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Well-known member
May 19, 2018
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The Boonies
Well, it took me a while to figure out how to register for this forum.  I kept trying to do it with my phone on Tapatalk but it kept telling me I had to do it from a browser, so I'd switch to a browser, but since I have Tapatalk installed it would switch back to the app.  So today being rainy and cold on the Front Range of Colorado, and I'm sheltering in place due to flood warnings, I dug out my laptop (the one I never use anymore but obviously it's good for something), created a wireless hotspot with my phone, and voila.  So I'm glad to finally get here!

At this moment I've been traveling in a van with my Biggest Doggess, Atina, who is a badass Belgian Malinois for 3 years.  She is very cool and keeps me about as right-side-up as I'm likely to get.  I was a physician before I became disabled.  Atina is my Service Dog.  

After more than 5 major head injuries, I had to retire.  I hit the road in order to spend as much of my time in Nature as possible.  That's where I feel the best.  I have extreme Social Phobia, so I avoid gatherings of humans.  You are more likely to encounter me deep in some forest than you are to meet me at a rally.  The Internet is great because I can have friends without actually going among humans!

Glad to have finally made it here :-D
Hello and welcome, glad you made it.

The internet gives me the opportunity to be social while living with a spouse who is decidedly not social.
Welcome to the forum Moxadox. I'm a newbie too. I'm so thankful for all the people on here sharing their experiences.

Peace from MN,

Sent from my VS501 using Tapatalk
Hi Moxadox and welcome. I can relate to a few of the things you mentioned, I am pretty sure there's a few of us on here that share your thoughts. For socializing, the internet is a pretty good compromise for me. Best of luck to you and yours!
Welcome Moxadox to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger
Welcome Moxadox. Hit the nail on the head about the internet and socializing. I am right there with you. I was lucky in I was married to an introvert for 31 years. He was not as introverted as I am but he understood me well. The internet keeps me in touch with some form of reality. I live in such a tiny town in Idaho, 160 people, I can go days with out speaking to a human. I am fine with this as long as my critters are around. On the internet I can be much more social than in person. I miss hubby,pancreas cancer :(, but I do not mind being alone now. You are way ahead of me with fancy phone mobile hot spot. I am lucky to get my wifi to work. And when I can ot I just call Tech suport and let them walk me through it. LOL I did add a range extender and new printer and kindle and all hooked up and worked. I felt accomplished for that one day. Chime in when ever you feel like it.
tx2sturgis said:
"Hey, Doc, it hurts when I do this..."

"Then don't do that!" [emoji16]

Thank you! What a kind bunch of wandering humans.

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Welcome. This lifestyle seems to attract introverts and people with social phobias, including myself. Seems like I remember Bob saying in one of his videos while addressing a group of people at last year's RTR, that "This is the world's largest gathering of introverts," or something to that effect.
No wonder I didn't fit in....there I was wandering around saying hi to everyone!

I had NO IDEA I was supposed to keep to myself and remain quiet and alone....

Now it makes sense. Kinda. 

Getting an occasional socialization dose is good. It is so much better with fellow introverts.
DLTooley said:
Getting an occasional socialization dose is good. It is so much better with fellow introverts.
You are so right! It's good to feel understood.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

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