If your not cooking, What is your favorite food place?

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Well I haven't seen Hardy's mentioned. They are best for breakfast. I don't care for their burgers particularly. Their biscuits are the best around for breakfast sandwiches.

In my opinion Mickey D's has gone downhill. When I have a burger now and then I regret it.

Another good one is What A Burger. Breakfast sandwiches are good if you can't find a Hardy's. But they really shine on their hamburgers and shakes.

I like Taco Bell but they've gotten too pricy for the little bit of meat you get in a Taco.

My two centavos.
There is a place outside of baltimore called Glory Days, that i really love. Wish i could transport it here :) Its got the normal sports bar thing, but it has all kinds of tvs all over and the system that lets you tune a speaker in to the one you want. Really good food (id get the chicken, ribs and shrimp platter)and super nice staff.

But now adays i hit up whatever is near where im parked, which is usually Moes or subway. I really like taco bell too. Chinese joint on the weekend has some general tsos that has this almost flowery taste to it, not sure whats in the sauce but its the only one like it i have tasted.

The best food ive tasted from a restaurant was wolfgang pucks restaurant in pleasure island disney in florida. I was expecting some carrots and sauce dribbled all fancy on a plate, but they brought us huge portions of insanely delicious food (i had scallops, ex had a chicken dinner). It was our honeymoon, and they gave us free dessert with congrats written on it :) Don't even ask how much that dinner cost tho lol
I will get a veggie burrito for 6 bucks (I know where the big ones are) usually 3 meals per burr
If you're driving around the gulf coast of Texas, the stripes gas stations have burritos with home made tortillas that are to die for. Breakfast burritos are .99 cents.

Their lunches and dinners are a little more but still a bargain and everything is made fresh. You can make a salad out of their garnish bar!

If you're in Massachusetts, T.C. Lando's, is a small family owned chain. The burrito's are cheap and are big enough to make 2 if not 3 meals
http://thecheesesteakguys.com/landos/ (scroll to the bottom for the burrito menu)
We are probably the odd ones but we like Cracker Barrel. It is the type of food that we eat at home without us having to actualy make it. There are things that David simply will not eat (silly Yankee) but mostly he will eat most Southern cooking. We have discovered that, when traveling, we will eat supper at CB, spend the night nearby (in in their parking lot) and then can eat a CB breakfast the next morning and we tend to skip lunch or simply have a biscuit with a slice of cheese. I do like knowing that we can expect a certain level of service and quality of food no matter where the CB is at. Unfortunately the closest CB is in ABQ and they can't make biscuits out here. It's bad enough that we once stopped there and had a late lunch and the biscuits were good. I asked if they hired someone from the South that could make biscuits. Response was they had someone from corporate in TN that was reteaching them how to cook. I knew the next time we were there that the person had left. Silly people just have to handle the dough too much.

In Roswell, we sometimes eat at a Chinese Buffet. It's pretty rare though due to the expense. I find it depressing that it takes me less time to eat the food than what it took to make the money (once you figure taking taxes out it works out to a tad over 3 hours including the tip).

I can usually find a copycat recipe for almost any restaurant dish we may want.
I have to second the Cracker Barrel !!!!!!.......a good meal and a place to sleep it off , with a good meal in the morning!!!!

I try not to stop often but love the thought when its in the budget :)
The only thing I will deviate from my diet for is PIZZA! But it has to be GOOD PIZZA, none of this Domino's stuff. - Spiff
A third vote for Cracker Barrel, I could wander their store for an hour. Love the books on tape or dvd too. You pick a book, pay a deposit and I think $5 and drop it off at any Cracker Barrel in the country. They have a great selection of the newest books. Love the fried okra and their breakfasts are great. A bit pricy though.
Cracker Barrel is one of those "luxury" stops for us, but they sure have been good every time. They also welcome overnight stays where there are local laws against it. I was told it was because CB owns the properties, rather than lease.

