Ideas for hanging clothing in minivan

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Patrick Piper

Feb 21, 2019
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I am trying to figure out some clothes hook, or something on that order, to use at night when I change out of my daily clothes.  I have a curtain behind the front seats, so hanging them on the back of the front seats isn't to my liking.  The curtain rod may not hold the extra weight either.  Maybe something I can easily screw into some interior trim piece near or on the two sliding doors.   I am told there are air bags and wiring I need to be careful not to pierce.  Any ideas?
How about a second curtain rod parallel to the one you have. One for curtains, one for clothing.
Most vehicles (I am generalizing) used to have a little hook in the upper trim by the back seat for hanging clothes hangers on for when you went to the cleaners and picked up you clothes. You may want to check the trim at the ceiling area in the back to see if there are any of these little hooks that fold down out of the trim.
Find some large, clear suction hooks, and affix them to any clean, smooth surface that you have.

They hold great, and will theoretically hold up to 5lbs or so.

I have bought these at WalMart, meant for Christmas wreaths on your door, have also seen them at CampingWorld.
It sounds like you don’t have any bare metal on which you can use magnets with hooks. I use them extensively throughout my van for all sorts of stuff including clothes. If you have bare metal available, try the magnetic hooks.
How about a clothesline supported from some of those detachable 3m hooks at intervals? You could just take the line down when not in use.
All good ideas.  Some I thought of and some not.  The existing hanger hooks in the back work, but are in the wrong location and hang down on top of me when I'm sleeping.  2nd curtain rod might be the way to go.  I may even try screwing through a thick part of the plastic rim and adding something sticky or velcro hoping it doesn't get pulled out.  The folding board is a great idea for packing clean clothes.  Although, I hang my clothes at night to help air them out.

Thanks for all the ideas.

Patrick Piper said:
I am trying to figure out some clothes hook, or something on that order, to use at night when I change out of my daily clothes.  I have a curtain behind the front seats, so hanging them on the back of the front seats isn't to my liking.  The curtain rod may not hold the extra weight either.  Maybe something I can easily screw into some interior trim piece near or on the two sliding doors.   I am told there are air bags and wiring I need to be careful not to pierce.  Any ideas?
Hello---I've used a large link chain to hang clothes on hangers on. I've also had success with belt/tie hangers and those velvety hangers that have multiple hooks on them.
Patrick Piper said:
I am trying to figure out some clothes hook, or something on that order, to use at night when I change out of my daily clothes.  I have a curtain behind the front seats, so hanging them on the back of the front seats isn't to my liking.  The curtain rod may not hold the extra weight either.  Maybe something I can easily screw into some interior trim piece near or on the two sliding doors.   I am told there are air bags and wiring I need to be careful not to pierce.  Any ideas?

i have a drying rack. you have seen the tents that twist and fold up that way? my rack does that you can put hooks in the cab area and hang the rack cross way in the driving area so it is out of your way when parked and another set of hooks in the rear and can be drying when traveling mine is mounted over the bed and are drying while i sleep hope this helps
Dump the cheap, thin, weak hanger rod you're using for the divider behind the seats now, and get a substantial one. Put your curtain on the new one. Get some wire coathangers and twist the top GENTLY so it's at a right angle to the rest of the hanger. Hang your clothes on top of the fabric divider.

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