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Sep 27, 2017
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Hello Cheap RV Living community! I'm a 29 year old guy from Kansas looking for an alternative way of living.

I found this site (maybe 3-4 months ago) from a youtube video Bob posted that got me interested. I dont have a job, car, or any money/income right now but hopefully that can all change.

Watching Bob's videos are both inspiring and depressing to me. I'd like to start "workamping" or working on national forest sites while I live there. My dad might be able to buy me a cheap vehicle at ~$2000.

From then things get tricky  I dont have an extra 2k to put in a safe for emergencies - i don't know how to work on cars, i don't know anything 'handy man' , if my vehicle ever broke down i'd be pretty scared - i've never driven long inter-state distances and only visited colorado. i'm honestly pretty bad at directions. i dont own a smartphone or a laptop but i do have a desktop pc and can at least cook though.

i'd like to make music with my electric guitar and small amp, and draw comics but it could be awhile till any of that is sellable. i also like to do stand up comedy.

I am getting food stamps but no other actual income. I don't really want to start working anywhere traditional (i havent worked in ~9 years). I don't have any medical coverage.

I hate the cold and want to live somewhere warm like Nevada. Im not sure how this compares to a slab city type of thing in California - and warmer fall/winter is my main concern.

Anyway i hope i can someday make it all work and be mobile, and maybe visit non-southern states in the warmer months. I've only traveled to Colorado before and have never lived by myself.

All that being said I believe i'd be happy working and living by myself in a beautiful park - or maybe working at another workamping job if i get tired of park work.

any advice is appreciated and i know i'll keep reading this site and watching the vids. Thanks!  :)
Since you play the guitar,  you might try trying to sell music for everyone using music in their programs, even videos. I have done several for the weather channel. You won't get rich but its income. About your only expense is buying either a mixer or mixer software.  I went with the software route. You'll need headphones if you follow the rtr groups around to avoid the wrath of the non music lovers.
Welcome Cworl to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger
Try some busking. There is some money to be made out there. Living out of a van will keep your costs down while you are doing it. You might look into Maker Space locations to find some places to do work on a van. Lots of them have low cost memberships that can give you access to a full shop. ...And lots of hobbiests to answer questions and make suggestions.

Guy in the neighborhood never worked, and Army didn't collect social security back then, so now he has none.

People do live out of backpacks, or on the street- not just the homeless per se.
Wouldn't have to maintain the vehicle or learn about much of anything that way.