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gretchen kennedy

New member
Sep 28, 2020
Reaction score
I am not yet on the road but hope to be within a years time. I am a nurse by trade but gave that up after working for two years in Kotzebue AK . Presently I am working as a gardener, and love it, but know soon I will not be physically able to do it professionally. I will be 70 in January. I collect social security and would be unable to afford an average apartment, let alone a house on my social security income. For the past two years I have felt anxious about that since I do not own a home and am renting a small cabin here in CT. I pay 400.00 a month rent, plus utilities and buy wood  for 225.00 a cord to burn in the winter. I have not had water in my cabin since the first week of June. I have a back up outhouse which is a blessing. CT has had draught conditions all summer and the cabin I rent does not have a well, just a hole in the ground  / ground water catchment. I don't tell you this as a victim. Not at all. I tell you because I believe Im a great candidate to live on the road!!!! I need to get myself a rig as I presently own a toyota highlander with 165,000 miles on it. On Oct 7th I will be headed to NM in that care and have been looking at utube videos and outfitting the car so I can attempt living out of it during this trip. I look forward to getting to know this community. Thank you!
Welcome to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
Take care of the required maintenance on that Toyota and it will last you a long time. Ours went over 250,000 miles yesterday and we are expecting to get 350,000 miles out of it. What will you do in New Mexico as it gets pretty cold there as well? Lots of easy seasonal jobs around (in my case I call them “old man jobs” like shuttle drivers, night desk and clerk front desk jobs). Take a look at Coolworks.com for sources and ideas. Welcome, life will be easy if you can stay healthy so be careful traveling. Lots of older people pulling small trailers or using company housing to get by.
Welcome to the form Gretchen. Going to be quite a change from New England to the desert. Sounds like you can handle it. If you have time there’s a lot to see on the way west. Stick around this forum there’s a lot of nice people here. I’m not one of them I’m rotten. But the rest are OK. God bless the nomads everyone.
Safe travels! Good time to get moving before the real cold. It would be good if you could travel with one other person to sort of watch out for each other is my first thought. Keep connected here as likely there is someone most places if you should run into trouble. Like said, keep up on maintenance on both you and vehicle. Still a lot of good people out there!
Welcome Gretchen, we are glad you're here!
You have a long trip planned ahead, so good luck with your preparations, and happy travels!
Welcome to the CRVL Forum   :)

I would imagine that with your gardening experience you could find niche jobs to supplement your income.
Just pruning alone especially with fruit trees keep you busy in a non pro category.  With some Garden Planning
software you could do Garden Designs.  But I'll leave that up to you.  In the meanwhile let me offer you to look thru
the two sites below.   The bottom one may be of most value to you.   It's a portal of handy info and links to make life more convenient, safe, and comfortable as you go on the road. 

All the best !

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