How many nomads are preppers?

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OH GOD NO! Not "Moose Attack". It is so hard to get untangled out of those humongous antlers. Especially when it takes off running through the Woods...where the Tree People try to rip you away from it. Crash, bang, scrape....oooch, ouch etc!
INTJohn said:
In terms of a national disaster or global catastrophic event few people will survive for any length of time in the United States... 
Quite an interesting post, this. Will respond more to it later.
If the SHTF, wild game will be quickly depleted, and having a large expensive stockpile of essentials would tie one down and make them a nervous and paranoid sitting target.

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]I think having a small stealthy go pack at the ready, and knowing which plants and insects are safe to eat is the ultimate and least expensive state of preparedness, and makes oneself a valuable friend to have.[/font]                                                                                                                                  
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Pe[/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]rsonally, I'm just too lazy and unconcerned to finely hone those skills, so my plan is to hope that I have the courage to just off myself if it gets too bad.[/font]
Dan 1 said:
It is interesting that you included "wage and price controls".
Wage and price controls were a feeble attempt to control rampant inflation by people who had no idea what they were doing. Kind of like national martial law with armed forces stationed on every street corner, but in the area of economics. It took Paul Volcker at the end of the 1970s to figure out what to do before the economy totally tanked. Also eventually adopted by most of the rest of the world.

Unfortunately, the downside to monetary policy is that it's allowed massive increases in overall debt, but which haven't looked so bad because interest rates are kept artificially low. That may be the straw that eventually breaks the camel's back. And everyone's end of times scenario may yet occur.
I think nomads and prepper's are likely two different things.  Prepper's I've seen have a house, basement, and barn stocked
full of supplies & equipment awaiting the catastrophe they seem to believe is coming.  As for nomads,  they have stripped down to the minimum so that they can be flexible enough to quickly travel to safer areas

If there is a similarity, it is in that the nomad is prepared/prepped to quickly evade or leave a potential danger zone. Where the prepper is stocked and braced to endure such an event and deal with the aftermath.

Myself,  I'd choose the nomad's path.
"...persons who reside in areas like dry & desert places that are not near a sustained water source that has a non-irrigation agricultural ability."

Some of these dry place Nomads might have knowledge regarding seeps and springs. Some might already have caches near these precious water sources.

Other dry place Nomads will have to seek water at higher elevations...where meat might also be taken, until it is totally depleted.

Emergency caches would help a lot in this "dry" scenario. There are two kinds of caches. One is larger and harder to hide, but can buy more time for the Nomad to decide where to go, once the initial dust has settled. The other kind of cache is small and backpackable and is distributed along routes that lead to potentially better places with more water and food sources. This could entail leaving the wheeled domicile hidden...with the intention of coming back for it, if circumstances and conditions permit.
INTJohn shared: "[font=Tahoma,Verdana,Arial,Sans-Serif]The 'roaming hordes' won't be able to roam far without fuel, food & water..." I see this possibility as a help to the Nomads that are in remote places. Also, many of these marauders will attack each other too. [/font]
INTJohn says: "This means that practically every one of you on this site wouldn't last thru the first 2 months, especially those of you in the SW parts of the US, any large populated metropolitan area & Most of the US Eastern areas; but generally any dry climate where one also can't grow food."

Well, if this turns out to be True, two months is better than no time at all. If the New Nomadic Movement can organize and develop the art of cooperation enough, it will be able to extend this speculated time for More of Us.

INTJohn >"So while all of you are stock piling your guns & ammo you might want to figure out what climate you'll be stuck in and what kinds of seeds you need to stockpile for your 'gardening'."

Good advice, this. For those that will go back to settled Lives. Question: INTJohn? Do you see any resistance form surviving and established Farmers regarding new comers arriving to start Farming abandoned land?
I've been rewatching all of my disaster DVDs lately. What fun. I'd say the best way to survive after the SHTF would be looking under rocks for grubs. The heck with trying to grow food from seeds. Hunter-gathering (mostly gathering) beats agriculture over the short-term.

However, looking more to the "big" picture, I am wondering what people think might be:
1. the specific reason that the SHTF might occur.
2. the likelihood of #1 occurring.

