How much H20 do you need to boondock for a week?

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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2016
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For a couple on the road....

Trying to think about our style of full timing, "about a week" seems to ring true for me on most subjects related to being out in the country with little to no services (water, electric, dump):

- How long are you willing to go without decent Internet?
- How long can you before needing to do laundry?
- How long can you go with sponge baths before a real shower?
- How much food can you carry?
- How long can you go before you get bored or need a change of scenery?
- How long before your composting toilet fills? (really not sure if this is a week or more/less)

So if my limits are "about a week" for most things, how much H20 do you personally use up in a week or per day provided you aren't taking multiple, full showers? Maybe one Navy shower or a solar shower per person, per week plus sponge baths while in the boonies, then hit up a real shower when we head into town?  How many gallons of gray water would you estimate?

The rough rule of thumb is "one gallon per person per day".

Double that if you are in an arid area.
We have a small class C with a lot of storage. We also like to be comfortable so we live pretty much as we would in a stationary house - cooking most of our meals, using all of our appliances (except the furnace which is an energy hog) and our batteries to their full extent, and taking daily showers. We very rarely have any type of hookups.

Internet - three days without any internet and I feel like I'm missing out on events here, with friends and family and the entire world but if the internet is just slow I can go much longer
Laundry - we have three weeks of underwear and socks so three weeks
Showers - Navy showers daily. We have about 40 gallons of water which are used for showers, toilet flushing, drinking, cooking and cleaning. Obviously, the water would last much longer if we didn't take showers but we get five days before we need to dump and fill.
Food - we have at least a month of nonperishable food, several weeks of perishable food stored in the refrigerator and freezer - standard RV size so not very big
Change of scenery - we wander at a lot so we don't stay anywhere very long but we do stay the entire two weeks of the RTR and we have stayed over a month when visiting friends and family.
Don't have a composting toilet but our RV toilet fills in a week.
Tough Q to answer for someone that's not me...

I'd say 5 gallons should be enough for just drinking and maybe cooking.

Flushing and showers???

You said you need to dump the tanks in a week , so add their capacity to that 5.

40 gal potable tank plus..a couple of 5-6gal jugs in your tub/shower would be an option or a bunch of 1 gal ones stashed wherever you have room.

Your best bet is to do a test run somewhere you have access to water for when you do run out. I did this a couple of times at a campground by just removing the water hose..
Many things can bump up the number - water intensive cooking, a hot/dry environment, long showers, leaving water out for pets, flushing toilet, etc. If you drink soda or beer and eat watermelon all day and never shower you won't need much.

When I went to Burning Man I would go through 1.5 gallons per day including a navy shower and that's about as intense an environment as it gets.

Bring a few extra gallons your first time and try it out before buying heavy reusable containers.
Reducto said:

It should perhaps be noted that the human body uses water molecules to break down alcohol. So drinking beer will, over time, DE-hydrate you. It should not be relied upon in any way as a substitute for drinking water.
Coffee and other caffeinated drinks don't count as water either.
Hrmmm rvpopeye and Reducto have some vastly different estimates...

No flushing, would use a composting toilet. Apologies for the confusion.

Thinking about this, I would be showering while out in the wild so perhaps outdoor solar shower and no need for gray water tank in that sense.

But rvpopeye said:

For 2 people, 5 gallons. Is that 5 gallons a day? 5gal * 7 days = 35gal, then a few more gallons for navy showers or sponge baths you're at 40+ gallons, correct?

Then Reducto said:
1.5gal / day x 2 people = 3gal * 7 days = 21gal and that include a navy shower each day in an arid climate.

AntiGroundhogDay said:
Hrmmm rvpopeye and Reducto have some vastly different estimates...

That's because the precision you seem to be looking for is not possible. How much water does "a shower" use? Well, it depends on the person, and perhaps on the day--perhaps on the temperature outside. There simply is no precise figure, and therefore no "correct" estimate. 

All you can do is see for yourself how much water YOU use in a typical week. (And even that will vary from week to week.)
AntiGroundhogDay said:
For a couple on the road....  I travel alone with a beagle so adjust.

Trying to think about our style of full timing, "about a week" seems to ring true for me on most subjects related to being out in the country with little to no services (water, electric, dump):

- How long are you willing to go without decent Internet?

Depends.  With no bad weather to track, I can go a couple of weeks or longer.  Anytime there is bad weather I like to have radar available.  I have an inReach SE to let my family know where I am and that I am OK, so I don't need internet for communication.  I have a booster and a directional antenna up 20 feet in the air, so there are not many places I cannot get at least 3G.  Beagle can go forever.

- How long can you before needing to do laundry?

I'm a guy.  I can go a long time.  I can use the 5 gallon bucket and plunger to wash clothes anytime I have enough water.

- How long can you go with sponge baths before a real shower?

