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Apr 4, 2011
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Hi everybody, <BR><BR>I just wanted to stop by and introduce myself. I have been living out of my Dodge van since February of 2010.&nbsp;It has been a crazy ride and a decision I&nbsp; never will regret. <BR><BR>&nbsp;I decided to move into my van because I needed a change and didn't know what else to do. I grew up in a very small rural&nbsp;town and rarely visited new places, so I've always wanted to explore the country and see what else is out there. According to society I should've graduated high school, gone to college and graduated with a degree and an overwhelming amount of debt like my peers, but&nbsp;I guess that plan&nbsp;just isn't appealing to me. I've always wanted to travel and to be free of the rat race, at least for the time being&nbsp;while I have&nbsp; no responsibilities, commitments, or obligations.<BR><BR>I have been stationary for a while but plan on hitting the road again soon, as my wanderlust is flaring up again. <BR><BR>So here I am. It's a pleasure to meet you all.<BR><BR><BR>
Welcome, Supergypsy. I think you will find that many of us here know that wanderlust feeling quite well! Welcome to the forum.
Bravo for you SuperGypsy---we've all been sold a bill of goods by an evil, corrupt system whose only goal is to enslave us...your words ring true and eloquent. Where are you geographically now?? Coming to you from the East Coast challenged subset of this incredibly fine and friendly board. I'm new too and you won't find nicer people elsewhere on the net...I speak from experience on that!!!<br><br>I'm a newbie too so I'll yield to the senior members that can actually help and inform and guide you. Good Luck!!<br><br>
<P>Hey SG!&nbsp; Welcome!&nbsp; </P>
Nice to meet you and Welcome SG!
Welcome, there is a hugh amount of information here.&nbsp; Ed<br>
<P>Thanks everybody for the welcoming words, good vibes, and information. I'm currently residing in CA. </P>