Offhand, I'd say it's extremely unlikely that China will want to go to war with the US, as in just 5 short years or so, their national GDP will surpass ours. They will have bragging rights to being the #1 leading nation in the world. America will be #2. Who has the most to lose?
I think there are many reasons for at least a temporary SHTF if not TEOTWAWKI scenario to arise. Natural disasters are a big one, from common recurring events like massive Cat-5 hurricanes (I am a Katrina survivor), earthquakes and resulting Tsunamis, to rare yet inevitable ones like killer meteor strikes, Super Volcanoes (like Yellowstone) eruptions. Then there are the man made disasters, like accidents and terrorist acts involving nuclear (including EMP), biological and computer virus weapons, to civil insurrections resulting from political movements, trade wars, hyperinflation and the resulting economic crashes and even old school invasions. I think the most likely SHTF scenario will be localized in nature, such as from natural disasters, so being mobile gives us a distinct advantage to those with a bunker mentality. Small, highly mobile, sustainable communities with diverse skill sets (such as prepared, independent, but like minded rubber tramps) can move, assemble in an area in short notice, and when threatened, can disassociate and dissolve back into the faceless crowd, making us impervious to a group attack, ensuring most survive. The key to the success of this strategy this would be reliable, secure communications. Any suggestions on the best way to accomplish this, post internet/cell towers?

The definition of a Zombie, to most preppers is the unprepared roving horde, the occasional skilled lone raider, or roving bands of post apocalyptic brigands (think MS-13 meets Mad Max) who come along either after a homesteaders crops are ripe, or after their crops have been harvested, with the intent of killing them and stealing what they have (even if it's just to eat their fresh corpses.) This is why the mobile survival scenario makes more sense, as you are not a target of opportunity to every Tom, Dick and Zombie that comes along. It makes sense to have some provisions, weapons, etc. but more sense to adapt to your environment, using it as camouflage to keep from becoming an easy target.

Anyone who's seen the series Firefly or the movie Serenity knows what a reaver is. If you look like another reaver, the real reavers won't target you because they think you have nothing they want. BTW there's a large decal on the back or my motorhome with her name, Serenity.

Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the road from me, since I've found Serenity.

Cool, they had "On the Beach" from 1959 on broadcast tube this morning. How fortuitous, ends with the famous "car race at the end of the world".

"I think the most likely SHTF scenario will be localized in nature, such as from natural disasters, ".

I was thinking the SHTF as being something more dramatic than a local earthquake or similar. Those sorts of things only produce localized and short-term disruptions. Call FEMA and go on with life. No effect on the other 99.9%. Not really Big Picture stuff. We're 100% certain a few of those things will happen every year.

"... (even if it's just to eat their fresh corpses.)...".

We all know how it ends. What's the "most likely" way the Big Picture SHTF scenarios begin? Always possibility of asteroid strike, but I can't see how that that gets the preppers all emotional. Is there any real rationality in this movement?
"Qxxx" wrote: "I'd say the best way to survive after the SHTF would be looking under rocks for grubs."

I don't know if I am "strong" enough to do this, but those that can develop this survival strength will have an advantage.
You'll learn to love grubs, when the deer come and eat your 3" tall vegetable garden. I'm thinking this whole prepper thing is a lot more emotion than rationality. They should all be made to watch "On the Beach". See the banner at 6:00,

Qxxx" asks: "However, looking more to the "big" picture, I am wondering what people think might be:
1. the specific reason that the SHTF might occur.
2. the likelihood of #1 occurring.

It's just that there are so many possibilities of combinations of reasons" and/or triggers. Certain multiple "pressures" have set the stage to various degrees. The tensions with China are one of these. The tensions with Russia in the region of Syria is another. Then there is Iran and North Korea. (Possible allies of China and Russia.) Turkey has issues with the United States as well. The Muslim Terrorist Groups have a stake in this also and these have struck Us so hard (9/11) that We lashed out with a lot of Our power in Kuwait and Iraq. We (elements of the American "leadership") might strike the first blow, because of the general belief that "the best defense is a good offense". Usually the first attacks in warfare, get the best initial results. If this "first attack", well executed, in the near future, includes nuclear, chemical and biological weaponry, this just might "win" the advantage for the first strike attacker. It just might "win" victory and control of a sick and dying world...which might look better than losing to rising global powers. Capitalist America has been influenced and guided by an "empire mentality" early in its existence. As the little "e" elite sees, more and more, that American Power is waning, due to waste of resources, corruption and the divisional strife that is developing in its culture, they might come to view the axiom "nothing ventured nothing gained" in a new dark way. Then they see the weakening of loyalty of a increasingly large section of the American Populace, that is coming under the influence of the well meaning but misguided socialist democratic movement and this could make them think that they had better "make their move" before they lose the advantage they think they have.

