Is a foodie really suited to this?

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I really like the McDonald’s brand of coffee. Never a bitter cup
X2 on McD's coffee (senior cup) over Starsux. Their coffee always tastes burnt to me but I drink coffee, not a desert and it is way overpriced. I think all the flavorings they put in it must cover the real taste. I don't much care for dark roast either (kinda a burnt taste). Medium roast all the way. I am using community coffee right now. Costco stopped selling their inhouse blue bag coffee and Dunkin Donuts coffee a while back, bummer. Dunkin Donuts ground coffee is good to. This is what I buy on the road to make coffee.
I have a Stanley kettle/French Press and a coil immersion heat device from a truck stop. Wonderful coffee and I don't have to set up the rear galley outdoor kitchen....but later in the day, I do have to dispose of the used grounds and wash out the French Press...worth it, though!
gsfish said:
I don't normally follow the lead of multi-millionaires as I don't feel that in most cases they would have a more relevant opinion on issues that affect me.

Regarding coffee, I find the act of brewing, with the sounds and smells plus waiting for the reward of a nice cup of Joe to be a comforting morning ritual. As an aside, if you catch me in a Starbucks paying $5 for 10 cents worth of coffee please shake me back to reality.

They have probably normalized access to far better food and drink than you or I.  In this case, their experience is relevant.  

True story:  that's why I mentioned it.