Pizza is one of my weaknesses.
For breakfast I like a certain local Waffle House - good food for a fair price. But another WH on the other side of town totally sucks! Depends on the crew - they will make or break the establishment.
When my buddies and I go out to our hunting lease, we stop at a little gas station eatery - the friendly cook makes the BEST omelets! She hunts too. ;-)
A little restaurant on the local lake, "The Whipporill", has very good food and good prices. Darned good fish sandwiches.
Why do you think CB is expensive? Our meal budget average is $10 and in reality the meals tend to run $8 - $12 per person, including drink and tip (love the dinner salads). But overall it averages out to $10 per person, per meal. We haul half our meal home with us (this is where a thermoelectric cooler comes in handy). The last time I ate at a fast food place, the prices were almost similar for less food. I won't argue with you over your perception. I spent too much time trying to convince my mother that CB was a bargain. I finally did that when my Dad was in the Asheville VA hospital and I was driving her the hour long trip to and back from the hospital every two days. I drove, paid for the gas, paid for the meals, I got to choose where we ate. You should have seen her face when I ordered one of the salads. And then it showed up! My complaint about CB is we always have to make a special trip for desserts. Always too full to have a meal PLUS dessert. And we often hauled a plate full of biscuits home with us along with some apple butter (some CBs are getting stingy with the biscuits though). We have noticed that if we order a plate of biscuits up front and ask that they bring the biscuits with our drinks, we get another plate with our meal, then we ask for another plate towards the end of our meal and at the end of our meal, we get take home boxes and take home everything we didn't eat. We also get a "to-go cup" and get that filled as well. We have learned how to work a CB!
When you have a whopping $40 a week budgeted for food, even a $10 meal is a luxury. Fast food is nowhere near as good as CB but with the dollar menus and by using your own drinks, you can eat for under $3. I love to cook and have learned some tasty inexpensive recipes but it's hard when you're on the road. A $2 breakfast sandwich is an easy solution.
when Im on the road 40.00 and a good grocery store will feed me 3 very good meals a day for a week !

Im so cheap I pull over to make a thermos of coffee in the rig and then go into mcdonalds and ask for the cream and sugar for free!
Lucky mike said:
when Im on the road 40.00 and a good grocery store will feed me 3 very good meals a day for a week !

Im so cheap I pull over to make a thermos of coffee in the rig and then go into mcdonalds and ask for the cream and sugar for free!

Now that is cheap! :blush:
It used to be that bars and clubs would have free food during happy hour. One place had serve-yourself taco bar. Another place had a grand opening with chef-style buffet -- all free with drinks & tips.

Never hurts to ask. Some state tourism websites offer coupons for dinner or motels. If you have printer access -- you can find coupons for almost anything. I had a coupon once for a free taco -- "use only one coupon per day." -- Free is good, eh??
There was a time when money was very short, and I was living in my car, I met another who was living in her car (a Mercedes) she had lost her long time live in boyfriend to cancer and after being together for 20 years, he passed, his family literally kicked her out onto the streets only giving her the car, which wasn't worth much it was older. Anywho we hit MickeyD's every morning and for 2.17 got all you could drink coffee and a sausage biscuit. One day I was down to my last 2.00 and change and knowing after breakfast I would have about .35 cents left, my new found friend asked for my last bits of change so she could by cigarettes, and I said no, I was planing to buy a potato for dinner, with that little bit. I still feel bad about that moment but to me cigs where not essential (says the non smoker). She later checked herself into the mental hospital stating she was going to end herself, which was a lie because somebody told her to do it so she could get into the system. I took her dog from the police station because it was a Sunday and kept him for 3 months on my bare bottom budget. I finally found him a home....she was in the mental hospital for almost a year! went they let her out, she was set up with an apartment, free utilities and almost 600.00 a month plus food stamps! and she called me wanting her dog back, drunk as ever. anyhow Sometimes you do what you have got to do. A local butcher that I was getting bones from for my dogs would toss in some chop meat for me, he would say their a little something in there for you, to make sure I didn't give it to the dogs, but when I fished I always brought him something and we talked about fishing and how he wished he had time to fish (he had 6 kids) so I would tell him where I go what and sometimes he would share a honey hole he remembered... I really loved it, I was free! I budgeted my mere 660.00 a month to cover car insurance and cell phone, my only two important expenses. and always put 50.00 a side for emergencies. In truth I was afraid of needing a new car and not having any money.

I just realized that I could get the same deal at Mickey D's as I did 20 years ago....crazy. But if your really broke I think urban living or real bush living is the only was to go. In the city nothing is very far. and if you know how to hunt and fish, and build a fire, food is usually not an issue.....
Subway. I love their veggie subs on herb bread and their teriyaki chicken toasted on flatbread. Oops, my lack of high-class taste is showing.