Hi, I'm Bob, owner of cheaprvliving.com.

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JB and Hilda. rather than go to far here, why don't you cut and paste the important parts of your post to your own thread&nbsp; on following your conversion. I will share some thoughts there<br><br>Cyndi, I wave back and Homer wags his tail to you in dirtville. We both miss you and stumpy very much!! The place has emptied out, just me, Dave, and Laurie.<br><br>Danelady, i wondered who that crazy person was blowing their horn!! Should have kown it was a crazy vandweller in training. Bob<br><br>
Hi Bob, Ed here, love the site, this is great. Although not stealth camping I bought a 36 foot trailer 5 years ago about the same time I discovered the "Workamper site" I landed my very first job in the Keys, SWEET! since then Ive worked 4 other jobs and I never regretted even for a moment my move. I'm retired now and I was looking to down size my rollin home for the passed few years. It's a little unnerving in traffic and hard to maneuver in parking lots. In searching for my next home on the net I ran across an article about your little home, I was hooked!&nbsp;For the passed week I've been reading your site and others to learn how this works and how I can make it work for me, what to build and buy. Oh yeah! really hooked &nbsp;<img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="https://vanlivingforum.com/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif">&nbsp;see ya on the road ... then maybe not I'll be in stealth mode. &nbsp;<img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="https://vanlivingforum.com/images/boards/smilies/cool.gif"><div><br></div>
Boy that was stupid, sent post message by accident, so lets try again! Welcome everybody!! I wrote less than half of the stories in the website and very few of them are about me, I just tell other peoples stories. Steve is the guy with the Saunder units and he has joined the forum, maybe he will post an answer. But, I'm sure they are much heavier than plastic shelf units. My guess is that most of our vans aren't that heavy so they can handle the extra weight, especially the 3/4 or 1 ton vans.<br><br>I used an ice chest for refrigeration for a very long time, but for about a year and a half I have been using a small Dometic 12 volt compressor freezer/fridge. I am very happy with it! It draws 35 watts/3 amps. And it has a very low duty cycle, meaning it only runs a few hours a day. I can easily power it with my solar panels. They are expensive, I paid $400 for it, but I figured it will pay for itself by not buying ice in a couple of years. Bob &nbsp; <br>
Hi Bob thanks for your efforts in creating this site of information.<BR>I'm a 41 single male without children,never married.I work full time for the transit authority here in NYC.Living just to pay bills is getting old and tired to me so I finally decided to go full time in a van that I hyave yet to buy (hopefully by april 2011).I'm not really forced into this way of living even though I am a bit over leveraged.<BR>I feel living in a van will be more focused and I wont be distracted by "things."I'm gonna give most of my&nbsp; stuff away to free will and friends/family and leave the rest in my brother's basement.The good thing is most of my furniture is at least 12 years old so it wasn't like I just bought it.I'm excited that I can save the money I was paying in rent.I can contribute more to my 457 and other investments.<BR>I plan on putting together a nice look and yet functional cargo type van to live in.Because I work for a huge company,I have access to rest rooms,refrigerators and microwaves.I will also have access to parking.To top it off my commuting time will be a walk of about 1 minute.I'm gonna join a gym to continue my passion of fitness and to be able to use the showers.<BR>I'm also a amateur bicycle racer and am stoked that I will be able to spend more time training for the races.<BR>&nbsp;I look forward to learning as much as I can from you fine folks.<BR>God Bless <BR>Rich<BR><BR>
Welcome Richfern. Nice to see you here. Please keep us posted on your progress.<br>Diane<br>
Bob huh??? Sounds vaguely familiar <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">

