Hospitals good for personal cleaning

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Aug 31, 2014
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The big problem is parking around hospitals but if you can figure that
out to where the walk is not too far or the parking fee is not too large,
there are restrooms convenient to every waiting room where relatives often spend days in support of loved ones in support of the hospital.

The restrooms are always super clean and with lockable doors and
importantly, you are not viewed with suspicion if you are carrying a
shave kit and towel with you into the restroom.

Also, if you actually are visiting someone in the hospital they probably
have their own restroom in the hospital room that you can use.
I would not advise ( but I have thought about it ) using an unoccupied
hospital room's shower and restroom.

From a humorous perspective, I suppose you could "visit" someone you
dont know who is non-communicable and use their restroom. But there
is no need really. Just use the restrooms for waiting relatives.

Most hotel lobbies also have some public restrooms that you can
access with washcloth and towel and lock the door for a while while you
clean up. You probably need to park around the side of the hotel
as you dont want the front office see you drive up and enter their
restroom for 20 minutes.
Some hospitals that I've been in now have a door monitor that asks you why you are there and checks their records if you mention a persons name. Better have a story ready. But once inside, it is easy to roam the public parts of the hospital (I'm sure there is a good joke about the private parts but I won't go there. :)) Also I've been in a couple hospitals that blocked cell phone coverage. Couldn't text or call, or even use my internet. I know they don't want cell phones going off in the waiting room but they could just ask people to silence them.
Did you guys even think about the fact that there are sick people in hospitals? It's by far the best place to catch something contagious. On an even more serious note, sick people do not need you bringing in something they can catch. Your sniffle might be the end for someone with no resistance.
Yea, I guess it is a good idea to avoid the psychiatric hospitals.
I feel sure they have a whole different attitude about watching and
distinguishing between visitors and patients. Especially avoid university
psychiatric hospitals as they are looking for guinea pigs always !

They might determine if you are loco enough to enter for a wash up
you might need some professional long term care !
A couple years ago I spent a week in the local hospital. Did not have my cell phone then (not the smartphone anyways). I was so 'wired' just taking a shower was a major evolution requiring nurse's assistance..
A year later, my Mom had to go in for a week, I drove her there and I and my sister took turns sitting with her. Cell phone usage was spotty - sometimes work and sometimes wouldn't. The Cable TV was okay, but I never could finish a good program before they'd roust me for some sort of test or drawing blood!
Both times we were on specialist floors, where you'd have to run the gauntlet of nursing stations. I'd hate to get snagged by one of those big Nursing Assistants! They could do some damage! And that's the females!! ;-)

My sister is a lab tech at the 'other' hospital (not the one we used), and her lab was once independent and located elsewhere. She hated when they got bought by and moved to the hospital. She says, "That's where people go to die!"
Iggy said:
Some hospitals that I've been in now have a door monitor that asks you why you are there and checks their records if you mention a persons name.

Best to use the back doors of hospitals where most of the doctors and employees come and go to parking lots etc. Just wait for someone to
enter or exit and follow them through as these doors are locked and require
a magnetic key card or access ID number punched into the tablet.
Hospitals have security. We can't wander around in a hospital without a visitor pass. Hospitals serve a purpose caring for people. That purpose does not include free showers for van dwellers. This practice would just add to the bad reputation of all, a community of van dwellers. And really, stealing food from the sick and dying?
Don't call your self a friend of van dwellers while you give us a bad image.
I would hope that there is a distinct and profound difference between a van dweller and a freeloader.
I would hope that we stick to the theme of sponge baths in the restrooms of hospitals and not stealing food at hotels and hospitals.
I know about hospitals because unfortunately I have had to spend a lot of time there recently in support of loved ones that dont have a choice in being there.
i dont think they are allowed to put meds in food. Ive been in there with relatives lots of times and never seen it given that way. They do have to order and cart up that food (usually all at once) so at the least you taking a plate is delaying a sick person that food.
I can't believe anybody would STEAL the food of somebody who is unlucky enough to be in the hospital. If that's what being a van dweller is about. LEAVE ME OUT. If you don't have the funds for food, there are LEGAL places to get it. I am sure that Bob did not start this forum to encourage thievery.
I am not one that feels much obligation to live by the letter of the law.

However, I feel a very strong obligation to do no harm to others. There is no doubt in my mind that stealing food from hospitals or motels does harm to others and is immoral and wrong.

On this forum we do not endorse or condone stealing and don't want posts recommending it.

Yes, there can be extreme and dire circumstances where it is acceptable but I don't think any of us are going to be in those circumstances so right now that is not an acceptable excuse.

Future posts encouraging theft will be deleted.
My experience regarding hospital food (here at least) is that they don't pay close attention to the dietary needs of the patient. In my case I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes (borderline, thankfully), and had some dietary restrictions. They would still bring me things like sweet orange juice, sugar with the coffee (I ordered decaf with artificial sweetener), etc. Had I been more seriously diabetic I could get in trouble if I wasn't careful!
A note about hotels... the front desk usually knows. I was a front desk clerk for a time. We took special note of the restrooms. Why? It's become a popular place for drug drops. People would come in and hide a drug packet in there and a few minutes later someone else would come in to pick it up. They went as far as standing on the sink and lifting up a ceiling tile to hide the drugs there. The hotel notices, you can be sure of it. I caught many people, the police visited regularly. I knew who was checked in and who wasn't; we all did. It was a good hotel, a national well-known chain where I worked.

Taking anything not freely offered is stealing. People who do it think they're being smart, that they can't be seen, but there's an all-seeing eye that watches. You will have twice what you take from others taken from you. It's a natural law of the universe. You work against yourself. Give freely and things will come to you. Take and you'll be taken.