how is this for a ceiling fix plan???

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2012
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I still haven't come up with a final plan to repair the roof. <br>So far I have removed the right side of the ceiling, that was damaged or wet, the part that isn't wet doesn't come away easily (Styrofoam ) as it is stilled glued to the roof metal. <br><br>I am planning on removing all the ceiling. then from the INSIDE apply a skim coat of&nbsp; auto body filler to the areas that is degraded (pin holes). I then plan to instal 1"x3" cross braces (the present ceiling has none) every 4' to have some thing to attach the ceiling covering to, between the braces I will insulate with 1" Styrofoam lightly glued to the metal. Then I will use some kind of finish panel attached to the braces.<br><br>On the exterior of the roof I will apply a generous coat of "liquid rubber roof". <br><br>How is that for a plan??????<br><br>any better ideas or flaws in this plan are welcomed,
once the aluminum has degraded to the point it has many pin holes bondo is not going to help.&nbsp; you need to replace the roof or put another over the existing, like a rubber membrane that has been suggested.&nbsp; btw replacing the aluminum roof is not that hard to replace.&nbsp; highdesertranger
highdesertranger...<br><br>When you say rubber membrane are you referring to the 'liquid rubber roof" ?...if not where can this membrane be had.<br><br>If I were to replace the metal...where would one get the material, this roof has no frame structure, the roof appears to be 3 sectional panels, not sure how they are joined together.
an rv shop in your area will have it of can get it.&nbsp; it is a rubber membrane similar to the ones they use for shower pans you buy by the width and length you need its one piece you bond it to your existing roof.&nbsp; i have some suppliers saved i will try to find and post i might have the instructions saved somewhere also will try to find.&nbsp; highdesertranger
forgot, &nbsp;if you replace the aluminum itself get 1 piece i think i have some links for suppliers also it can be shipped they roll it so it doesn't take up allot of space.&nbsp; highdesertranger
<P>Hi rastaman,</P><P><EM><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #888888">You did ask in your other posts about roof replacement. I posted some pics of how a basic roof is assembled. I hope that was helpful. &nbsp;I agree with highdesertranger use one sheet of aluminium or do a rubber roof coat or use a viynl roof coat if you are not replacing it. Car filler (bog) will fail.<BR>On the timber frame rot....<BR>Any rotted timber framing can sometimes be salvageable by epoxy coating it (inject it if you have to) when Its dried out.<BR>I have managed to save dry and wet rotted&nbsp;timber ribs and stringers&nbsp;in&nbsp;old wooden boats this way. The key is&nbsp;to dry the timber out sufficiently enough before drilling holes and injecting the epoxy into them with a syringe.The money spent on the two part epoxy is a cheap permanent fix for your framing. You will have to determine how&nbsp;salvageable certain parts are of course<BR>Geoff</SPAN></STRONG></EM></P>
the more I think about it the less likely it is that I will replace the roof, there is no rafters on this TC. and I cant figure out how it would be supported.<br>The rubber membrane is definitely a possibility, my concern is being able to get the existing metal clean enough to get a good bond, as several patches of that white seal as been applied.<br><br>I have ordered&nbsp; a can of this STUFF&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><br>what do you guys think about it?&nbsp; I am wondering if a good coat of this would work well enough.<br><br>&nbsp;yeh&nbsp; mon,really appreciate all the advise and links...this weekend the side wall repair begins,,,wish me luck....<br><br>no problem mon,&nbsp;&nbsp; heheheg