I seek simplicity in all I do. I have found that scheduling only controls me. Don't get me wrong, my current job is all about time management and maximizing the use of my time. When I'm off, it's all about me. When I am traveling, I do look ahead and decide where I am going and what needs to be done along the way, but I don't make my schedules so rigid that I let it control me. Each day I begin by looking at my to do list and set about doing what needs to be done. Like the good book says, let the worries of today be sufficent. Let tomorrow be anxious for itself.
Been a long time.
Today I slept really late-- 4 PM -- Got up and made up my mind to put my pants on - one leg at a time.. that took a while to decide, yes or no-- It's raining out, no company coming so decided that the extra effort was not needed. --- Next effort that took priority was put on the coffee pot - can't live without coffee ya know, besides I needed something to wash down my pills anyway-- Can't eat anything for a while after taking meds..
For the last few weeks I've been working on my solar stuff, --- oh -- I forgot that I've not written about that project-- Ordered 4 panel kit which included controller. 400 watts ridged panels etc.
Anyway, Long story short, assembled panels on the ground, well not on the ground, but on saw horses, Then found out that I was not strong enough to lift them up to the roof of my trailer- Took them all apart again and did the assembly on the roof, One at a time..
Last Friday, I drove to town and purchased two deep cycle batteries, Already had one on hand for a total of
three.---Anyway, A little at a time, I got the wires run but not hooked up..
Last night- after dark, I drilled the holes for the battery cables, ran them inside and attached them to the batteries... That's as far as I got, wore right out --- that's why I slept all day today.
SOOO--- This evening, before dark, I checked the polarity , you know, measure twice and cut once deal - Hooked everything up to the controller and wa-la It worked!!!... still raining off and on...but enough day light that I did get some charge current, Tomorrow will be the real test.
I'm so excited that I can't stand it - I'm going to use the system that I've invented to perk another pot of coffee and then just sip and bask in the glory of a job well under way--- and actually working.
Oh-- another thing-- I forgot to eat anything.. and another thing .. Lots of other things that I've forgotten-- I keep forgetting things -- I did put my pants on and shoes and found up my hat.. Now where is my shirt? I know I had one around here somewhere.
I did make a list but I can't find that either. It'll turn up?
Ok-- review- spent $500 on solar stuff -- $150 on batteries, another $100 on stuff Like cables and clamps, wire ends and so on. More to come but unknown at this time.
Now I can perk coffee with lights inside. Pretty expensive cup of coffee.
I think I'll skip breakfast and just go for a hamburgler- got onion and tomato, that's good enough.
Pickup is still rusty but I think it still runs. Cost of fuel for travel and stuff is out of hand, so I won't be going far.
One good thing, My watch still keeps time - sort of.