Homeless friend advice

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Nov 15, 2016
Reaction score
Santa Cruz Mountains
Hello friends,

First I want to thank all those who's lifestyle and perpectives have inspired a dear friend of mine.

She is elderly living in her car and just planning on driving down to Quartzite and seeing what happens...but I want to do some recon as to help continue making this a positive and continued inspiration for her. I can't devulge personal stuff but suffice it to say life has been hard on her recently. We got back in touch by the fate of unseen forces and because I was so invested in watching YouTube and coming upon all these incredible videos I was able to get her to check them out and wala, she totally change her perpective.

I just want this to be a seemless transition for her, from homeless mindset to nomadic adveture. Any advice as to where I can point her once she hits town.
Welcome to the CRVL forums lizanshay!  Thanks for taking the time to help your friend and to steer her to this forum.  She'll find a lot of friendly people here and get the help that she needs.  Is she driving to Quartzsite now or is she going to wait until the RTR?
Some of the members are in Ehrenburg now which is a few miles west of Quartzsite. They'll be there until the RTR starts in January so that would be a good place to head if she's leaving soon.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started.   We look forward to hearing more from you.
Ah, she was leaving for Quartzite within a week, so thanks for the heads up. Where are like mindied folks stationed at? Or where can I direct her in Ehrenburg?
You may have her contact me through here. Im in Ehrenberg now.Tell her there are more people showing up. If my camp is not a good fit for her, she can hang here til more show up. She is not the first starting this life under duress. Many of us started as very fragile damaged people.

I was waiting for Diane to see this post and looks like she will be there to gather up the new recruit!

1 reputation point for Dragonfly...
Another rep point from me, this is what folks in this person's situation need, help to realize that living in a car isn't the end, but a beginning
She is in her seventies....but I was wondering who would call me on that :p . I was trying not to be specific I suppose. Elderly does sound awful. Thanks so much for the help and yes, this forum and the videos are so important. Conventional society/thinking only offers one narrow view of the future... All Is Lost. I will let her know you are out there to help and meet up with...and again thank you, I can not express enough how meaningful your help is to me as well.
Regardless , I'm sure you will show her how to be a happy camper and the rest of the tribe there will make her welcome too !
Some day you can show me where the group is too. I forget everything......
Skuh kuh kuh kuh kuh
I won't ask where she's driving from, but if she will be passing through the Houston Tx area and needs to park for the night I can provide an overnight in my yard for her
Good for you! Point out to your friend that she isn't "Homeless", just "Houseless". I'M houseless. I have no mortgage, credit card debt, interest, taxes, or annoying neighbors. I have friends, many I've never seen. Not like FB "friends" - but real friends I just haven't met yet. Go back to cheaprvliving.com and read Bob's explanation about breaking out of prison.

I'm 77.

Happy trails, M.
Welcome to the CRVL Forum  Liznshay   :) 

I think it's commendable of you to give a struggling soul a hand and a new perspective on life. 

As has been pointed out.....explain to her the difference of being "homeless",  and being "houseless".
(her car is her living quarters even though some may not recognize it as being such) 

If you can help her with a computer,  please show her the lower website in my signature line.   It is a bunch of
resources to help those who go on the road prepared or in her case, find themselves there looking for a new and better life. 

It would be nice to have a website showcasing "Nomadic Employment" opportunities for those who are on the road migrating with the weather and traveling to see the the countryside or meetup with those that they have met at rally's or online.
It's funny about that elderly label...............
The older you (I , we ) get the older old gets !
I relayed the info to my friend and she is much encouraged. She is at my campsite now and will spend a few days here and will try and get her station wagon a little more organized with sleeping platform etc... and then she is heading out Monday. We will contact Diane tomorrow.

Thanks everyone!
It's so good that you 2 reconnected.  I was wondering what type of vehicle your friend has and if it was big enough to stretch out in and carry her necessities.  A station wagon should do it. 
Please let your friend know there are many single women "of a certain age" who live a nomadic life style.  I was in my fifties when I suddenly became homeless at mid -night.  I was able to take my belongings and my 12yr old poodle, packed up my old 1 ton Ford and away we went.  I soon had a home with a family member and My SSD started a few months later.   Oh well Life Happens along with that other stuff too.  Being a nomad may not suit everyone but then what does?  I hope to be that way [nomadic] myself in a few years, at least part time while I still can.  There are many good caring people here who will try to help your friend.

Just a suggestion, however it could be beneficial for your friend if she has any SS benefits to have her current benefit letter with her.  It's almost time for our new one.  Also any other documents pertaining to marital status, and her birth certificate might come in handy.  I hope she has a safe trip and I wish you both well.

I am near FT Rucker AL.  PM me if your friend might be near by & if I can do anything to help her I will.

My friend is staying with me a few days in Santa Cruz CA area, then leaving Monday and taking 3 days due to stamina issues to get to AZ. She has a Ford Escort Station wagon and I am helping to get her in to car camping mode, whereas she is used to being in an urban area for all her personal needs.

She is on SSI and has Medicare and Medical, I will have her use my camp host address for the next several months for gov. stuff that I can forward to her.

Of course I fret about her because she has known me since I was a baby and is like an Aunt to me. If i could i would just have her stay with me but my situation does not allow for that and I am a caregiver for my partner and camp host in state parks to be near medical and save moola. 