I shower at least once a week; sponge bath every night.  I have learned to do a quick shower with 2 liters of water, although I usually use a gallon in a solar shower.  Beagle hates baths.

- How much food can you carry?

Fresh, as long as it will keep, usually enough for two weeks.  Ice cream lasts about 2 days (and not because it melts).  I carry canned and dry foods that will add another week or more after the fresh stuff.  I carry 15 days worth of backpacking food (dried and freeze dried).  So in total, in a pinch I can survive for 5 weeks if I can find usable water.  I carry 20 lbs of dog food = 4 weeks, stretchable to 5.

- How long can you go before you get bored or need a change of scenery?

Depends again.  If I have interesting things to do I can stay a couple of weeks, I usually stay a week or less.  If the weather or bugs or blowing dust/sand or whatever and it isn't expected to clear in a day or two; I'm moving to someplace better.

- How long before your composting toilet fills? (really not sure if this is a week or more/less)

I use a bucket (#2 only).  I have gone three weeks between dumping, could stretch it longer.  Urine gets dumped at least every morning.

So if my limits are "about a week" for most things, how much H20 do you personally use up in a week or per day provided you aren't taking multiple, full showers?

I can carry up to 14 gallons of water.  I have limited it to 1 gallon per day for me and the pup, but this is very dependent on weather.  I have 3 different ways to filter and purify water in the back country, so I can stretch that indefinitely if I can find standing water.  In Minnesota it is hard NOT to find water, so I splurge.  In Utah I can be quite stingy.

 Maybe one Navy shower or a solar shower per person, per week plus sponge baths while in the boonies, then hit up a real shower when we head into town?

I shower outside with a solar shower anytime it is convenient and I know I can replenish my water supply soon.  If standing water is available I will shower with unpurified water, saving the good stuff for drinking, etc.

 How many gallons of gray water would you estimate?    Zero.  No grey tank.

When I was solo in the van, me and the little dog went through about 1 gallon of water per day. That included food, dishes, and wipe-down-showers.

Now, with two people and two dogs in a trailer we go through about 40 gallons per week, including quick-showers for each of us. That is just about 3 gallons per human+dog combo, per day. A lot more waste in the larger trailer, most of it going to washing dishes and longer showers then just wipe-downs. Of course, if we have easy access to water, we go through more, but that usually does not exceed 60 gallons per week.

The trailer has 40 fresh, 40 gray, and 40 black. The gray tank is the most difficult to deal with as it fills quickly. We combat that by putting some dishwater down the toilet so not to over-fill the gray tank. We do not bother with this when boondocking in the desert where dumping gray tanks straight into the soil is not an issue (using proper soaps and such).
The 5 gallons is drinking for 1 week for 2 people or each if you add cooking
+or-. per the post by Tony and Karen.

The rest was figured from the fact that they have a self contained RV , the capacity of all their tanks . And their saying they dump tanks once a week.
Again , +or-.

This would not apply for someone doing a minimal use vandwelling life.

They could work on minimizing their use and adjust as they need.

But , doing a test run is a good idea for anyone wanting to know how much to carry.

There is NO set amount for anyone, it will vary greatly , everyone will need different amounts.. Air temps will change it all too.

Like I said , tough question to answer for anyone not me...
first off there is no replacement for water, not beer, not soda, not fruit juice, not Gatorade, nothing.

now what I do is what I do, ymmv.
I carry 30 gallons of water, that will last 2 guys and a dog 2 weeks with a cushion.
I would like to point out that I travel mostly in the high desert(go figure). there is always water close by, as in a springs or small creeks. don't drink this water without running it through a proper filter, however this water is fine for washing clothes, showering, even cooking if you boil it. if the water is turbid(cloudy) I run it through a bath towel. now don't be foolish. do not use water coming from a mine shaft or hot spring for cooking, or any questionable source for that matter. highdesertranger
In the winter we have no water at our site so I'll base my estimate on that.  I gallon lasts me a week for coffee, maybe two gallons for flushing, two gallons for 3 dogs.  If I fill my 30 gallon fresh water, I can make it a week adding two showers, minimal dishes, and cooking.  Need to dump in two weeks if I can let a little grey water off without it being noticed.  I have an available bath house so only shower at home when the weather is bad or on weekends when I have to share with too many people.  I stretch laundry to every two weeks but run out of uniforms before that in the summer.  Wouldn't miss internet too much as long as I have cable tv.
AntiGroundhogDay said:
For a couple on the road....

Trying to think about our style of full timing, "about a week" seems to ring true for me on most subjects related to being out in the country with little to no services (water, electric, dump):

- How long are you willing to go without decent Internet?
- How long can you before needing to do laundry?
- How long can you go with sponge baths before a real shower?
- How much food can you carry?
- How long can you go before you get bored or need a change of scenery?
- How long before your composting toilet fills? (really not sure if this is a week or more/less)

So if my limits are "about a week" for most things, how much H20 do you personally use up in a week or per day provided you aren't taking multiple, full showers? Maybe one Navy shower or a solar shower per person, per week plus sponge baths while in the boonies, then hit up a real shower when we head into town?  How many gallons of gray water would you estimate?

