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Well-known member
Aug 11, 2018
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My name is Mike I've been lurking around in the background for a couple years:) I'm 59 years old and I'm a Nomad in Waiting! For several years I've been plotting my Nomad Life but have been held back due to family issues my Dad 82 and we have a roommate  Alzheimer for the last 10 years Alzheimer has controlled our Lives encouraging dad to take long walks to surprise me He even convinced my dad that I'm a friend and not His son:( Alzheimer is always lurking making our lives difficult. Mom recently moved close to me and has a few issues that she needs help with.  I honestly Love Caring for them and so Happy they are in my life! I have a brother who doesn't help at all its kinda of funny I was always the Free Spirit traveling and living on the road because of my work I was able to visit and stay in many difrant cities from Maine to Florida I have been pretty much grounded for last 15 years which will change I just don't know when.
I hope to be sharing my plans and such here.
I have 1994 Chevy Suburban that I'm converting into a Stealth Camper I also have a 1999 GMC Vandora which eventualy be my home but for know I will be using the Suburban for short trips.
Anyway I hope to hear from some of you guys and looking forward to reading all the great information on this site.
Thanks Bob & Friends!Peace & Blessings


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Welcome to the CRVL forums, Mike! A number of us are or have taken responsibility for our parents welfare. So, besides having a community of nomads here, you also have a community of caregivers dreaming of life on the road.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Hello Mike,

Belated, Welcome to the Forum. I, also, took care of an elderly parent for 5 years , (mother, 87 died in March). I thought I would be free to leave shortly after her passing, but I did not anticipate the psychology processing on finally being in charge of my own life. I had dreams, a tentative plan, and asperations, even having bought an older Class A to hit the road in. In those 5 years, I lost me. I had to re-examine who I was and what I thought, determine what it was I wanted, not what was available to me in the framework of those 5 years of service. I thought she had 2-3 left, when she died suddenly. I had no even finished the solar on my RV roof. At 63, life goes on. I think my learning curb would have been better had a made even a half a day, once a week, just for me (and ignoring the impulse that every fire truck I passed on the road was heading to my house). Yeah, make time for yourself, and let the chips fall where they may, so you can survive the loss of a parent with less impact. Should be heading out of Florida 1 December towards the 2019 RTR. Maybe I will see you there?

Florida Black Bear
Florida Black Bear
Thank you for your response. I'm sorry for the loss of your Mom I don't think we are really ready to lose a parent age is just a number on a piece of paper, and it's so hard to plan as a caregiver because your dream means the passing of one of the most important people in our lives, I have been working on my build a old Chevy Suburban and when I start thinking of my new life two things come to mind

1) I'm a Bad person to be thinking of life after my parents pass because it's as if I'm hoping for it to happen sooner rather than later. (which isn't true)
2) Blaming my circumstance's for not being able to re-start my life and not being happy.

For quit a few years I have been wanting to be a Nomad and really think I would enjoy the life style. Your wise comment about taking time for your self and having that "Me" Time is right on and while I have limitations as to what I can do I'm going to be more active on forums like CRVL to at least try and build a foundation of information and even new friends.

I can see how the adjustment after you get your life back and have full control can be scary it brings to mind how some Prisoners feel when released and actually do a crime to go back to jail it might not be perfect but its our comfort zone. Actually selling everything and moving in to a 4 wheel home is really traumatic no matter how many videos & Blogs we have watched.
Sorry for the long responce
Peace & Blessings