Horse dwelling

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I have read a lot in that blog Michelle. I am somehow attracted to that entire thing. Not a cowboy in any sense of the word...probably wouldn't or couldn't do it now, but I am fascinated by those that do....<br /><br />We had a couple guys that lived here in southern NM for years...not together but they each had a small covered wagon pulled by a burro and a burro trailed along behind....they traveled the I-25 corridor, north in the summer, south in the winter...<br /><br />They are both gone now...dunno if they moved on or died but I see no-one where one of them had a basecamp&nbsp;for deep winter.<br /><br />We also had a guy come through here on a riding horse and pack horse. He was interesting...he just wandered the west for several months at a time and worked somewhere for the rest of the time....interesting in that he had a solar powered set-up for his camp and turn signals on the fiberglass pack panniers....he also wore fabric motorcycle gear and helmet....interesting to the max.<br /><br />Thanks,<br />Bri
Wow those guys certainly would have been interesting to read about! Signals on the panniers? Now that's cool! I've only read one post and I am hooked. Good reading material. is anothe one, Bernice Ende is a lady long rider amazing stuff to follow, there are few more, Ron Dakotah ( also traveled for like 26 years with his horses, one more fellow goes by Lee the horse logger, you will have to google him.
Bri thats a great site. I am reading stuff now. Interesting. I love the little help from the grown ups.&nbsp;<br />Where the wind blows same for the one you posted...great now I will be up most of the night reading LOL
It was fun reading the blogs that you mentioned Where the Wind Blows.&nbsp; Looked like they were having a lot of fun too!
I had the opportunity to meet Bob and the "boys" of Wagonteamster. &nbsp;Good guy, GREAT horses and incredible trip.<br /><br />Did you know this is his second trip? &nbsp;He was hit from behind by a semi on his first one. &nbsp;He was almost killed and all but one of his horses were.<br /><br />Amazing to see him out there again.<br /><br />Happy Trails!<br /><br />-- &nbsp;Kevin<br />
Hey Kevin, actually his horses Joyce and Doc survived, if you look at Doc's butt there is a pretty&nbsp;significant&nbsp;scar, He gave Joyce to a semi retired home. She was one of his last&nbsp;Percheron's he ever bred, been following Bob before the accident and donated to their recovery, amazingly the oil company (truck) that hit him fought&nbsp;&nbsp;paying out for's a great blog!<br /><br />edited to add another adventurer's blog:<br /><a href=""></a>
The thread name kind of reminds me of this ...<br /><br /><em><span style="color: #454545; font-family: 'Times New Roman', Times, serif; font-size: 17px; line-height: 19px;">"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." - Groucho Marx<br /><br /></span></em>