Sorry for any confusion , I missed your first post for some reason and read Tony and Karen's response to it first. (I think I clicked first unread post twice !)

Most of your questions are very hard to answer by anyone but you!
Lots of variables and personal preferences involved. I hope my answers helped you out a bit though.
You'll get a better handle on it all with experience in the "field".

So for ME !
Water , I drink about a half gallon a day or more in hot weather.
Showers , maybe a quickie (navy)once a week or day depending on activity level and weather. Wet wipes in between those.
When my GF was on board all the above "goes down the drain".

Laundry , a weeks worth of clothes is very subjective.Depends on what you're doing.
Sitting in the shade or gold prospecting in the "go figure" High Desert.(Good one HDR)
I frequently wash every days clothes in my sink or bucket if water is available from a lake or stream.

Grey water , Is controlled by whatever goes down a drain.(Sink or shower)

Internet depends on how much you rely on it (webaholic?? ;) or just checking email every few days/weeks..)

Food , you need a weeks worth for a week?
I'd carry 2 weeks just in case of "just in case". Or a month or more if Yellowstone was being puffy :rolleyes: .

Boredom , never happened to me.
Everywhere has something of interest .
Even those city places if that what floats your boat.

Compost toilet , ????????
Bucket toilet , Depends on your storage and/or disposal method.

Hope I didn't miss anything . YMMV

Oh Yeah , John: the string length question , would that be the square root of a square knot?
John61CT said:
how long is a piece of string?

In the context of this thread I'd be asking for the length of ~your~ string.  From the original post:

[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]how much H20 do you personally use up in a week or per day provided you aren't taking multiple, full showers?[/font]
That too greatly depends on many variables.

If I really want to maximize my time out there, as little as 1/2 gallon a day.

If I'm regularly going into town anyway maybe 5, even up to 10 when doing hard labor in desert heat.
I have a TT. It is just me and my two small dogs.

I use about 30 gallons of water a week. I shower every two or three days, it is a quick 3 minute shower. Laundry is every two weeks. I have to dump my black tank once a month. I carry about two weeks of food at a time.

I plan my trips around the 14 day BLM and campground limit. So I find a spot and stay two weeks. I do laundry and dump tanks and find a new spot. I always make sure I have cell signal, as I have health issues, anywhere I camp. I enjoy the peace and quiet, boredom has not been an issue.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
AntiGroundhogDay said:
- How long are you willing to go without decent Internet?
- How long can you before needing to do laundry?
- How long can you go with sponge baths before a real shower?
- How much food can you carry?
- How long can you go before you get bored or need a change of scenery?
- How long before your composting toilet fills? (really not sure if this is a week or more/less)

Without decent internet is the stickler here! I can go without it until I run out of reading material on my Kindle...after that - I be finding cell service for my mobile hotspot in a big hurry!!!!   :D  I've actually taken to stockpiling extra books from the library BEFORE I head in to an area with questionable connectivity!

Laundry - about 2 1/2 weeks or until I'm on the last pair of undies.... :rolleyes:

I have a pump solar shower set up and have figured out how to use it in the van with the kitchen sink for washing my hair so the question is not how long CAN I go but how long do I LIKE to go...after a couple of weeks of low pressure solar showers I'm wanting the real thing...unlimited hot water and high pressure babyyyy!

I need to buy fresh salad veggies at least once a week but could go for a couple of months with the meat that is in the freezer. I have a 65 qt Whynter set up at freezer temp and it's usually full to the brim. Stuff like juice and dairy products - 2 weeks max before I need a store. I could carry more staples but I'd still need the fresh produce weekly.

I don't mind sitting in one place for a goodly length of time as long as it's an interesting place and I have friends to share it with me. If it's just me and it's someplace like the Ehrenberg desert...I'm out of there in a couple of days. I could spend forever if it's beautiful scenery. But then that would also depend on internet

I have the C-Head 'separating' toilet and can go 3 days before I need to either empty the liquid tank or change it out. Fortunately it takes 1 gallon water jugs so as long as I have a place to either dispose of the liquid or a place to store jugs I'm good. The solids tank usually needs to be emptied every 4 to 6 weeks. Keep in mind that is for a single user...two of you would halve that timing.

I carry 10 gallons of fresh water. I drink nothing but tea and water so I go through at least a 1/2 gallon a day, sometimes more depending on the weather. I use a half gallon for dishes and because there's just me I can get away with only doing dishes about every 2 1/2 days. The solar shower holds 2 gallons and I usually have a half gallon left over after a shower...that includes washing my long hair. I don't normally apply conditioner if I'm using the solar shower because of the extra water to rinse it.

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