren't right and you aren't  wrong, but they aren't wrong and you aren't right". The fact of life is, it's impossible to say who is wrong and who is right. So we all need to step back and realize that unless it is in the case of causing other people harm, it doesn't matter. We all have different beliefs, and have been raised so many different ways for thousands of years. Everyone wants to be happy. Can't we all just agree on that? Universally we can agree that every person just wants to be respected, so lets just do that, we don't have to agree. But we don't have to force our beliefs and opinions on to other people. We can express ideas, but once we start being negative and showing anger towards others, not only are we not changing their mind, we are wasting energy. It's fine to say you don't like something. I don't like Brussel sprouts, or creamed corn, but I'm not about to start expressing a ton of anger and trying to condemn them and other people who do enjoy them, because it doesn't affect me at all. I'll just not eat them. Let's just all be a little more friendly towards each other, show more compassion, and wish peace towards everyone every day. Love.

Joshua T Sikorski
Well said. PS: I'm with you on the Brussels sprouts but whattup with the creamed corn? Who doesn't like creamed corn? :p
Haha, its the creamy part I guess, Im such a weirdo I don't even like corn off the cob. :D
you don't like corn on the cob? you can't be an American then. just kidding. well said Joshua. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
you don't like corn on the cob?  you can't be an American then.  just kidding.  well said Joshua.  highdesertranger

haha no no no, I DO like corn ON the cob, I just don't like it OFF the cob. Oddly enough I really wasn't even a huge fan of on the cob till this year, now I love it grilled. I guess perhaps its part of aging and taste buds changing, perhaps I should open my mind and go back and try stuff I don't like.
gsfish said:
I don't THINK that respecting each other is too much to ask but I KNOW that it is too much to expect.


You're exactly right. As wishy washy as it may sound though I believe there is hope for a good part of humanity. We just all have to at least get in a mindset of respect and compassion for other humans. I think perhaps this issue comes from the whole, "Respect is earned". Like I said, we don't have to agree, and we aren't going to agree. But I think humans can agree that we all want to be happy and loved. I would say at least 90% of humans anyways, call me an optimist.
Never read the comments.

Very few channels that isn't important.
WanderLoveJosh said:
 but wanted to perhaps get an open discussion going here:
 Let's just all be a little more friendly towards each other, show more compassion, and wish peace towards everyone every day. Love.

If I may I would throw in my two cents.

Your post brought old memories back.  Our nation has been here before.  The same questions were asked then that your asking now.  I don't think anyone really knows how it all started back then, but it was at first dozens, then hundreds, then thousands - until finally it became a movement.

That movement changed the world.  Some of the changes faded away, some stayed to echo down through time.  Women no longer are forced to wear dresses whenever they are public, Men don't always have to worry about their hair touching their ears, and everyone runs around in blue jeans.

The movement changed our music and the music tried to put the feelings of the movement into words.  That is how we ended up with classics such as "Imagine" by John Lennon or "All You Need is Love" by the Beatles.  

But your right in asking why cant everyone just do the things that let every person be who they want to be.  Why cant we all live without all the negative feelings?  I think Bob Dylan made a very poignant answer in one of his songs - 'The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind'
Alas, all comments at YouTube (and YahooNews, and nearly every other site on the Net) only show that most people have shit for brains.

Sad but true.
The truth is, it is too much to ask or even hope for given the present state of affairs. What makes you happy will enrage someone else.. There is no "live and let live". I hate to be Debbie Downer, but that is the truth.
WanderLoveJosh said:
After browsing youtube this morning, I watched bobs recent video for Christmas Day. And for some reason, I just couldn't resist reading the comments. Plenty of positive, but I just couldn't understand the negative.
Because, you know what's cool about the internet? If we don't like the video or the message, we can just click on.  Ain't nobody forcing us to watch, listen, or participate.  I even have relatives I don't internet with because I don't like their language or message.  

There are some interviews I am not the least bit interested in for one reason or another so I don't finish watching.  But there are a few interviews that really resonate with me, and I'm glad I "met" the person and thankful for it. It's that easy.

Another big issue is that many politically active and historically well-informed people perceive that our nation is at a crisis point, or at least on the verge of a major inflection.

That the future of our republican democracy, perhaps the welfare of humanity across the globe, is at stake.

In that context, it is important for **more** people to join the battle on the right side, and overcome the ignorant fools supporting their power-hungry leaders on the other side.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing.”

Silly to think it more important to be civil and keep things easy for those who don't care, would prefer to sit on the fence and stay comfortable, ignoring the crisis.

If that is what you believe.

From either side.
Bob's videos are pretty much always positive much like a lot of videos from campers. I have a suspicion that the negative comments are made by those that are jealous and can't bring themselves to say something good because they are in a miserable existence. That added to the relatively anonymous nature of online posting, folks will say things they'd never say face to face. Personally, I always re-read what I'm about to post a few times. First for spelling because I'm a stickler for properly spelled words unless I'm purposely using slang (wanna, gonna, prolly... etc) and often times I'm deleting what I wrote because it was something negative that didn't need to be. Oh, and I love brussel sprouts, roasted with butter, bacon and black pepper.
geogentry said:
"...The movement changed our music and the music tried to put the feelings of the movement into words.  That is how we ended up with classics such as "Imagine" by John Lennon or "All You Need is Love" by the Beatles.  

Why cant we all live without all the negative feelings?  I think Bob Dylan made a very poignant answer in one of his songs - 'The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind'..."

Thank you for this thoughtful/beautifully crafted think piece!
:heart: Charlotte
John61CT said:
"...many politically active and historically well-informed people perceive that our nation is at a crisis point, or at least on the verge of a major inflection...That the future of our republican democracy, perhaps the welfare of humanity across the globe, is at stake.

In that context, it is important for **more** people to join the battle on the right side, and overcome the ignorant fools supporting their power-hungry leaders on the other side.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing.”

Hear Hear!  Good to know some are 'awake' & 'aware'.  

Merry Xmas, John!  It's a pleasure 'knowing' you...
:rolleyes: Charlotte
Well, I played the video and watched with my 31 year old son with Down syndrome. Because he is "lowering functioning" he could never really understand the concept of Christmas BUT he has always loved movies with Santa/Christmas themed, because they are happy and cheerful, lots of smiles when Santa appears. He got his photo with Santa at the local grocery store. Christmas represents something special to him.

I went and read the comments. I am no longer Christian, people that know me are always shocked, but none "unsubscribe" to me, a good old friend wants to convert me, friends of 40 years and a minister's daughter, I don't "unsubscribe" to her, we sort of "agree to disagree" when it comes to "Jesus", it works and we have respect for one another's beliefs, well, more or less. The people that are really important to us and care about us will be able to "agree to disagree" and well, everyone else..............
Fortunately we don't have religious or political requirements to live a free wandering life. I accept everyone for who and what they are as long as they don't try to change me from my beliefs.