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Apr 2, 2013
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Hi all, I've been been lurking around this forum for several weeks now, so I figured it was about time I announced my presence.<br><br>I'm in college, currently. A year from now I'll be graduating with a fairly useless liberal arts degree, an obnoxious amount of student loan debt, and with the intent of becoming a small-scale farmer and permaculturalist.<br><br>Considering that I will very likely be stuck doing minimum-wage odd jobs after school, I know there's no way I can feed myself, afford an apartment and utilities, make steady loan payments, AND retain my sanity all at the same time. I'd also like to avoid the shame of having to move back in with my folks in my mid-twenties. <br><br>Because of this, I decided some time ago to take up vandwelling as soon as I could afford a car. I'm hoping it will allow me to pay off my loans much faster, and eventually give me the financial wiggle-room to start saving up for a few acres of my own. It also just sounds like a ridiculously fun and freeing experience, and has been something I've fantasized about off-and-on since grade school. I'm going to go out and live my van dream so that someday I can go out and live my farm dream! Sounds like a win-win to me. <br><br id="tinymce" class="mceContentBody "><br>Anyway... as of right now, I have no vehicle, no gear, no money, and no job. I have only a plan (kind of) and perhaps an excessive sense of adventure. It'll obviously be a while before I can start my own journey, so in the meantime I'll content myself with reading about all of yours! It's nice to meet you. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
<span style="font-size: x-small;"><strong>welcome....blkjak</strong></span>