I know what I want!!!

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Feb 2, 2011
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Ok,I been busy,busy,busy,but still finding time to visit here and read up all I can. In my travels I'm always scanning for vans and bothering the poor people in them to ask them questions. Sometimes I even run up waving my arms to get them to stop so I can take a look. Of course I always apologize for being weird,but everyone is always kind and helpful. There are just so many different models and types to choose from its been making me a little bit crazy!<div><br></div><div>So yesterday I pulled into the TA in Vegas and I see another camper van parked &nbsp;with the four wheelers so me and Earl take a walk over.</div><div>THIS IS THE ONE I'M GETTING!</div><div><br></div><div>Its a 1 ton G30. I guess its what's called a Class B. It had an extra water tank put in it,too. I'm glad to know that can be done because the water supply was something I was worried about seeing how Earl can drink several gallons a day when its hot.</div><div><br></div><div>I can't wait to go over and bug the guy some more about it,later on when he wakes up. I can really see myself &nbsp;in one of them. I like the plain vans,but I had to be honest with myself and realize that I'm getting old and I would like to have air conditoning when its hot.</div>
It will be interesting to read who did the conversion on it. Most B's do have a pretty decent amount of water storage on board. In the main tank we have 31 gallons and another 6 in the hot water heater. With two of us, it still lasts quite a while even taking showers.

Hey,thanks cyndi! I swear I can't make up my mind! After I'm done driving the truck I can just get a small travel trailer to pull behind a van.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>I went back to the guy parked at the TA and he was gone. Maybe he just went to the casino down the street. He said he was getting a good deal on meals there after he joined their player's club. He said he had been parked at the TA for 4 days and no one bothered him there.</div><div>I just want to make sure I have enough room to carry a lot of water with me if I go boondocking in the boonies.</div><div>&nbsp;&nbsp;I haven't been in my company's terminal in Phoenix for a few months and tonight when I pulled in I was amazed at how many more vans,campers,pop-ups,you name it,are parked in the driver's lot. It looks like a lot of other drivers are getting the</div><div>&nbsp;same idea as me.</div><div><br></div><div>See,I also have a little 2 door Explorer Sport. I never considered it a tow vehicle,but I recently saw one pulling a tiny Airstream trailer. Maybe I should just look for a little trailer. Dunno. Well, the important thing for me right now is to keep working and making money till its all over. Don't know how long this ol' body can keep throwing chains on a truck,or how freakin' long I'm gonna feel like doin' it,either. Until then I'll just keep absorbing everything I hear you guys talkin' 'bout.</div><div><br></div><div>But maybe I'll take a look at that van...ya just never know.</div>
<b>Hey Danelady,</b><br><b>Something to conside about a little travel trailer, you can just unhook it and go play somewhere else.&nbsp; Times have changed, I realize but 10 years ago when the family was together, we had a pop up-didn't like it, to much work if you move often, but no one ever bothered it. We usually parked in the free forest areas in Az.&nbsp; I plan on getting a lock for the hitch on my little old trailer for times it sits alone. Of course I don't think anyone woyld tow something that old away unless for scrap<IMG border=0 align=absMiddle src="https://vanlivingforum.com/images/boards/smilies/confused.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp; whick does happen here in my very depressed finacially neighborhood.</b><br>
Oh dragonfly,have you ever heard of 'the 'Sisters on the Fly Cowgirl Caravan'? I met some at the Phoenix livestock show back in 2010. It was also the last time I went anywhere with my mom before she passed. I grew up a city girl but I love the outdoors. Anyway,this group of women restore vintage trailers into works of art.<div><br></div><div>&nbsp;I was checkin' out the mountain men(lol) and I looked over and saw these beautiful old trailers parked in a circle nearby. They were a great bunch of people and invited everyone to go inside and take a look. The insides were stunning and the outside of each one was painted with a beautiful scene,or a real funny pic. They are a nationwide group and take the trailers on the road and meet up and go fishin'!</div><div><br></div><div>Honestly,I don't know if any of them are actually living in the trailers full time,but it looks entirely feasible. Its amazing how they turn an old tin can into something beautiful! Every now and then I see one on the road and start to drool.</div><div><br></div><div>They have a websight,and they even have a few trailers for sale there,but I think I'd rather restore it myself. It would be a little bit cheaper too. So maybe your trailer is a little old...but look at the pics of what these women have done with 'old' trailers!</div><div><br></div><div>Anyway,I suppose my little Explorer could pull a little tiny trailer like some of the ones I see out there.</div>
Hi danelady....there was a contingent of those women camping not too far from the RTR&nbsp; near Quartzsite....I forget what the sign said but someone else will remember...they looked sweet fro a distance....<br>Bri<br><br>
<P><b>Oh yes Danelady, I do not belong to Sisters on the Fly yet&nbsp;but I discovered them online while looking for a vintage trailer. Their web site is quite an inspiration to an artist like myself. I know a lot of you folks do stealth but when I show up in Quartzite in 2012, you will recognize my trailer.&nbsp; Her name is 'Lil Sanitee'. Best 5oo bucks I've spent.</b></P>
Ok,Sparky,thanks for the info!<div><br></div><div>Bri,I overheard some of the sisters talking about making margueritas while I was checking out the trailers. Mmm,that makes them alright in my book!</div><div><br></div><div>Diane,I can't wait to see your trailer. I can't wait to be an official rubber tramp,myself! I guess,I sorta am,but the rubber don't belong to me,haha.</div><div><br></div><div>I was thinking about that stealth camping. I don't imagine I can be too stealthy with a great dane. When he's just dreaming about chasing rabbits he really gets that truck a rocking. That's ok,I think could really see myself becoming one of those campground hosts when I finally turn in my chains.</div>