Hi Vickie,<br>Good to see you here.........hope to see you on the road one day....I love your humor and quick wit....<br>Bri<br><br>
<div><br></div><div>YAY!<img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="https://vanlivingforum.com/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif"> she's HERE!!!!!!!</div>VanFan said:Hi. This is Vickie from Vandwellers. I'm pretty sure I first learned about Vandwellers on this site, which continues to be a wonderful resource. The forum looks great!<br><br>I have a van, but don't live in it. I like knowing that I could and dream about traveling and/or camping more often.<br><br>
<br><br>I bought my windows off Ebay, where they are inexpensive and plentifull. I was amazed at how many were available. I bought a pair of brand new windows with a dark tint for $200 ($100 each) I needed them to be tall and thin to fit between the ribs. Mine are 18x36 and open vertically. I am very happy with them. I installed them myself. It isn't nearly as hard as you may think. You hold the inside trim up to the trailer and trace it onto the wall. Then you cut it out with a jigsaw. It isn't that hard. You will have to buy some butyl tape to apply to the window where it is screwed in, put the window in and drive screws in to hold it. I think it took me a couple hours each. Bob<br><br>Are windows expensive to put in a cargo trailer. russ