Here is what I am stocking her with and any suggestions are appreciated, I have lmited funds to help so can't get too fancy. In the $200 range

Bucket toilet
Butane stove
cooking pots/pans
tarp for awning
Reflextix (sp) for windows
water jug
bucket for washing

I was thinking of a affordable solar battery charger because she runs her battery down when she has to open her windows and forgets to turn the key to off. Any suggestions there?

Bucket and Luggable Loo toilet seat will make her much more comfortable than trying to squat over an open bucket. Bucket from H/D, luggable loo from W/M. Buy good garbage bags, not the cheap ones.

Butane stove from W/M and order her a dozen cans of butane from Amazon - W/M wants $2.97 a can and I go through about 1 every 4 or 5 days heating water for tea and dishes and cooking 2 real meals a day.

One 10" fry pan and a medium size saucepan are all she'll really need to start. Maybe add in a small stove top kettle from W/M for under $10. A couple of plates, glasses, coffee mug, bowls

The best cooler you can get her, try shopping at Goodwill first. Also, she should note that blocks of ice last a whole lot longer than cubes.

The silver medium duty tarps are better than the cheap blue ones and  6 x 8 is plenty big enough. If money is tight then skip this before anything else.

A black out curtain from W/M that you can cut up and a cheap Reflectix windshield cover from a dollar store would probably do her better than buying a roll of reflectix. I use binder clips inserted in the trim panels to hold curtains in place. The binder clips stay there during the day and I just stick the fabric in at night.

I use a 1 gallon water jugs bought from W/M for water storage and store them in a $6. milk crate I bought from H/D. The 1 gallon jugs are light and cheap. When one gets scuzzy, I just buy another jug at W/M and toss the old jug. I carry 8 gallons at a time so that when I head for town I can refill 5 gallons for a buck at the Glacier water machine. For dishwater I bought one of the 2 1/2 gallon water jugs from W/M, used the fresh water and that with a small funnel from the dollar store.

Rather than a bucket for washing, a plastic dishpan from the dollar store works even better and then she can store stuff in it, like dishsoap and cleaning stuff.

The solar battery chargers are rarely worth their money. IMO, she'd be better off saving that money. There might be a low cost alarm that could be hooked up so that she's got a warning that her keys are in the on position.

Cheapest would be an elastic band on her wrist attached to the keys to that she couldn't move from the drivers seat... :D :D (sorry couldn't resist)!
I'm off exit one as soon as she crosses into ÀZ off I 10

A little thing to consider. I've had a few of the ladies I've helped get started say thanks but your camp to far out. If that happens, I'm sure someone else will take her under wing. We also have dogs in my camp but they don't jump on people.
liznshay She has a Ford Escort Station wagon and I am helping to get her in to car camping mode. said:
I  [TJB] DROVE  a  ford escort wagon back in the late 1990s.  It was a tough little road runner with good MPH.  I once  hauled a big antique wooden pie safe on the roof rack with the whole wagon loaded including myself and 1 of the Grandkids and a toy poodle for nearly 100 miles.  We left Limestone County Texas headed north.

FIRSTLY are there any social service organizations or church's where she can possibly get help?
There may be reasons why this isn't a good idea.  Not knowing what put your friend in this situation  getting outside  sources may not be the best thing.  Of course that's up to you guys to determine.

Here is what I am stocking her with and any suggestions are appreciated, I have lmited funds to help so can't get too fancy. In the $200 range

Bucket toilet
Butane stove
cooking pots/pans
tarp for awning
Reflextix (sp) for windows
water jug
bucket for washing

I was thinking of a affordable solar battery charger because she runs her battery down when she has to open her windows and forgets to turn the key to off. Any suggestions there?


How about toilet paper....paper towels.......napkins.........paper plates........dishes.....glasses.....coffee cup.....deep soup bowl.....salt and pepper.

Somethings to eat that are EZ...spam...vienna sausage.....crackers....chese wiz....peanut butter.......fruit.....tuna.......cup of noodles....A person can always use the microwave at truck stops and gas stations.

linens...pillows...personal care items...clothes that can be layered....warm socks

matches....lighters.......a few candles...... a sharp knife.....phillips and flat head screw drivers....a claw hammer........ and a box cutter... I keep these handy in the cab of my truck.....not always for repairs or building things.

I had friends that would burn a couple of pillar candles in their 35ft TT to take the chill off in the front of the trailer in the mornings........always be awake with a window cracked.....it's surprising the people who will forget about the window.

These are some items I try to always have at home and when traveling

I make a lot of lists :D  I'm working on several to get my Aliner stocked for it's maiden voyage, maybe I should have said it's next Rodeo...Like me it's been around for a while!

I always carry a Big plastic mug or 1 or 1&1/2 wide mouth Thermos style jug with me,  when I get gas I always ask if I can get ice in one of these.  I have also just needed a pit stop and just asked if I needed to pay for some ice for water.  Yeah I know this sounds cheap however there were times when I had to wait a week for my SSD check so I could buy a loaf of bread.   A woman's gotta do what a woman's gotta do :) 
I hope some of this helps out.  Tell your friend I said Safe Journey and Good Luck With Her New  Nomadic Life.

Txjaybird made a good point. Will she be able to get her prescriptions and health care in ÀZ or will she need to go back to CA?
If I'm in another state I can only get care at an emergency room. My prescription s must be filled in Ax. I have to drive up to Parker, over 40 miles away tomorrow to get some filled for my upcoming cataract surgery on Monday.