Insurance and registering a uhaul

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Oct 28, 2019
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hi all!
I’m planning to get a retired uhaul and convert it to a stealth tiny home. I live in Los Angeles and I’ll be spending most of my time here aside from traveling..

What are my cheapest state options for registering my vehicle for insurance ? 

Can I apply for another state drivers license online, establish a forwarding address, register the vehicle there (preferabily online) and claim that I’m traveling if I’m ever pulled over ?
What would you do?
Welcome to the CRVL forums Keolablue! Sorry I am not able to answer your questions. Hopefully someone with more knowledge on these issues will chime in in the meantime read through some of the forum threads and perhaps you'll find some help.

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I would leave California immediately! LOL!!! There are many good reasons to do so but with residency requirements and you wanting to spend most of your time in California it will affect many things like health insurance and etc. which may off set many of the advantages. Also since it was used commercially I would check with the department of motor vehicles and your insurance company to see if it will be a problem getting it titled and insured before buying. There is no simple answer to this question and you will need to research this forum and others for answers for you particular situation. Escapees Club at can give you some good information as well as refer you to an advisor.
Thanks all!
Eager to see who else might have more knowledge about this..
Up here in Wa state it used to be 30 bux to register..but slowly the gov has decided to add fees... their way to sneak around our initiative. So now.. we have another initiative 976 that we are voting on again that would force the gov to lose the fees and to return it back to  the 30 bux.

The actual vote is Nov. 5th..tho we are sending votes in now.... But if it passes..which im sure it will then Wa. going to be pretty darn low... should be less than 40 total.

Wish us luck!
Just yesterday I just registered the vintage travel trailer I purchased in Oregon in Washington state. Between the cost of the title transfer, the cost of the license plate, the fees from the local agency and sales tax on a valuation of $450. (fixer trailer appraised by an official RV dealer) I spent $249.00.

They are going to look up your Uhaul be it a truck or trailer and make you prove its value if it is not listed on their computer. Sales tax can vary depending if you paid it where you bought it and now recently you paid it. Washington state has some funny rules about that. Also some cities have higher sales tax rates than other. If you have a motor vehicle do be aware that you might need to have it emission tested depending on the location you register it in. There is also a fee for emission testing.

So I would say it won't be cheap to register much of anything in Washington state at this time. If you need to get a new title in a hurry that will also cost you extra. I have no idea what you can do about insuring it and you forget to say if it is a uhual trailer or a uhual truck.
Hi, I’m the same person, different account (because of emails)
Thanks for your responses !
To clarify I’m looking at a uhaul truck or other type of cargo box truck. a trailer is less of an option I believe because Los Angeles is strict about accessory dwelling units on wheels
And I don’t want to pay rent to be parked in someone’s driveway all the time anyway, I might as well move into an apartment

I still have a question unanswered , Can I apply for another state drivers license online, establish a forwarding address, register the vehicle there (preferabily online) and claim that I’m traveling if I’m ever pulled over ?
Which would be the best state to do this in given my situation?
What would you do?
"I still have a question unanswered , Can I apply for another state drivers license online, establish a forwarding address, register the vehicle there (preferabily online) and claim that I’m traveling if I’m ever pulled over ?"

I know of no other state where you can do all this online. with the real ID coming into effect I doubt it.

also California takes a dim view of what you are trying to do. do you work in CA? if you do it will be real easy for them to prove fraud. if you don't work in CA then I agree with bullfrog, get out.

Can you really get in trouble for fraud if you establish a primary residence in another state and have a driver’s license there, etc?

I have heard that CA RV owner residents get away with FL plates . Not my plan to be illegal

Taxes are other matter from vehicle ownership right ? I understand I have to file accordingly for doing business in other states
Why risk it if you can move and do it legally? Nomad right?

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