Well-known member
akrvbob said:I think you may be making the wrong comparison. Instead of comparing two industrialized countries, a better comparison it to compare developed countries with less developed countries
Actually, comparing like countries IS truly more revealing.
Lots of research into happiness and/or suicide rates over the decades has shown that the gap between expectations of what "success" means and real-world achievability of said "success" has a far greater correlation and more plausible causal mechanisms than any other factor.
People in third-world countries have very low expectations of achieving material success. Rather than be depressing, this affords them the opportunity to be happy about other things. People in some other developed countries know that they are never going to go without medical care or basic necessities, so they are free of the fear of dying in the gutter and even free of the fear of being ostracized for "living on the dole." Their expectations are focused on other things that they CAN achieve, so they are happier.
Austrailia had a high suicide rate among early-adult men, even though there was the perception that they were all strong, happy, and care-free. Turns out, the societal demand to APPEAR so was so strong that no one would ever admit they weren't. If someone WAS depressed, it appeared to them that they were the only young man in the entire country who was depressed. And the pressure to hide it was enormous, leading to deeper depression. Again, the contrast between expectations and achievability created the problem.
In the U.S. the lie that we can all become the next Gates, Jobs, Musk, or Zuckerberg is strongly promulgated by, what I commonly call "The Five Rich White Guys," (5RWG, for short). The 5RWGs want hoards of workers to believe "if they just work hard enough" they can achieve success. That "success" is then defined (also by the 5RWGs) as an ever increasing level of consumption. At the same time, more and more people, who's parents were middle class, are finding themselves shut out of the system. Degree requirement inflation has meant that you can barely get a job flipping burgers (Yes, hyperbole. Get over it.) without a degree. Tuition costs have skyrocketed, so getting that degree means selling your soul to the collective company store. The 5RWGs find ways to divide us at every turn, fostering hate and fear towards everyone who is not exactly like "us." They work to marginalize as many different subgoups as possible. The 5RWGs don't give a **** about what happens in women's uteruses. They could care less about what men do to each other's anuses in the privacy of their own bedrooms. They actually WANT more Mexicans to come across the border illegally. But by restricting access to abortion and good prenatal care, by pointing fingers at so-called "deviants," by getting us to fear and blame immigrants for all of our problems, and the thousand other ways they F with us, the 5RWGs are able to marginalize almost everyone. Imagine a letter-sized document with five inch margins. That's the country we live in now. This all leaves most of us exactly where the 5RWGs want us: believing that we are just lucky to have a job at all, willing to do anything to keep said job, and simultaneously consuming more than we can afford.
Don't fall into the trap set by the 5RWGs. Don't let yourself believe that the way to solve the "crisis" of white men now being marginalized as much as other demographic groups is to help said men achieve "success." The secret is to help them learn to redefine success.