This is only the tip of the ice burg, so to speak. Add the economic stress caused by the confusion brought on by the new world order capitalist manipulations of Our Economy and the decisive but defensive, lashing out of the Republican American President at "the global competition". This is heating up this dire scenario.

Then add the pressures and results of "excess" world population and the invasive behavior that results from this on Our Borders.

Don't forget the climatic stress caused by worsening weather trends and the damages from this. Another drain, or at least demand, on national resources.

Then there is the insanity of mass shootings. One of these might just trigger the spark that sets off the whole shebang.

I don't know. I think it is a miracle that this whole decline in the Human Species has not already brought about the "end times" result, that We seem to be headed for.

I embrace the Hope that the Modern Morally Motivated Nomadic Movement so ably sponsored and nourished by Men and Women like Bob Wells and Suanne, will enable some of Us to survive and build (not rebuild) a "Better World". A True "Brave New World" in which We The People have finally learned enough about the imbalances of "doing too much", "going too far' on Our Finite World. That We will finally learn the critical Art Of Balance In Good Living.
I used to be a prepper of the natural disaster type after being hit by a tornado (the first of three altogether - the next two were easier and I had the stuff I needed to live w/out electricity) and not knowing how to do a damn thing without electricity. Then when my husband died unexpectedly, and I lost my job within a year of that, it turned into almost an illness which I am trying to recover from: the fear that I might run out of something that I need to survive. Going on the road is part of this for me - letting go of that fear and learning to live lighter. This is the really hard part for me, and it is painful, but I'm working on it. Hey, I might even lose those last 15 lbs if I run out of food ;)

I've watched a lot of post-apoc movies and read a lot of books - seems there are only two possible survival scenarios with a truly TEOTWAWKI situations: a lone individual with mad skillz, stealth, stamina, and a pure focus on SOTO (survival of the organism) which includes life-taking - or a community that bands together. And both of those are iffy depending on what the event is.

And this was a really weird rant, which is why introverts usually go to bed early...LOL
txmnjim said:
probably more fear than anything. my youngest son (38yrs) has a "go bag" and is all ready. (i think he listens to too much right-wing media?)
i think the most likely SHTF scenario is what we are currently witnessing but many seem to want to deny--Global Warming. ....

I have a "bug out bag" in my van. Just in case the van gets wrecked and I can only grab one thing. Has the sort of things found in survival kits mentioned in those Survivalist magazines. Then I have a tiny survival kit that goes in my pack whenever I am out hiking. They're not gonna help a great deal in case the SHTF, however.

In regards global warming, that's a long term threat, maybe 40 or 50 years down the road. For our grandkids and their kids, not something to "prep" for today. Most people don't realize that the sea level was ... 300-400' lower ... during the last ice age 20,000 years ago. When Greenland melts in 50 years, Florida is under water.

"During the last glacial maximum, 21,000 years ago, the sea level was about 125 meters (about 410 feet) lower than it is today".

This picture is also interesting, as it shows all the shoreline areas that have submerged under water since the "end" of the last ice.
Some of you are drifting into politics which isn't allowed on the forums. Actually, the CRVL isn't a prepper forum and most of us do not worry about prepping for an end of the world scenario. There are better forums for a discussion of that nature however this thread can stay open as long as politics are kept out of it.
"It's just that there are so many possibilities of combinations of reasons" and/or triggers".

Can you assign putative likelihood probabilities to some of your ideas (and don't mention Mr-T again!!). I don't think anyone wants a global war, especially not China for reasons given in post #70, plus all those other mouse size countries would be wiped out in a day, and they know it. Most items in your list are pretty unlikely, I think. Very few of those things have positive feedback effects [like txmnjim mentioned] large enough to trip the scales.

I think the vast majority of things people obsess about have fairly localized effects and few people overall are affected.
To "SheketEchad". Don't give up on your personal quest to become "More and Better" through your learning to do with less. It looks like you have a Good Positive Spirit and ultimately your losses will be nothing, compared to what you gain.