Homeless at a crossroads of decision

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Jul 12, 2017
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My name is Steve and I was a member of this site before but decided to delete my account for personal and privacy reasons at the time. But now my life has changed and I am back. At 66 years of age I am at a crossroads in my life right now. Should I wait around for low income housing or just strike out in my Csuv Ford Escape and head West?

As my subject says I am what I would classify as homeless. After my recent divorce a month ago I relocated to Ohio around the Cincinnati area. I am now living temporarily in an extended stay hotel while searching out permanent housing. Because I only receive $600 a month from Social Security I have been applying at low income senior apartments that are HUD assisted. I have applied to about 20 so far with all of them informing me that there are long waiting lists 6 months or more. A couple seem promising in that I may be able to secure one within a month or so, but not for sure guarantees. If I do get to the top of the list and get one, the rent is going to be about $200 a month which includes electricity. All the places I applied to are well maintained and very safe.

Here's my dilemma. I keep going back and forth on the idea that I should just say the heck with it, check out, jump in my vehicle and become a dweller on wheels. I just imagine myself rotting away in a lonely small apartment if I don't.
But there is a voice inside my head that says "just wait and try to secure one of these low income apartments". I guess I am being overly cautious and I am going to admit... scared as well. I have never been in this situation in my life so I am confused. I have lived in my vehicle for a month or more while road tripping but always had a home to go back to. Not so this time! I was staying in public campgrounds with facilities then, while traveling. I am pretty resourceful and in good physical condition so I think I would do ok.

I know this is a decision I will have to make in the end by myself. I would like to have some sort of backup and support when I get out West that would be there for me to kind of show me the ropes and guide me as I go. I know the general areas to boon dock and the things I have to do to survive. I just have to put it in motion in real life with some hands on experience and ideally  some guidance from some of the people that are successfully doing it now, to get me started in the right direction, and I am sure I will succeed.

So I will ask these questions. If I take off and head West towards Flagstaff (which was suggested by Bob for this time of year) is there any place particular there that I should go to in that area to camp?  In other words, what road should I seek out and how will I know that that is a place to be? Are there individuals I could seek out when I get there that could sorta act as mentors and kinda take me under their wing to show me the ropes a little? And in particular, where would I find them once out West?

This site has been a great resource for me through the last couple of years for learning. I just hope that I will be successful once I put things in motion.
Thanks in advance any help and advice.


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Welcome back Steve to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. there have been some new rules added since you where here make sure you read them. highdesertranger
You might also want to take a look at Camphost.org and see if you can't find a seasonal paid camphosting job to supplement your SSI.

Might have to buy a tent and take a more remote job that won't require you to  have a full sized RV/trailer with hook ups but those are the actual jobs where the campground operator has more trouble finding people to fill the jobs...everyone seems to want the FHU large lot trailer park jobs apparently.

Even at this time of year there are openings for people right now to either fill in for someone who quit/didn't work out/got sick etc.

IIWM, I'd head west young man!

It is so easy to live on BLM or National Forest Land paying no rent. With no rent to pay, that SSI can be stretched a whole lot further.

Yes until you get fully set up, you're going to be 'roughing it a bit' but we're all here to help. Advice is available both in person and on here.
Welcome aboard Steve!

Sounds like your true desire is to travel west.
There are lots of places to stay and job possibilities.

If you don't end up loving it , then you could always look for senior housing wherever you are.
Hi Steve!! I have been where you are, and it sounds like you already know what your heart is telling you to do....tackle your fear and go for it!! Never fear, We are here!! [GRINNING FACE WITH SMILING EYES][FACE SAVOURING DELICIOUS FOOD]

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Welcome Steve! Heck, put your names on numerous waiting lists for "just in case" and set out anyway. You have nothing to lose, right? It's about the adventure! Let's just say you end up 3-5+ years on the road packed with memories, healing, and a sense of spirited life that turns back the human clock. Ah, what wonders there may be.

As the saying goes, if you're asking, you may already know the answer.
Hey steve Im in cincinnati too! Wanna caravan it out west with me?
There have been some great suggestions and insights by everyone. It has helped me a lot. So much so that your answers to my dilemma about this has cleared some things up to the point that I can make a decision on this that I will feel comfortable with......at least for now.

So here is what I have decided. First I have this extended stay hotel paid up till August 4th. I will continue applying to the low income housing as CautionToThewind suggested. The places have my number and email address so if they contact me I can always turn the key and head back from the West to claim the apartment. Although I may not want to!!!
After the 4th if nothing has come through I will set out for West as Almost There suggested. And bardo if you are around Cincy still at that time I may look you up and maybe we can caravan out there. Also like you said rvpopeye, there are senior apts and HUD assist everywhere I would be. Once I get out there and settle in if I am not happy I can always start applying around Arizonia.

 I feel much better. It does make me feel confident that I will be able to keep myself off the streets because of what I have learned from everyone here. I will continue posting not only to this thread of what's happening but maybe also in different areas if I need further advice on setting things up more efficiently and what things I should keep or get rid of. I do have basically everything I own in my vehicle. Wow, this is what I have come to after 66 years of living. Everything I own in a suv. Kinda freeing in a way though!
I have to make a correction on my income.  I think it was assumed that I was on SSI. That's not the case. I am just receiving plain old Social Security retirement. Just thought I'd throw that in for the sake of clarification.
Thanks to everyone for your help.
I got a minivan gutted out with a Coleman cot if you're interested
There's some for rent in sayler park, off hillside av btw
Steve1950 said:

