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Sep 5, 2012
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<table class="nested_invisible_table" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td colspan="2" valign="top"><hr class="post_date_divider" size="1" /></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" valign="top" height="100%"><span id="post_message_1274888673">Hello, Melbel here from AL.<br />Newbie here retired and needing to travel before its too late...thinking i may need to try and build a camper or do a van conversion instead of buying some of the death traps being manufactured...Ok so Im almost 60 yo woman...but pretty savey...which would be the best for me? Im sort of liking the truck camper..maybe not a 4by4. What say you folks...I like living cheap/frugal/.....I like efficiency. I do not like the humid heat of Alabama and I plan on have a good air unit and such...Thanks for any input...Im still pondering on my alternatives.<br />melbel<br />ps thanks for your advise and comments...<br /><br /></span></td></tr></tbody></table>
Welcome Melbel.&nbsp; This is the place for you!&nbsp; Check out the homemade truck camper here on cheaprvling.&nbsp; There are other one's on the net as well.&nbsp; Good luck.&nbsp; Rae
Welcom Melbel! You'll find&nbsp;quite a bit of useful information here. Glad to see you found our group.
Hi Melbel! Great to see ya here. I am leaning toward a truck camper myself, after really looking at all my options. I do like the smaller, especially retro campers but think it may be hard for me to handle, pulling. So... I've seen some really sweet truck campers tho... and think I can find one I like once I get enough money saved... The only downside I have really noticed is you have to get out of the truck to get to the living part... instead of it being all one unit like a van... but I think it will be okay! Best wishes to you whatever you decide!<br /><br />
Hello and Welcome&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
Hi Melbel, welcome from another Alabamian ( north Dekalb co, near Ga st line) . Glad to have you here. Mabye you could attend our pig roast in Oct and see some different rigs? Look under gatherings " Pig Roast" for details. Hope to see you there!
Hi Melbel&nbsp;welcome&nbsp;to our group&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
welcome, i'm also in bama.<img src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif" />