The forum looks great man! Just wanted to say "hi"! Hi to Homer too!
Hey folks and thanks Bob for the site. I am just getting started in this whole mobile living thing.<br><br>I retired from the military back in 1995 and have been at my second career for 15 years. The wife is moving up in the retail world and the kids are grown or almost out of high school. At 54 years come tomorrow, I find myself longing for the old days in the service of traveling, along with a lifelong dream to visit all 50 states. I came across this website, among others, while surfing for camping trailers and what not. I was intrigued and inspired.<br><br>I now have taken my first step and bought a van. I look forward to customizing it for my journeys and have a 2 year plan. The wife should be all corporate by then and bringing in the big bucks (and she hates "camping"), the kids will be in college (hopefully), and I can begin again. I plan to full time for 6-8 months and be here at home during the winters. My military retirement will cover my costs with maybe some work camping or internet business on the side. <br><br>Hopefully, once the wife decides to retire, we can go full time in a bigger rig and see America (with civilized attractions for her, of course). Just wanted to say hi and thanks for the retirement plan.<br><br>
Welcome Bob! There's a wealth of information here, and on blogs. There's another forum as well, but it's not really active. Not like this one at least. Check out my blog for links to a few other places.<br><br>Blogs are a great way to learn about this lifestyle as well, and help become better prepared, some talk more about their travels, while others are talking about how they're getting set up, while even more give a detailed explanation of the setup they have, and why.<br><br>You'll get great information here, and if there's something you're looking for or have an idea about, many here can point you in the right direction, and even provide links!<br><br><br>
Hi Bob! Thanks for creating and sharing this site. It has motivated me to move forward into being more frugal, independent and having the freedom we all deserve.
<P>Hi Bob.&nbsp; This is Ken Loeb in Owens Cross Roads, Alabama.&nbsp; I have been enjoying your pages for some time and just joined the Forum today.&nbsp; If I am still alive and well, I plan to be at the RTR in January.&nbsp; I live in a house with my wife and probably always will.&nbsp; However, my idea of a vacation is to jump into my little Scotty and take off alone.&nbsp; I do this at every opportunity.&nbsp; My Scotty can be seen at <A href="http://www.sawdust-and-yuks.com/scotty.htm" target=_blank>www.sawdust-and-yuks.com/scotty.htm</A>.&nbsp; I look forward to participating in the forum.&nbsp; Regards, Ken</P>
Welcome to the forum, Ken<br><br>I visited your site and saw what a great job you did bringing your Scotty back. Also took a look at some other Scottys linked there.<br><br>Was your A/C a factory install, and did you update with a later model?<br><br>Bob (aka stude53)<br>
Hey guys,I am new to the forum.I lived in my truck for almost 2 yrs.,I live in an apt. now but I am saving money now for a van.I am glad I found this site.It is very helpful with all of the info.<br>
I found a '76 chevy G-10 camper van for sale for $1200,it is set up with a sink,stove,and frig. from the factory.If I can scrape up enough to get it I will be happy.<br>
Hi.&nbsp; Old guy (64).&nbsp; Retired.&nbsp; Have wife, two dogs, lots of friends.&nbsp; Live remote and off-the-grid on an island up the BC coast.&nbsp; It is paradise 10 months of the year.&nbsp; For two months we travel.&nbsp; For decades it was in some kind of old RV-cum-van-cum-trailer or whatever.&nbsp; Thinking of 'doing' a step van next.&nbsp; 'Stealth'&nbsp; is very appealing.&nbsp; Love the idea, actually.&nbsp; Thinking: diesel, Grumman, dark paint, Bob's Septic Tank Cleaning sign on the side.........<br>
Hi, JDC ...Welcome!<br><br>You are a youngster. I'm retired, 72, married, two dogs, friends, family. Currently live on little farm in NC, small home.<br><br>My ideal getaway would be&nbsp;a Step Van, too. I've drawn up plans (taken a lot of ideas from folks here) and am watching for the right vehicle.<br><br>Like your stealth idea (but paint the top white to repel heat). Don't think you would have much problem with breakins with that signage (who would want your stinky stuff?).<br><br>Bob (aka stude53)<br>
Well, Stude, we think alike.&nbsp; Too bad.&nbsp; I am usually wrong!&nbsp; <br><br>Still, I sometimes get it right.&nbsp; Anyone here have suggestions as to where to get a good, old, diesel Grumman van?&nbsp; Because I am Canadian, I have to buy a vehicle 15 years old to avoid tax.&nbsp; That means 1996/97.&nbsp; And are they geared for the highway?&nbsp; I doubt it.&nbsp; Any sites where one can learn about vans and conversions?&nbsp; I have seen a few on 'converting' E-vans and such but I don't mean that.&nbsp; I mean: a site where someone has done a good job on a step van.&nbsp; By good job, I mean: bathroom, shower, stove, fridge and the basic modcons.&nbsp; TVs and such are not important but suspension mods are.&nbsp; Insulation is.&nbsp; The right tires.&nbsp; Drive ratio?&nbsp; Sound attenuation?&nbsp; <i><b>Stealth </b></i>tricks?&nbsp; <br>
Great forum Bob. &nbsp;I've only been here a few days, but I already love it here. &nbsp;Such a helpful community is rare to find on the internet.<div><br></div>
Hello all,&nbsp;<div>Welcome to the newcomers like me... (having read Bob's message) You are not alone. As I type this, I am now living out of my apartment. Although I am bunked down at my workplace at the moment (van not fully ready but the supplies and bed are in place), I am happy to be able to read all your posts and it gives me encouragement to follow this path. It will be a slow one for me. I just moved all my stuff out of my apartment today. Good luck with everyone and may you be safe in your travels.</div><div><br></div><div>--Rod</div>
Hello all<div>&nbsp;I am a 28yr old&nbsp;sheet metal&nbsp;fabricator.</div><div>&nbsp;I was forced into living in my&nbsp;Tahoe&nbsp;two years ago and loved it. Never had so much fun. Most of the time just stayed in my work parking lot. After my family found out i was pressured into moving back into an apartment and hated it no freedom. So i have decided to get back into Van living at the&nbsp;beginning&nbsp;of next year. Right now i have a&nbsp;Subaru&nbsp;forester hah not the biggest but i have a layout started and there is just enough room for a few months to get some money together to buy a van. Hope to have some good conversations with everybody here.</div>

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