Imagine rolling into the next overland expo in this...

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Surplus military vehicles are good if you're going to spend all your driving time off road, but they're slow and noisy for highway driving. So by the time you'd make it to Overland Expo (after taking much longer to get there, partly because of people wanting to ask questions, see inside, and have their picture taken with it every time you stop for fuel) you'd be exhausted.
MrNoodly said:
Surplus military vehicles are good if you're going to spend all your driving time off road, but they're slow and noisy for highway driving. So by the time you'd make it to Overland Expo (after taking much longer to get there, partly because of people wanting to ask questions, see inside, and have their picture taken with it every time you stop for fuel) you'd be exhausted.

Of course, not practical, just looks badass.

Also the high bid was $120K and that didn't meet the reserve. 

Might pay for itself in rentals to movie productions but I'm in the shutting down businesses business, not the starting new businesses business.