Mr Steve if I were in your shoes I would use this time to A go over the ride and make sure it is ship shape. Next I would consider my need for health care. TEXAS is your state I think. Why because if you are a rubber tramp full time you can almost always get to the state from most points in the nation. The sate is 880 miles across it E-W and from water to water Atlantic to Pacific ocean it is 2,362 miles gives you 1482/2 basically 700 miles from TX any place around but NEW ENGLAND.Sure you can stay in the system you are in but who wants to deal with ice bridges in the winter? Tx has all the climates you want. Does this sound logical to you? ​

There are people that use rubber tramp mail systems I forget what they call them but they are out there so you can live out your ride. PLNT (planet fitness $25.50 a month) A storage unit 5x5x5 is about all you would require to get your ride cleared of your things so you can fit in most places you stealth. That storage is about $25-50 a month tops. ​

IDK if you are as anal as I am about laundry but I would want to do my laundry by hand to save time and money. Tool required to make this plausible is a spinner and an inverter. I would try hand washing in the gym then taking clothes out to the car to spin dry or if you are in there late enough bring your spinner in there and you can do them in there. Just need a large bag to carry them in a shoulder bag could do it. IF you want to do laundry anywhere you get a filter you can get water out the creek filter it and wash it with the motion of the car.​
Don't buy one new thrift stores usually help out. http://www.air-n-water.com/product/...11N8lLh_h0tkToYwFUL8Uy8aAuH6EALw_wcB[/CENTER]

I would get me a pitcher filter so I could filter regular tap water when on the road never know the quality of their water. Get filter body at a thrift store $2 go to wally world get a 4 pack of filters. You may or may not want to clean the filter I would clean it with soapy water and bleach then rinse really well. I have 2 at home so if I take one on the road the girls have one for them. ​

I also would get some sort of tent and a hammock sometimes you can't find a good place to park and sleep in the car so go find a couple trees that fit string up your camping hammock with rain fly and get your sleep outside the vehicle many times the coolest sleep you will get is going to be in the hammock this takes no space is great for good and bad backs. I weight 350 there is a hammock for me. It is screened in so you are not tore up by skeeters you need to check out shugemery channel on YT. Google how to hammock camp great skill to learn if you ever lose your vehicle you can always have shelter in any weather SHUG camps in -26 I know he is nuts but he does it. ​

For boiling water you can get the jet boil $$$ or if you want to save a little this pot works for speed. ​
Olicamp XTS Cooking Pot I also would find a kettle at a thrift store down here they are $2 each you can open the top secure a tea bag in it and bring to a boil then make you some ice tea nice affordable way to get your caffeine fix. A lot cleaner than coffee too. Go to walmart and see how many foods you can get that instructions are ADD BOILING WATER.​
Steve, howdy from Texas!

Let me see if I understand your choices:

Waiting to die in a HUD box in some dirty city, with iffy neighbors, and eating the same old institutional food, 3 hots and a cot, (sounds like prison) Every day is endured listening to police sirens and bad news about gang activity and the latest problems with foreign relations and the stock market.


Head west, and begin enjoying life as a Rubber Tramp gypsy van-dweller mobile nomad, watch the sun go down over the mountains, sleep to the sound of crickets and coyotes, wake up to the sound of rain pattering on the roof at 3 am and the wind blowing in the trees, cuss a bit, then fall soundly asleep till 9 am and then go visit the new van dwelling neighbors 150 feet away and they smile and offer you coffee and some bacon and eggs cooked over a campfire...but they are out of paper plates so they toss it on a slice of bread. You laugh and realize you love this s**t.

Their dog sniffs and wags his tail and you offer him a morsel.

You wander back to your rig and set out the lawn chair and your biggest worry is where you might want to go when it cools off in a month, and oh yeah, pay the cellular bill so you can text your buddies and tell them its not bad....not bad at all.

Hard choice. I know.

bardo said:
I got a minivan gutted out with a Coleman cot if you're interested

Well, thanks for the offer but I already have a 2014 Ford Escape that I have set up as a live in vehicle. I posted a couple pics of it in my original post.
I have used it in the past as a road tripper and did well in it. My problem is that I don't know if I should still be trying to get these low income senior apartments. Its something I really don't think I am going to like living in.
tx2sturgis said:
Steve, howdy from Texas!
Let me see if I understand your choices:

 Even though the HUD apartments (boxes) I am applying to are very well maintained and in good neighborhoods, I am not happy thinking of myself living in one. They still do put me in mind of institutional living. I am not used to that at all. What you describe about being a Rubber Tramp is what puts a smile on my face. Even though there will be a learning curve on living differently I feel more comfortable with that than the retirement home type of living I will be subjected to. Prison is a good description.
I am going back and forth as I said, but I am the type of person that once I step over a line I try to keep going to accomplish what I stepped over that line for. And right now I am on that razor edge and leaning toward a westward direction.
Thanks for describing to me what I could not put into words even though I was feeling it.
Steve, best of luck in whatever works out most favorable for you. I do think a very valuable skill, a critical skill in fact, is learning to discern advice from those who are actually doing what you're thinking about, living a life on the road, and those who are not.
GEAUX- PRIUS Cowboy said:
Mr Steve if I were in your shoes I would use this time to A go over the ride and make sure it is ship shape. 
My vehicle is in great shape. What I am planning on doing is heading toward Arizona because from all that I have researched on this site mostly is going to be a good starting point when I go. I think it's going to be easier for me to find others there that I have been communicating with to guide me along till I get acclimated to my new life.
All your suggestions are great and I am going to probably put them in action as I go along.
Thanks for the info.
I see you do the flowbee I been cutting my hair flowbee probably over 10 years I can now use clippers and I make cuts that look great. I bet I could go to barber school and cut now? Just can't stand all that time to cut hair.
Hey Cowboy....what the heck is a "flowbee" haircut??? LOL...this inquiring mind wants to know[emoji63]

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