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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2011
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Hi!&nbsp; I'm Cyndi!&nbsp; Just back from the RTR where I had a fabulous time and met&nbsp;a lot of&nbsp;really wonderful people.&nbsp; I've lived in a van off and on over the years for up to 6 months at a time and always knew I wanted to full time.&nbsp; I'm actively searching for a vehicle now, leaning towards a Class C, but keeping all options open.&nbsp; I plan to be on the road, full time, by January of 2012.&nbsp; If it happens sooner I won't be disappointed!<br><br>I learned so much from the people at the RTR (thank you thank you all of you!) and am looking forward to reading and learning more, here!<br><br>OK,&nbsp;please, someone tell me how&nbsp;I can get into that speshul sekrit "<A class=forum_title href="" target=_blank><FONT color=#3b5998>Read this stuff first! It's good stuff!</FONT></A><BR>announcements, news, a forum GPS!" thread.<br><br>Thanks<br>Cyndi and Stumpy (my dog who&nbsp;believes she is the&nbsp;queen of everything)<br>
Hi Cyndi! Looks like we are startin' out here at the same time. Um,could you please tell me what RTR means?<div><br></div><div>Thanks Rose n Earl</div>
RTR is the Rubber Tramp Rendezvous just finishing up in quartzsite, AZ. an amazing event!<br><br>the link<br><A href="" target=_blank></A><br><br>and some blogs<br><DIV>&nbsp;</DIV><DIV>Jenn and Johnny</DIV><DIV><A href="" rel=nofollow target=_blank target=_blank><SPAN id=lw_1296779558_2 class=yshortcuts></SPAN></A></DIV><DIV>&nbsp;</DIV><DIV>Laura's blog</DIV><DIV><A href="" rel=nofollow target=_blank target=_blank><SPAN id=lw_1296779558_3 class=yshortcuts></SPAN></A></DIV><DIV>&nbsp;</DIV><DIV>Remi's blog</DIV><DIV><A href="" target=_blank></A></DIV><DIV>&nbsp;</DIV><DIV>Mine</DIV><DIV><DIV><A href="" rel=nofollow target=_blank target=_blank><SPAN id=lw_1296779558_0 class=yshortcuts></SPAN></A>&nbsp;this is the first of 4</DIV></DIV><DIV>&nbsp;</DIV><DIV>Suanne's blog</DIV><DIV _yuid="yui_3_1_1_7_129677955260343"><A href="" rel=nofollow target=_blank target=_blank><SPAN id=lw_1296779558_4 class=yshortcuts></SPAN></A></DIV><DIV _yuid="yui_3_1_1_7_129677955260343">&nbsp;</DIV><DIV _yuid="yui_3_1_1_7_129677955260343"><DIV>and Stumpy's (a dog's view)</DIV><DIV><A href="" rel=nofollow target=_blank target=_blank><SPAN id=lw_1296779558_1 class=yshortcuts></SPAN></A>&nbsp;(the first of 9)</DIV></DIV><DIV _yuid="yui_3_1_1_7_129677955260343">&nbsp;</DIV><DIV _yuid="yui_3_1_1_7_129677955260343">&nbsp;</DIV>
Hi Cindi<br><br>glad you made it home in one piece and in good condition, I enjoyed your company during the RTR<br><br>Putz<br>
Thanks for the info and the links! I drive by Quartzite alot and I see the campers out in the desert. That is SO ME!!&nbsp;
<FONT size=3>Hi Cyndi,<BR><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Good to see you here ... and glad you made it back from QTZ.&nbsp; I hear temperatures have dropped in AZ.&nbsp; So, hope you and Stumpy are staying warm.&nbsp; Suanne</FONT><BR>
hiya cyndi! so glad to see you here! smooch stumpy for me!<div><br></div><div>do you mean you can't even enter the thread? can't even open it to read? no wonder i've been talking to myself over there and nobody answers.....</div><div><br></div><div>i will check it out!</div><div><br></div><div>kate, who is really nothing more than a glorified cleaning lady, tidying up the threads :)</div><div><br></div><div>p.s. danelady, welcome home!</div>
Hi Suanne, I wish I could say I was happy to be back from Q, or leave there at all.&nbsp; I was so much warmer there!<br><br>Katie, Stumpy's already in bed for the night, but I will relay your smooch to her tomorrow. Yup!&nbsp; That's me...sign up on a new forum and start whining about what's not working for'll get used to it!<br><br>Rose, you're welcome.&nbsp; I hope we'll see you and Earl there next year.&nbsp; It really was a party for the dogs!<br><br> the name, who are&nbsp; you?&nbsp; I know I heard mention of a ponputz at RTR.<br>
Cyndi, you were such a blessing to the gathering!! You did so much behind the scene, thank you <img src="" align="absmiddle" border="0"> I think Cyndi doesn't sleep! She was always sitting outside of her RV, and she is so friendly, she became the center of the gathering (it helped that she was the closest to the firepit and the kitchen!). <br><br>The storm that just blew across the country dropped temeperatures everywhere, even here. The overnight lows have been in the mid-teens and daytime highs in the 40s. The first night of those temps also had 30-45 mph winds. VERY, VERY cold! Bob<br>
Blars! Hi! I hope all is well in LA!&nbsp; I'll be checking out your blog next!<br><br>Bob, consider yourself blessed that I didn't sing!<br>It can't be as cold there as it is in dirtville!&nbsp; But, I am grateful to have some heat, here!&nbsp; should be warming up in Q today and then I can be envious again!<br>
Hi Cyndi....great to have met you and your buddy, Stumpy. It is cold here in Baja too....32 this morning at 6 and about 65 now.<br>Bri<br><br>
I tried to answer your private message but you don't accept them.&nbsp; Comments on my blog are currently broken, I need to work on them.&nbsp; I have no idea why blogger won't let you subscribe.<br>
Bri!&nbsp; Back at you! It was wonderful to meet and spend time with you and Dina!&nbsp; I hope it's warming up in Baja! I'd be envious even if it's cold.&nbsp; You're beachfront!<br><br>Kirk!&nbsp; Ok, I remember now! How did you know you are my favorite putz?&nbsp; No one was supposed to tell... I hope your're warm, where ever you are!<br><br>Blars, I'll fix my pm's, thanks for letting me know!&nbsp; Blogger can be real glitchy so I'm sure the inablility to subscribe has to do with blogger, I'll keep trying!<br>
<font class="Apple-style-span" size="4">i couldn't subscribe, either. kept getting error messages. this was under "preferences".</font>